/Born in southern California, I moved around most of my life until I landed back in So. Cal in 1995. The last 10 years or so have felt like an entire lifetime. The direction of my life has shifted many times and I have felt as though I was going to be swallowed up by the opinions that I placed on the world around me. What I did not know then, is that I was searching for a way out of a life that I had created- one that had left me feeling totally empty.
I have come to realize that pain is an excellent transformational tool. The teachers that I have had over the years have shown me that only when a person is at the point where they feel that they can't take another step and the pain feels like it will swallow you up, does the real transformation begin.
Coming to terms with whatever the pain was about and walking through it, knowing with absolute certainty that everything would be o.k., has been a most amazing exercise in character development. I understand now that the suffering does not have to happen. Lack of acceptance to what is causes the pain. Disassociation to the opinion stops it. The beauty of it all is that it has landed me right where I am now, in this moment, with a deeper understanding of what life is all about and a more complete sense of self- along with the realization that what I had been searching for has always been right here.
I stand now, with a pretty simplistic outlook on life. I try to approach each new moment with a childlike wonderment and to consciously unlearn what has been handed down over the years. I spend more time looking to see what I can do to help the world around me instead of being the center of it. I see every situation that arises in my life as an opportunity to be totally transparent and to grow. Though I fall short from time to time, the awareness remains constant. I am learning that, for the most part, we all have the same wants and desires, just in varying degrees.
Love and Light are the through lines with EVERYTHING! Where's your Love? Where's your Light?
My wish for you is that you will listen to that faint voice that lies within your self and trust it. That is the real you.