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Right! makes Might! there in, is my Power: Servant of God / Master of Reality

About Me

Hello! I am Christopher Dale Church, Yes! That is my real name. I have nothing to hide, nor, am I fearful of anything or anyone. I am Servant of God and Master of Reality: Right makes Might, there in, lies my Power. My destiny is manifesting: Teacher Vocalist Actor Politician, to keep myself busy I am returning to College after being disabled with a spinal injury for 8 years. God has miraculously healed me thus I am resuming my practice of Martial Arts and will soon explore in interest in Gymnastics. Note to Police/ Law Enforcement/ Government/ MySpace Officials, etc.: I am a Christian who believes in non-violent resistance to the current world system, as well as, the power of God's judgment falling with extreme force on all who are in league with Satan. I am NOT a terrorist, a bigot, or any other such thing. I AM a Patriot and Servant of God. If the time comes when the New World Order seeks to force us to accept microchip implants, or if a full Police State emerges those promoting it will be stricken with various forms of diseases, powerful Men of God will come forth to chop their heads off. Judgement is already falling. Do NOT mistake me for something I'm not and do not even think of questioning me or impeding me in anyway, shape, or form.
You scored as A Too Sweet Faerie. So sweet your totally sugared up! Has there ever been anyone so nice. Quick to forgive and quick to forget, everybody wants to know you! You've just got to make sure nobody takes advantage and tries to use you, don't be afraid to say no sometimes!

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A Too Sweet Faerie


A Too Kinky Faerie


A Too Silly Faerie


A Too Sporty Faerie


A Too Serious Faerie


A Too Lazy Faerie


A Too Depressed Faerie


A Too Evil Faerie


A Too Astral Faerie

Which Dysfunctional Faerie are You?
created with QuizFarm.com___Spiritual Enlightenment Why I became and remain a Christian by Christopher Dale Church As a young man, ten years of age, I first heard and understood the Gospel. The Holy Spirit moved upon my inner being and I accepted Jesus Christ as my Personal Savior. This provided me with a beautiful and wonderful transformation of my human spirit. One major motivation for me to become born again was, what I call, fire insurance. I didn’t want to fry, as all those who don’t know God, who are not Christians, are destined to, in hell. As we know, all people are separated from the One True Living God by their basic evil nature. This separation, after our life here on earth, will be extremely torturous like unto burning. Jesus, the only born, Son of God, took our place, paid the penalty for our evil. Thus, if we receive Him, we can receive the benefits of His rightful place: God’s power in this world, eternal life force, and glorification forever. Being saved restores one to the original condition, humans were created to be; we then, and only then, become Children of God. Before one accepts Christ, God is very clear, we are none of His. I had taken the first step.____Salvation is a process: justification, sanctification, and glorification. I, as a ten-year-old, became, justified by accepting and professing the sacrifice that Jesus Christ made. At ten, I hadn’t committed any major sins. In fact, even before my conversion, I was unusually well behaved and moral. However our righteousness is as filthy rags, God tells us. I put it this way, when interacting with the whole foolish human morality/goodness concept: There are two glasses set before you. One is full of urine from an A.I.D.S. victim. The other is full of pure sparking drinking water, except for one drop of A.I.D.S. urine. Which do you want to drink? The answer is neither one. That’s how God views evil. A lot or a little it’s all the same to Him. Yes! from our perspective there are good and bad people. Still to the Holy God we are all tainted.___So, I started out as a Christian with two impediments. One: not having done anything really evil, from a human standpoint. And two: accepting the Lord partially out of fear: to escape eternal damnation. I must say for myself a lot of why I accepted Christ’s sacrifice was out of respect for what he went through, also wanting to have a right relationship with God. Yet, still, a major motivator was fear based. When one is fear instead of love motivated, and human nature hasn’t manifested to any great extent, sanctification can be impeded. ___ When I became a teenager I began to drink booze, smoke marijuana, and dabble in some other drugs. I engaged in promiscuous premarital sex. At sixteen I dictated to my parents that my, 23year old girl friend, would be moving in with me. I dishonored my parents, stole, vandalized, sold drugs, enacted vengeance, and really, did whatever I felt like doing at any particular time. I probably would have even killed people, and got away with it, if anybody would have angered me to warrant it. Through it all I never rejected the Lord or started worshiping the Devil or anything. In fact, I witnessed to many, and won some people, to the Lord Jesus Christ, most of who, would have never listened, if I wasn’t hip and able to relate. