Robot Pi Merchandise is now available online through Cafe Press. Check out the Banner below to see some sweet threads, buttons, and other products with Robot Pi on them. Also, we are always designing more stuff, so if you want a certain product with a different logo on it, send it to me and I will get it into our online store! The store will be changing periodically until I get our favorite designs. Thanks for supporting Robot Pi!!!
Our 16-track debut album, "Elephant’s Gerald", recorded and mixed by the illustrious Matt Remine, is available for sale right here on our myspace. You can purchase the whole album for $8.99, or purchase track by track... whatever fits your mood. We will have our 101 song album, titled "101 reasons why..." available for sale at shows soon!
Thanks Rob for this wonderful video below:
Through trial and error, Robot Pi has written about 40 songs to publicly perform to the masses since 2004. We started in a bedroom at Carol’s, moved to the basement when Mykey lived with Kristi, and now the sky is the limit!
We perform all over the Peninsula at various venues, and have performed with tons of bands. Some of those bands include: Mos Generator, Bacchus, 3D Witch Hunt, Paundy, Pleaseeasaur, Secede, FreeJail, Super Happy Story Time Land, O.B.1, and Kaskadia.
Come to our shows and watch us parade around in front of your very eyes, acting like the village idiots, singing songs of greatness and songs about breakfast foods. Check out our friends list and listen to the other bands we’ve done shows with, and local bands from our area.
Thanks and check in often for updates!