Alienacja R.I.P. profile picture

Alienacja R.I.P.


About Me

The band was founded in 1997, BUT NOW IS DEAD. Weve definitely had a good time with almost all of you, Thanks!Discography:Early tapes: "Swiadomosc upadku" (split with ALJOTH, N.I.C. 1997) "Glod Smierci" (Qrwa sistema 1998) Cds: "...In my eyes" (Hackle Records, 2002). Blades Shall Speak (Lifeline Records, 2006).Bio: In the beginning, we played a kind of crusty/grindy style of metal. Over the last two years weve gotten more into a really heavy and aggressive style in the vein of As Blood Runs Black, Heaven Shall Burn, Six Reasons To Kill, The Black Dahlia Murder,Morbid Angel and All Shall Perish. Presently, the band was lately a five piece with different musical tastes. We share our ideas and opinions about music, and how we want to create it (you can hear it in our sound, definitely!). We like all different kinds of music, because every type played with passion, anger, or love deserves to be noticed. We choose Death/Metalcore to express the way we feel and exist in today's world. We are involved in political/vegetarian/vegan and/or SxE matters. We are not a bunch of metal heads (although we grew up with this music).Check out our new album- Alienacja released their new, killer full length BLADES SHALL SPEAK on LIFELINE RECORDS, June 2006 PURCHASE OUR NEW ALBUM VIA: US VIA :

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My Interests


Member Since: 7/16/2005
Influences: All Shall Perish,SLAYER, Morbid Angel, Purified In Blood, Black Dahlia Murder, As Blood Runs Black, Heaven Shall Burn, Dying Fetus, As i Lay Dying, Carcass, Bleeding Through, Cannibal Corpse, Killswitch Engage, Megadeth, old Metallica, Iron Maiden...
Sounds Like: H.S.B., The Black Dahlia Murder, Morbid Angel, late Carcass
Record Label: Lifeline
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


W tym natloku informacji rozmywa sie i znika sprawa bardzo wazna, która chcemy podkreslic bardzo wyraznie.Zespól to nie ja, tylko 5 osób, kazdy decydujac sie na gre w nim, bierze na siebie wspólne zob...
Posted by Alienacja R.I.P. on Sat, 03 Mar 2007 10:36:00 PST

Alienacja R.I.P. (English)

Hello.With this day Alienacja cease to exist. Even if from the outside it was looking like everything is on the best way up as we see it has nothing to do with reality. 'Statement' below is a try to d...
Posted by Alienacja R.I.P. on Tue, 27 Feb 2007 02:31:00 PST

Alienacja R.I.P.

Czesc.Z dniem dzisiejszym zespól Alienacja przestaje istniec. Choc na zewnatrz moglo sie wydawac ze zespól jest na jak najlepszej drodze to jak widac nie mialo to nic wspólnego z rzeczywistoscia.Poniz...
Posted by Alienacja R.I.P. on Tue, 27 Feb 2007 10:01:00 PST