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to rationalize sin: God always turns around what Satan means for evil unto good for those that love Jesus. However, sucking down a whole bunch of drugs and alcohol destroys ones body and mind. Having sex outside of marriage seems all exciting and great for a while but leads to broken relationships, emotional turmoil, and perhaps even disease or death. ____At 18 God called me out of all that by giving a vision/dream. I saw myself walking along an old road. I looked up. There was Jesus suffering on the cross. In my mind and spirit, I fell down, overwhelmed by love, compassion, and thankfulness. Yet my body began to climb up on the cross. I thought stop, Stop, STOP!, don’t!, do this. My body would not respond. It kept going. I was inside myself, yet I was viewing all this from afar, as well. It’s difficult to explain. Anyway, I climbed up grabbed the Lord around the neck and forced a joint of weed up to his lips. He, already gasping for breath, was forced to inhale the toxic smoke. He gagged and coughed. No! I wanted to stop this blasphemy but could not. I forced a bottle of booze up to him. As he tried to spit it out, the alcohol pored into all the gaping open wounds, causing him to wrench with even more pain. At this point I could bare it no longer I snapped back into the present physical realm. Sobbing I cried out why? I knew I could, would, or should never do such a thing. That’s when the Inner Witness enlightened me: “…this in reality, is what you’re doing… as a believer your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit…” Therefore I quit it and tried the best I could to live holy. The Lord completely restored my mind and body.___When I went to college, even though I’m Dyslexic, I graduated with a 3.7 GPA, Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society. Actually I would have had a 4.0 if it hadn’t been for some philosophical differences I had with a few incompetent professors. These achievements were miraculous because I have a “learning disability” and had been pretty burnt out from intense partying from ages 13 to 18. God totally restored me. Actually I’m, better than I was, Better! Stronger! Faster! Testing way high on IQ tests, my score has been deleted here to cut back on bragging, Not! I last tested 179IQ, genius level is 125 and above. ___Through the years, I began to know God more intimately. My ‘fire insurance’ motivation is gone, as I walk ever closer to the Lord. This is sanctification. Part of that three-stage process, I referred to earlier, which, can be analogized as a person walking down a hallway with a door at both ends. Accepting and professing Jesus Christ’s sacrifice (justification) is opening one door, only the first part. Sanctification(being set apart), living life following God’s will, is walking down the hallway, we must put effort in to it, God acknowledges this and does the rest. This fact is very important, the first part of Salvation is a transformation of spirit. We work in conjunction with God for the transformation of our minds and bodies{sanctification}. Glorification, only happens when we meet the Lord at the end of temporal life. That door opens to us Christians. Jesus said “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes unto the Father except through me”. The other impediment, the not having done much wrong thing, was obviously done away with when I became A teenager. Please don’t ever think that you need to learn the hard way. If your glass of water has become purified, go with the flow of God. I went on for more than 8 years without drugs and alcohol. Sometimes I would stumble a little, in the flesh, sexually with girl friends, emotionally with anger, or spiritually with judgmentalism. Yet I lived quite holy and accomplished a lot.
You scored as Christianity. Your views are most similar to those of Christianity. Do more research on Christianity and possibly consider being baptized and accepting Jesus, if you aren't already Christian.Christianity is the second of the Abrahamic faiths; it follows Judaism and is followed by Islam. It differs in its belief of Jesus, as not a prophet nor historical figure, but as God in human form. The Holy Trinity is the concept that God takes three forms: the Father, the Son (Jesus), and the Holy Ghost (sometimes called Holy Spirit). Jesus taught the idea of instead of seeking revenge, one should love his or her neighbors and enemies. Christians believe that Jesus died on the cross to save humankind and forgive people's sins.


















Which religion is the right one for you? .. src=
created with QuizFarm.com___While attending Binghamton University, I messed up. My friend Ziad had this big chunk of hash (concentrated marijuana). I knew it, and wasn’t tempted in the least. Then Theresa Daily, this woman who was supposed to be a Christian, had been giving me, a head-games, up and down, emotional soul rape for three years. You see, as is the case with so many hyper-religious people, Theresa wasn’t really in tune with the Lord at all. She would tell me “I’ll never love you as much as I love God”. Later Jesus helped me heal by revealing the ridiculousness of such statements. There are completely different types of love, between the Lord and His children, A husband and wife, children and parents, friends, etc… What! did she want to be a Deo-sexual(?). Did she want me to be jealous of our own Creator or think I wanted to be worshiped(?). Other languages use multiple terms to describe different types of love. One can love God with every fiber of their being and love others just as much, in different ways, they’re different forms of love. Loving God multiplies your love for others not limits or excludes it. Also, under the pretense of remaining a virgin, she would let me perform cunnilingus on her with no reciprocation. She, was intensely satisfied, I was immensely frustrated. I could have respected limiting contact to kissing and holding hands, but if you go that far, honey you’re not a virgin, not even close. Even worse than the fornication, was the one sided selfishness in the activity. She played it the same way emotionally as well. Upon one of Theresa’s visits, the relationship ended harmfully and I broke down. At the college pub I guzzled down several beers then went home. “Hey! Zzziad my brother let’s smoke some hash.” I got so wasted, over the succeeding months, I forgot about, all the coughing, choking, lung