Nothing Long:(Digital Junkey)Dj Blaktalent - No Ordinary Dj - Started out in graphic designz, done the whole art school college thing, worked for various companys, got bored, moved into 2d Animation,worked for more companys and got even more bored plus made redundant, done the street hussle ting while djing & playing sound systems in and around London, made money spent even more..street ting started to get real outta hand so had to go live out in the garrison for a little while(JA).Came back on some more street shit and decided this had to change or i'd end up in male incarciration,(prison dude)not a place to be if you like the company of beautiful women, like Tu-Pac would say "hulla if you hear me" anywayz, decided to go uni and study 3d Animation & Video Production, glad to say i passed with honors, so now i'm at uni decided i wern't going to work for no more companys, fuck em, i'd start my own,encourperating everything i love doing, music,animation and video productionz, hey presto, ONEUPPRODUCTIONZ NEW MEDIA ENTERTAINMENT was born, PRODUCED ONE VOLUME OF A BI MONTHLY DVD NAMED BTEtV (BLAKTALENT ENT)and haven't been able to produce vol2 all now, as i've been busy giving that oneupproduction flava to other companys and organizations, so there it, so if you need that oneupproductionz get@me for all things digital - graphic designz - 3d animationz - video productionz etc etc......
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