This is an MMA Profile/Blog. I am going to post interviews of ANYONE having ANYTHING to do with MMA... I'm not here to make everyone EQUAL but, I'm here to give EVERYONE an EQUAL OPPORTUNITY to be heard... on the subject of MMA... I AM NOT ONLY going to interview Fighters. And I AM NOT just going to interview WELL-KNOWN fighters...
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42: Mikey Burnett
41: Mike Ciesnolevicz
40: Shayna Baszler
39: Rory Singer
38: Steve Mazzagatti
37: Tim and Cujo
36: Brian
35: Sona Riofrio
34: Antonio McKee
33: UFC 74 Recap
32: Rich Clementi
31: Josh Rabedeaux
30: Anthony Figueroa
29: Bobby Friend
28: John Doyle
27:Thomas Denny,UFC74 Picks
26: TG,Cujo,Vegas,Tim
25: Chris Botelho
24: Alan Stamp, Bobby Friend
23: Charlie Kohler, Nate Lamotte
22: Steve "Cujo" w/Rhonda
21: Tim Credeur, Joe Camacho
20: News, Sherdog Rankings
19: Mike Brown
18: Lance Thompson, News
17: Gabe Ruediger
16: Matt Yeary, Rankings
15: Duke Roufus, Rankings
14: Josh Burkman
11: Jamie Varner
10: Lana Lethal Stefanac
9: LC Davis & Bobby Friend
8: James Lee
7: Mike Cook
6: Lethal Lee Gibson
5: Demi Hard 2 Handle
4: WEC Results breakdown
4: WEC Live Part 2
4: WEC Live Part 1
3: IFL Semi Finals and WEC
2: Dewey Black Cobra Cooper
1: Welcome to the Season Subscribe to MMA Discussions Radio