I enjoy going to the threatre & fine dining. I like to see live rock concerts & good old pub bands. I like the idea of listening to Jazz in the Hunter Valley wine growing region.I am content being on the internet with people or playing simulated or adventure games on the PC to playing Sony games. I like watching Discovery & National Geographics. I like watching the amazing engineering marvels of the world on Foxtel also. Anything of knowledge, to learn more about anything interests me...sponge brian.
All my friends here...how is that for a suck-up. Seriously wouldn't it be cool if we did meet the friends I don't already know. I want to thank all the people whom have never met me and joined me.As you may all I have a mixture of people as friends. The reason I searched for you or accepted your invites are as follows: I always enjoy listening to music I have a collection of over 500 CDs so of various genres. I wanted to include people who are involved with the music industry.Aussies I can realte to when it comes to the state of affairs and general interests in our beautiful country. International people to share knowledge, experiences & culture from their various countries.Celebrities, well like musicians they have fascinated me for many years. When someone requests to join me I accept them for just asking me, if I find out they are just to give me or my friends a hard time then I will delete them...that has not happened yet so all is good. Well there you have the reasons for my "choice of friends".Other people I would like to meet: Are people who make a difference to the lives of others who are ill or struggling in life. Unconditionally assisting people less fortunate is truely gracious.
Numerous genres & musos. I have always enjoyed listing to music. From the gutsy drums & guitars of hard rock band to soothing classical tones. Generally my mood dictates the music I play.
The Whole Wide World, The Sound Of Music & many more
All the Law & Orders All the CSIs Discovery & National Geographics.
Anything on chemistry, anatomy & physiology and many other sciences.
I have no heros...perse: Unsung heroes who trying to make a difference to someone's life in their everyday work, whether paid or volunteered. People who are constantly trying to find cures to terminal illnesses, SIDS, AIDS...there are many I can name. How many of us are affected by the loss of someone we love or know due to a disease or sydrome and felt helpless cause we could not prevent that loss.People who have found and gained strength in themselves or their high power to overcome addiction recovery along with family and friends who have endured the same journey down the same path all to many are familiar with...