There's more pics of me at MY PHOTOBUCKET. Over 220. I look pretty good now, so I might as well enjoy it as old age is creeping up on me.
Hi. I'm Alyanna.
I'm a former professional tennis player. I only play sparingly now. I currently sit in an office and fuck around all day for my paycheck.
Unless you live around the Phoenix area and want to have some fun (boys or girls), please don't bother me about personal things. I'm very secretive.
I'm a very difficult person to get along with. I'm extremely paranoid, and have no trust in you.
I hate sarcasm. I hate jokers. I hate people who are overly friendly. I hate people who try to change me. Just be yourself and I probably won't hate you.
I hate people with a lot of shit on their profile. Especially when you can't read anything on their page. That's why mine is simple. Yet, still pretty. I love tennis.
I will eternally be single because I never see myself being able to live my entire life with one person.
I don't believe in love. There's only infatuation.
I only have a Top 4, because. I like those people. They're very nice and sweet to me. Unfortunately, most people are not this way. Always trying to bring me down. And their efforts are always for naught. As I am strong.
I like lots of picture comments. Because I'm insecure. Or something.
Please don't leave comments with large pics on my main page. It fucks stuff up. Thank you.
There's more pics of me at CLICKIES. Over 220. I look pretty good now, so I might as well enjoy it as old age is creeping up on me.