problems, vomiting, hangovers, etc, which go along with the partying life style. I forgot about Theresa too, at least temporarily. Unfortunately I suppressed what God had taught me years before, about His temple. ___One funny story that came out of that situation was Later in the semester, I was tabling, in the student union, for my pro-life group. Next to my table, that day, was the democratic socialist’s table. I looked over at the young lady minding her table next to me. And said “ Unity, unity, we should have unity”. I jumped up and pulled our two tables together, saying to her. “I’ll place some of my stuff over on your table. And here we’ll put some of your pamphlet on my table.” Well, if you know anything about democratic socialists, you know they advocate everything from vile communism to murdering babies. So we had literature about respecting babies lives next to abortionist stuff and pro-communist tracts next to papers written about how America was degenerating by killing the unborn. We both sat there in this pipe-dream of fragile unity for quite sometime. Then some of the demi-socialist hierarchy came along and freaked out. One femi-nazi said “What’s this *#@%! doing here?” Then they spastically threw all the righteous info’ back on my table and grabbed their stuff. I just laughed. I’ll stop now, I don’t want to get too political here. If you’ve murdered, or advocate murdering, babies don’t let that keep you from Christ, especially for you, he is your only hope. Refer to appendix (A) for a short story, which is an amalgam, of my some college experiences. ___I messed up and started to do some wild things. On the positive side, as in my teen years, I was in a place, able to relate to people that were worldly and visa versa. I learned some valuable concepts in the realm of government that I couldn’t see as a devout Republican. Still, as God has said, we believers are in the world not of it. As a Christian I started to get caught up in some harmful activities. It was not healthy. My grades dropped and things turned bleak. God is good. He will forgive again and again, if we’re not playing games and turn away from evil. He showed his grace on me and I repented, praise be to the Lord Jesus Christ. ___God is so very loving and caring. He is wonderful. Even as I write this, I know I’m making mistakes, sharing some of my history that maybe I shouldn’t. Perhaps I’m leaving out issues, showing forth too much pride, or whatever. Yet I feel His loving inner guidance with a perception that: “…It’s alright son, just do the best you can. Pour out your heart and win people over to Eternal Life…”; thus regardless of how one perceives the disclosure element of what I'm relaying here, it matters not, this is what God wants me to say. Now back to my Testimony: ___Later I married, my wife, Maxine Carkhuff. She and I, bought a house. Working very hard, -helping my wife to succeed in her career, -remodeling our two family house, -trying to continue my education, -doing all the tasks of the home as a house husband, -accomplishing my physical fitness goals, -managing our rental unit, -doing my civic duty with political endeavors, -carrying additional work load with several blue collar jobs, I over loaded myself. Just as everything started to come to fruition, our relationship turned sour. We had amassed a huge retirement account, the house was almost finished, the grounds and gardens were almost perfected. She was excelling in her career, given the fact that I did more than 70% of her work. It looked like I might be able to return to University full time. It appeared that I could start accomplishing some personal goals that were put on hold for so long as I contributed all to the marriage. ___In retrospect, I can see, it was all part of her evil master plan. She had tricked me into signing various legal and financial documents that would leave me out in the cold if she so chose. I asked her later. When you first started to feel the relationship was going badly. Why didn’t you say something? She told me. “Because you are so good in bed I wanted to keep you around for sex.” Now people, I’m not just bragging here. Believe me for this woman to admit that, it must be more than true. This was an individual that would never offer a word of encouragement or praise unless it was a manipulative ploy. Not only did she steal, the house, the cars, the workshop, she took everything. My personal writings, art works, family photos, Grandmothers quilts, my clothing, family Bible with genealogy, my own photographic works, childhood toys, just everything. Even my pretty kitty-cats, that were more like children to me than pets. Some of those babies I had personally nursed back to health from weak, emaciated, diseased, conditions as strays. That evil bitch didn’t care. She didn’t care about anything but herself. Lost were eight years of my life. ___I knew God would see me through, even this heart-rending situation. I left for California, to study acting. I was successfully working towards my goals. The emotional and spiritual rending of the divorce hadn’t fully hit me yet. Therefore I was relieved of all the stress of being used, and a relationship gone bad everything was looking up. Then about ten, major problems, hammered me one right after the other, culminating with my face being ripped to pieces in a biking accident. I had to return to New York in defeat. Thinking, God had abandoned me, intense depression set in. I know now, God was carrying me, especially in the troubled times. ___Many times in my life I would have died, if it wasn’t for the Lords protection. The Word of God tells us- Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all. Every time I see a non-believers, go through just a small percentage of the troubles I’ve known, they break never to recover or kill themselves. However, at the time, I thought God had left me. I gave to the poor, now I had to steal food to survive. I prayed for a wife, and God you gave me a swine. I needed help to achieve my goals, but I got hammered down. If I went to be with the Lord at that point I would have shouted in His face: “What the hell is going on down there? You! Imbecile!”