Herr Melin profile picture

Herr Melin

Pretentiösa Prestations Problem

About Me

Kalaschnikov, Sinnes, Molotov cocktails, The 60 bus, Fontän, Samplers, Creativity, Pesto, Inkasso, Family, Polanski, Planet Earth, Sundays, Kubrick, Koyanisqatsi, Masthugget.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Myself for a quick session of bitchslapping.


Minimal, Mediumal or Maximal


Koyanisqatsi, The Pianist, 2001 A Space Oddysey, The Fearless Vampire Killers, Festen (The Celebration), The Pusher Trilogy, Princess Mononoke, Wallace & Gromit, A Shot In The Dark, The Party, Dark Days, Pans Labyrinth, Apocalypse Now, Where Eagles Dare, Bladerunner, Rosemarys Baby....


BBC Planet Earth, Lost, Faktum, Kobra, BBC The Blue Planet, Ibiza Uncovered, Lasermannen...yeah yeah, anyway, I mostly watch documentaries...


Non-Fiction or Super-Fiction


People that get things done.