As we look at the world around us to find our place in it, it soon becomes clear to us. There is no way we can go on like this. There are no fish left in any sea, the atmosphere itself is falling apart, the forests are being eaten by our machines and we drill deep into the core of our mother only to drain her of life. Truly it can't be far now, it can't be far 'til we will find out the hard way that money can't be eaten. The sheets of paper and the coins serve no purpose other than being an excellent tool for our oppression of eachother and the rest of the planet. Money is infact a weapon used against us.
It's in a world like this, full of murderers and victims, violence and death, rape and theft, that we seek freedom, life and peace. And how can one call oneself peaceful if the food on your plate had to have it's throat slit before you could eat it? How can you call yourself free if your feelings of freedom and happiness are fabricated by some or other form of narcotics? We have no intention of making life more grey and mundane by bombarding our minds with fake emotions, or taking any of the real ones away. The only high we need is ourselves, or more precisely, life itself.
So here, at our eleventh hour, we need eachother more than ever. If we are to stand any chance of saving this or any part at all of this world for our grandchildren we have to change. When we look up to face the world, it's with our eyes wide open. When we clear our throats to tell you that this has to stop; Ya basta! No passaran! Then it's not some teen-trend gone tomorrow, it's not some moodswing. It's nothing that'll dissapear if we just get some sleep or give it some thought. Not only did we give it some thought, we lived it and tried it for too long and can't find any other way out but change. If we keep this up everything we know and hold dear will die, die by our own hands, our own actions.
No more death in name of life, only life in the name of life.
i changed my "top friends" thingy to a bands i like thingy. too many people, too little space. love you all.