. I remember one spiritual teacher saying that: during the great depression a man who ran a soup kitchen would often sit down and eat a meal with the poor folk. He asked each one. When everything was fine did you honor God with your tithes and offerings? Did you help the poor? Never did he get a response, ‘oh yes I did’, illustrating one aspect of the law of reciprocity. Something was amiss somewhere. I had given to the poor and tithed. I had dedicated time, effort, resources, and talents to God, yet now my time of need came and I got little or no help. Later the Lord would enlighten me as to what was going on. ___One problem was that I was intertwined with my wife’s cursed finances. Also I was so arrogant that many of the channels God was trying to use to help me wouldn’t obey because, deep down, they really didn’t like me, they felt inferior. Some people have a mentality that: your gain is their loss. If you have self confidence they become bitter because they don’t, what a shame. If you’re high-energy they’re bothered because they’re sluggish, lazy, and slow. If you’re intelligent they hate you because they’re stupid. Still I shouldn’t be pompous just because I’m beautiful, extremely intelligent, in great shape physically and mentally, have prolonged youth, resiliency in all things, spiritually enlightened… You get the idea. Don’t worry God is helping in this area of pride. Jesus is teaching me true humility not the worldly abasement version. ___When whining, about my divorce, and the other troubled times, impressed upon my spirit were a series of questions: “…Did you make it through? Are you still alive? Did your face heal up fine? When you had to steal that food, did you get caught? Are you trapped in a bad marriage where your being used and abused by a cold hearted woman?” My responses: Yes. Yes. Yes. No. No. “Then what’s your problem?” ___Job must have been a great man. I didn’t fare so well. I thought God had turned against me and this was my greatest sin. Thank God, as he has said, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness”. Remember that’s, confess to the Lord Jesus, not some buffoon, with a funny collar, or anyone trying to play middleman between you and God. Because of what Jesus Christ did, all things are being restored to me. Better than they were. It’s really funny, especially after a Christian comes through a satanic attack, everything is better than before, as it was with Job. Now I’m somewhat older with many years wasted I’m stronger, better, smarter, look and feel at least twenty years younger than I am, and can easily run circles around teenagers. My start at success with my acting goals was squelched I’m a much better actor, with a myriad of new experiences to draw from. The devil’s actions are futile at best. Even with its’ activities in the world the worm is failing on every front. In the next few years we will see righteousness prevail in a way not seen since the American Revolution. ___Now back to my Testimony. I jumped ahead there a little bit so that you could understand the ultimate positive result. Within my marriage, my wife talked me into doing some kinky things sexually. Some of it I, surprisingly, really seemed to like. I wondered why. Was there something perverted about me? Years later, while doing an earliest-memory exercise, for a creative writing course, the various pieces, clues, unhealthy desires, memories, photographs, flash-backs, all fit together and made sense. I had been horribly tortured and sexually molested as a baby, by my adult half sister. ___Here is an excerpt from one of my writings: -Donna __…For a moment she thought she was in the mile high city. A sharp crystalline beam of light glare up from the side window of the sleek new car as she reached for the door handle. Then, awakened, reality, her face was in a pool of saliva on the clammy linoleum floor. The piercing light beckons to her in a convoluted path entering in by way of a marbled pane, channeled by the cocked slat of a Venetian blind, ricocheting through the fluid filled glass jug funneled to a pin point through the tiny window of a toy replica. She slid up quickly pivoting around on her slimy, silken, soaked, slip. Cupping the drizzling garment in front of her as a hammock she quickly gathered the myriad of mucus and blood soaked toys and objects and ran them down stairs. Peering down, as she ran, at the jostling bushel of slithering objects the little reproduction plopped up in the drizzling conglomeration, observing this, dumping as she reached, flipping, the bathtub lever, while coming to rest, as she eased back onto the toilet, appearing as one motion. “ I’ve been ridden in there before, Colorado, shiny, sleek, don’t”. Then, a moment of lining up, as she called it. __She shed her moist lingerie peeling as smooth snake~skin. Lining up as she thought: My baby brother’s skin, sweet, soft, pink flesh so supple to ravage, the gag in his mouth forgotten; present happenings too, remembered. Thinking, as she was, in this lining up experience. …Yes, Oh! baby brother. She must check breathing. As, she ran upstairs, everything did seem to line-up. The cycle of abuse, her mind’s contradictions…confusions seemed all in line. Upon entering the room and seeing the stretched forth flower blossom, petals, rail tied tight with nylon stockings, all linear thought contracted into a geometric shape of which vectors were obscured by one another. __“No need to make haste”, she thought. “We have a little more time to play Chrissy”. Suspended by bonds, seemingly hovering, the infant could