an dree ah profile picture

an dree ah


About Me

Sometimes I am creating arty theatre and being brilliant and beautiful, and sometimes I am watching reruns of Everybody Loves Raymond in my underwear and laughing out loud. Depends.

My Interests

Making yummy foods, laughing really hard, crying, eating, taking a shower, improvisational comedy, improvisational tragedy (its just getting off the ground, not a wide audience yet) and mocking.

I'd like to meet:

Just the most wonderful people in the world. Especially people of the smart, exciting, intelligent, charming, funny, smart, clever variety. Peoples who are sarcastic and biting on the outside, sweet, devoted and honest on the inside. People with issues, and problems and addictions and pathologies. People with rap sheets. But no people with tattoos. Tattoos are for bad people. Unless they are tattoos of fairies. Then they are okay.


Never touch the stuff


Yeah, I watch em.


I like other people's television. I like to stay up all night appreciating someone else's TiVo, cable, satalite or otherwise superior tv. I have 5 channels. And they all suck.


I have not read a book in like oh I dunno six months or something and I'm getting stupider all de time. What should I read? tell me. Or better yet, give me it. You're done. gimme gimme.



My Blog

Banana Pudding

Hi Person reading my blog. It's not much of a b LOG since I only write in it once a year. And since so one reads it, well I guess it's more of a diary. but any way. For Posterity:Make vanilla pud...
Posted by an dree ah on Sat, 24 May 2008 10:26:00 PST

Super Porky chop

Hi KiddiesI just made prok chops. Why might this interest anyone other than my cat, Agnes, who got one little piece with some really nice fat? Well, I am something of a practicioner of improvisationa...
Posted by an dree ah on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 10:19:00 PST