LIARSENIC[Absentimental] profile picture


Please, Push My Buttons, So i Can Punch Yours

About Me

My layout got deleted, or disappeared... either way.. it's not here, and I'm to busy to make a new one.... so deal with it. :-)
so my name... Steve
I'm currently and quite literally in college or some junk like that.
Culinary Major
I'm also a professional super hero.

that's right....

.. a super-de-duper hero. But if i told you which super hero, i would then be giving up my ability to have an alter ego. Yes thats right, all i have to do is change into normal clothes, and move my hair a bit, and you will have no idea who i am.
so anyways...
your reading this to find out about me I'm sure. so here goes.
I love muziQ. ..without music i would honestly be lost.
I love martial arts. ..anything to place a higher meaning on life, a never ending learning experience. Where the learning curve is only as extensive as your willingness and devotion
I'm really into...
..Girls. Women. Chicks. Bitches... and whatever else you kids call them these days. I like to have someone, but I'm picky. I've probably been cheated on more times than you've had Domino's Pizza delivered.
..I'm also into tattoos and peircings, though i don't have any tattoos right now, i will, don't you worry about it.
last but not least...
I'm interested in meeting anyone, so drop me a comment, send a message anything really. I'd love to hear from you.

My Interests