breathe. And feel. And sense the evil glee in the heart of his towering sister. The attire she had fitted him with, appeared so delicate, as gossamer wings, yet was taught and constrictive. He appeared to levitate as she touched him, to float in tremulous waves as she engulfed and penetrated him. The crib rails rattling with synchronous vibrato. She wet herself again, drizzle down her legs the honey of fury’s release. Heard were the gurgles and muffled shrieks of her living self-representative voodoo doll. Soothing sounds to her twisted heart… She thought, "Readjust, Chrissy girls’ stockings and gown.” She moved as if underwater. With a flowing action she flipped the bouncing baby by alternating ties, then kiss the little rose bud; this a well rehearsed escalation ritual… Flip back again and suckle unto hardness, the frontal member, the one portion that was not self-destruction, …revenge. Twist ‘round again, face down, rose bud up, spits clear pure sweet scented mucus steam. This day she would not activate the rhythmic mechanical groan. She felt sickened by her brief brush with reality, and even though her mind was back in the usual mode, there was still some remnant of guilt. She would clean up and cover up. Prepare for Mothers return… Oddly enough, people tend to be drawn back into evil that was perpetrated upon them; so some of my wife’s perversions seem pleasurable. Again God delivered me and healed all the wounds. Praise His Holy name: Jesus! Even though, every person is responsible for their own actions, regardless of physical or mental conditions and spiritual influences, it helps to know, my sister, was being demonically driven through her involvement with witchcraft. ___On May 17th 1999 I was struck in the spine with a rock which ruptured the L1S5 disc. You see I had been through my father’s death, the whole failed marriage ordeal. My California dream had been crushed. There was the childhood abuse realization and the ruptured spine. My mother died. Still, as stated above, the Lord delivered me out of it all. He has miraculously healed my spine. My voice, acting, and political goals are being accomplished. Everything, even the problems and stumbling blocks are working together for my good. Oh! I’m so glad I am Christian. I have Hope, Faith, Love, Joy, and Peace even in the most troubled times, it’s wonderful. ___I moved to Oneonta in 1997. Although, I’ve traveled and lived all over the country, this area is truly my home having been born and raised in Norwich, NY. Being a native, I claim this area, my home, for the Lord Jesus Christ. If you’re a witch or a Satanist your witchcraft and desires will blow up in your face. So, if you don’t want to repent and turn from your evil ideas and actions, you had better, get the out of the Oneonta area. False religions are bound and gagged by the power of the Blood of Jesus Christ. Leave if you still want to exist in your error. Don’t move some other place in America. This is my country as well. You don’t belong here. I just had to get that taken care of, there are some people around here that are being driven by demons. The term demon may connote, something of some sort of strength, however, if you could see what these things look like in the spiritual realm, you’d laugh. They are parasites with no power or strength of their own. Even Satan himself is pitiful. God says at the end it will be revealed what the devil really is. All will marvel thinking and saying: “…this! is the thing! that deceived the nations? This is the measly worm that caused so much trouble?…” wicca and so called white witchcraft are just lower, introductory, levels of the same evil, as my sister well knew and I experienced. ___It is absurd how people blame God for their calamities; the concepts of, natural disasters being acts of God, or sickness and disease being used as the Lords tools to teach us, are nothing short of blasphemous. Clearly God has revealed in the scriptures that the devil became the god of this earth, as human beings separated themselves from the Lord by sin. Jesus Christ won back all authority and hands it over to us if we are believers and we actuate it by faith. I like the drill sergeant analogy that I developed. ~ In the service, the drill sergeant has the authority to make you do push-ups, police the yard for cigarette butts, or clean the toilet with a toothbrush. As an under-ranking soldier, one must go into the face of combat or do whatever is commanded. If that drill sergeant lost his rank, he could still fool the soldier into following orders, if you didn’t know about his discharge. Jesus Christ gained back all earthly authority from Satan. The Lord gives this power to those who become Christians. We Christians are Citizens of Gods Kingdom. However the devil is a sly snake. He still operates the world with usurped authority. Of course he has non-Christians under his thumb that’s obvious. Unfortunately the worm even tricks Christians into thinking he has power over their lives by putting on his old drill sergeant uniform he has some scrubbing the toilet of sickness and disease, or doing the push-ups of sin. As God has said, a Christian must take authority over the three enemies: the world, the flesh, and the devil. The scope of my testimony here is to urge some of you to become Christians. Then you’ve got a fighting chance especially if you understand the authority we have in Jesus Christ. For the Christian: wake! up!, let’s finish our work here. ___“Do not forsake the assembling of your selves together.” That’s what the Lord told us. As Christians we should get together, fellowship, proclaim the Gospel, pray, and do good works to improve our communities and the world. If one studies the scriptures we find nothing about: filing into buildings with steeples on top, to fellowship with the back of someone’s head. Missing is any reference that we should, listen to one person ramble on and on; nothing about confirmation or last rites; no mention of music programs and praise teams, or “church membership”. Really much of what manifests in modern churches is way off base. People possessed or influenced by a religious spirit seek attention and glory for themselves. They want to play church and be middlemen between God and His children. This is not a blanket indictment, despite all of the diversions and perversions, there are some Christians in a few select Churches. God’s will is being actuated, yes sometime even in church. I personally am non-denominational, but many true Christians, that are in denominations, are staying there to make it better, thus even the denominational churches, to some extent are in the flow of God. When sharing the Gospel, the greatest roadblocks I ever come up against, are the actions and words of devilish weasels, pretending to be Christians and churches masquerading as Churches. People have been hurt, confused, injured, raped, and even murdered by these satanic worms. If, you’re not a Christian, God is more disgusted by the situation than you. Don’t let these people and organizations turn you away from Him. If you are a Christian, keep your mind open to God, and your eyes and ears open in church, as we neutralize the satanic perversions that continue to blaspheme God. ___Here is an excerpt from an interview with the popular lead singer of U2, Bono: QuestionWe have been talking before about Jesuit priests arriving with the conquistadors in South and Central America with the Gospel in one hand and a rifle in the other. Bono I know, I know. Religion can be the enemy of God. It’s often what happens when God, like Elvis, has left the building. [laughs] A list of instructions where there was once was conviction; dogma where once people just did it; a congregation led by a man where once they were led by the Holy Spirit. Discipline replacing discipleship. But the thing that keeps me on my knees is the difference between Grace and Karma. Question I haven’t heard you talk about that. Bono I really believe we’ve moved out of the realm of Karma into one of Grace. Question That don’t make it clearer for me. BonoYou see, at the center of all religions is the idea of Karma. You know, what you put out comes back to you: an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, or in physics-in physical laws-every action is met by an equal or an opposite one. It’s clear to me that Karma is at the very heart of the Universe. I’m absolutely sure of it. And yet, along comes this idea called Grace to upend all that “As reap, so will you sow” stuff. Grace defies reason and logic. Love interrupt, if you like, the consequences of your actions, which in my case is very good news indeed, because I’ve done a lot of stupid stuff. Question I’d be interested to hear that. BonoThat’s between me and God. But I’d be in big trouble if Karma was going to finally be my judge. I’d be in deep shit. I’m holding out that Jesus took my sins onto the Cross, because I know who I am, and I hope I don’t have to depend on my own religiosity. ___Churches can be evil; most are self-appointed and self-anointed. Of course big, pompous, denominations that ware robes, value ceremonies, traditions, and act like the Pharisees and Sadducees are completely evil that should go with out saying, everyone can see that. Yet even many denominations and churches, that seem to be, right on for God, are all messed up. First of all, every denominationalist is perverted, to denominate means to divide and scripture are very clear one must not divide the Body of Christ. As I said before there are some exception: “…many true Christians, that are in denominations, and are staying there to make it better, thus even the denominational churches, to some extent, are in the flow of God.”. Watch out, even the non-denomination Bible believing Churches are filled with people posing as Christians the especially the Pastors, they play church and blaspheme God. Yes! even if they are winning souls; think about it: regular Christian folks like me are winning millions without pay. A little bit of part time and effort on my part and, as the Lord has told me, I've reached “into four figures” of people who have heard, understood, and accepted the Gospel. You Mr. preacher/priest/pastor/putz are getting paid, it’s your job! True we all thank God when a person comes to the Lord still, get right with God, and put a little effort in on your own time. There are many other pit falls which I may cover later, but the best thing is to pray for Gods wisdom when inter acting with any church. ___A while back, the Holy Spirit was leading me to take a positive step towards my/His goals for me. I had tried a couple of secular band projects but that seemed always to lead to practicing a few songs then every one else, getting wasted, so as to be useless. I knew joining the "praise team" at my Church was the step God wanted for me. God revealed, “...don't ask to join, volunteer now to clean the toilets and wait to be asked. All in the Church know you have a good voice…” I did so. I cleaned, did repair & maintenance, shoveled the side walks, set up all the Christmas decorations, worked on the Pastor's house, etc…, at a time when my spinal injury healing wasn’t fully manifested, doing this stuff was very painful. This when on for about a year. You see, I didn’t really want to be a praise team member it’s just not my type of music, still as the Lord said this would be “the perfect practice”. In general, It confirms greatly that the goals of voice, acting, and politics, are of God, in that, intrinsically I don’t want to do this stuff at all, but they are becoming my desires as I yield to the Lords will. Anyway back to the account: The Pastor, Ken Brookens, knew it was God’s will. Church members and praise team members knew my participation was way over due. Yet the Pastor became very bitter, filled with envy, he could not sing well, good drummer and harmonica player, but it sounded like a cat dying when he opened his mouth. Pastor Brookens blocked the flow of God. I see this all in retrospect, now, or I would have by-passed, or rebuked the demons effecting this man or some other solution, at the time. God did bypass, I organized as some of the best singers in the Church to do public Christmas Caroling in malls and events. What I thought was a side endeavor gave me a little of that perfect practice, God wanted. Many where blessed by our endeavor. Eventually the church dwindled from several hundred members to a couple dozen. ___God is the source of all. He is all-powerful. So, one might wonder if God is therefore indirectly to blame for evil. In college, we use to mess with the theology students asking. If God is omnipotent, can he create a rock so big He can’t lift it? The answer is yes, the human will. He granted us free will. We have power over our own lives for these few years. As for the devil and his minions his time is short. Really he is already crushed yet he is still operating. First, as stated above, by pretending, he and his, still have authority. And secondly, by parasiting off of human beings: utilizing their hosts power, authority, and life-force. People are fooled by the illusion that when they hook-up with demons, or the devil, they gain power or favors from them. The reality is just the opposite. They, whether they are called {Goddess, Allah, Nature, Vishnu, Ascended Master, Jah, or whatever} gain power from those they commune with. Jesus Christ, is the only way, He gives power. There is no other way to God the Father. Yes, God will grant a grace period, for some, interacting in limited ways in order to preserve and lead those individuals to His one true channel: Jesus. There’s a foolish notion, that Christ was just a good man or great teacher, this can not be true. From God’s Word and secular history: clearly, He was, as C. S. Lewis put it, either: liar, lunatic, or Lord. ___By communing with the Holy Spirit we Christians are granted power, if we believe. If you are reading this, and you’re not a believer, consider becoming a Christian. Ask God to guide you. He will. Go to the scriptures, the Gospel written by John is a good starting place. John was the Lord’s closest disciple. Fellow Christians, let’s get busy. So many pass out tracts of other people’s testimonies, why not write your own? We all have our own unique message. If you think yours isn’t exciting enough, don’t think that way, your testimony maybe just what some need to hear. These people are all going to hell, if we don’t do as Christ commissioned. Jesus only asked one thing in return for all He went through: “Go unto all the world and preach the Gospel” Let’s do it. Let us get right with God. Come! On! You that are unsaved accept Him; you, that are saved, but don’t believe in the Full Gospel, the frozen chosen, get in the flow of God. Pray to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Remember He, Jesus Christ, is the reason we have any hope, faith, peace, and love. What the world, or the fire insurance Christians, have is just a pitiful imitation. ___Every day in every way, everything is better and better, just when I think life couldn’t get any more fulfilling, The Lord blesses me again, my wounds of bad love relationships are being healed. My goals in life are being actuated and accomplished, stimulating more and more satisfaction over and over again. Do I face trials and tribulations (?): yes, yet the more one dwells on the negatives the worse everything gets, the more I trust and obey God the better everything is. ___Again, I must say, there are Satanic teachings in the Church. Rick Warren in his book The Purpose Driven Life , states, in a shameless extrapolation of David's poetic writings, especially (Psalm 139:16): “God decided when you would be born how long you would live…choosing the exact time of your death”. Think of the asinine implications: God plans abortion. God plans rape if it results in conception. Christians fighting abortion are clueless. Murders are blameless and should be rewarded for fulfilling God’s purpose. The book has a lot of good stuff, yet seeded amongst that stuff are foolish twisted ideas. Which is worse a clock you know does work or one you think works but give the wrong time? Clearly, along with most, high profile “Christian Leaders” he may be and Illuminazi shill, a quisling. Even though many preach the Gospel, they are put into place as control mechanisms. In fact the whole idea of "Leaders" in the body of Christ is Satanic. Christian Ministers (servants): YES! leaders: WRONG! Billy Graham, soul winner? True, Yet is this not a quick salesmanship version. Billy and many Churches use: Small favor - Big favor People are asked to bow their heads, then if they what to receive Christ, raise your hand (small favor). Now step out and come forward (big favor). I receive Jesus under this technique. Did I really get saved, Yes! but why use trickery? My first Pastor was from England, where there was great persecution of true Christians, by satanic ecumenicists, yet they knew when Billy came to England he would stand with the true Christians, not the people promoting that vile Babylonian religion. NO! Mr. Graham sucked up to the pompous imposters. Let's not even get into the Nixon tapes, or his floundering retraction, if you're interested do a little research. ___If Christian "leaders" or churches are all twisted and messed up does it mean that there's something wrong with Christianity(?), no, the fact that I’m telling you about it, means we're cleaning our own house. Also, these subversions indicate greater credibility, observe this internet post: …As a microcosm, think of how the government neutralizes a political moment, first they send in agents posing as volunteers, not just to gather intelligence but to establish persons within the movement for provocation, disruption, and to discredit. They work their way into leadership positions. So too, many if not most, clergy are actually illuminazis posing as men of God. As Clergy, they gather information, move people in certain directions, contrary to God's will, making them think they are doing the right thing. In much the same way the government would attacks a political movement. Mainly these vile satanic scum help to start wars, burn people, fight among themselves, etc... ___Does God make mistakes(?) Yes! He tells us so. He is perfect and Holy, don't get me wrong. Still as soon as He created anything with a will of its' own, there is potential for mistake that is the nature of such a process that God himself set up. Case One: ‘It repented God that he had made man’ in the time of Noah. The original text literally: Changed His mind was Sorry He made a mistake and then sought to correct it, we know the rest: the great flood. Case Two: ‘Thy were perfect in all thy ways until evil was found in thee...’ Luciferbig, Big, BIG mistake! The original word translated as -found = that He didn't know, He was surprised. True God is all knowing yet we as humans misunderstand what all knowing really means. Case three: We are living it, the drama of life, this whole existence we are living out is the correction of a mistake. If we view God in this light it neutralizes the nay sayers. People have a very valid point when they say if God is all knowing and he knew the devil was going to...yada ...yada ...yada... then isn't He responsible for all the pain and suffering, murder and rape. If that were true YES! He would be, but it is not true. The Scriptures are clear God didn't know Lucifer was going to turn evil, He was freaked out in Noah's time that man could become so twisted. If everyone understood this, the hidden rift, that most people have, with God would be dis-spelled.___Is there proof of God(?) __I will write more in later editions. __If I can help, please contact me: __Phone Number: (607)319-0912. ___Sincerely, ___Christopher___Appendix (A)___Universal Parochialism___I could see nothing but his sarcastic smile, the large yellowy teeth, thick tobacco smoke bellowing forth. The corners of his lips turned slightly upward. "The problem with you Conservative Christians is you aren't in tune with the environment," he said as his scrawny chicken-like arm jutted out flicking a synthetic filtered cigarette butt into a nearby flowering bush. "That's right Greg, Man! You people have no respect for health, the earth, for the here and now; you're off on some pie in the sky in the sweet by and by heading trip." "Right on, John", Greg shouted "No respect!" ___My attention shifted to John as he drew heavily on the water pipe, inhaling an insecticide-laced tarry marijuana smoke. His shoulders reflexively heaved forward as he made rhythmic snorting noise a result of "holding the hit". Greg looked toward Heather and muttered out of the side of his mouth as he sucked down another beer "What do you think?". Heather, with legs crossed, sat redundantly swaying to the cultish rinky dinky twanging noise extruding from the tape player she held in her lap. "Yeah! Heath' what do you think" John coughed out, as resonated spittle oozed from the side of his mouth. ___I fixed my eyes on her stringy lopping hair as she raised her head, eyes piercing through the dangling locks. "Heeey man, hey! Yea! He's the one whooo hangs around' with those bigoted Christians, that group, what's it called? BASIC. Don't you table in the student union for that pro-life organization? Yeah that's right I've seen your." Her head flopped back down and she resumed her repetitive swinging. ___I noticed the sound of rustling papers as Josh raised a fist full of crumpled hand-made posters, which I had been placing around campus. "What's this ..Vote Reagan Peace through Strength' shit, that's like abstinence through pregnancy?" A seemingly forced laughter riveted the air. ___Disgusted by their hypocritical, infantile ridicule, I sprang to my feet and began to walk. I looked up at the large State University emblem in the distance. Cackling snickers faded behind me as I strolled toward the center courtyard. To a limited extent, I wanted to feel angry, to speak forth and set them straight, but any such effort would be futile; a few words of reason and righteous indignation matched against a lifetime of programming. I could only feel sorrow and pity; more sorrow still for these were not just a few fringe buffoons; these were representative of the student body as a whole. These were the product of the public school system, news and entertainment media robots, disciples of the N.E.A. (National Educational Association). I walked ever closer to the hovering University emblem. ___I reflected on the dilemma: how had the minds of my contemporaries become so utterly twisted? This was the it's-Ok-to-murder-babies-but-it's-an-atrocity-to-fish-for-wh ales mentality, the better-Red-than-bombs ideological perspective. The larger moral and political concepts had been drilled into their souls by the liberal media, the educational establishment, and for many, even their parents and apostate churches had joined in with the process. Yet what about the smaller truths in life? Could they see nothing clearly? As Greg and the others had spent the summer following The Grateful Dead and imbibing toxic substances, leaving a trail of garbage and gas fumes behind them, I had raised an organic garden and started a small honey bee apiary; they knew this. How is it possible that they could think themselves as more in tune with the environment than I? As the majority of the student body had been protesting the nebulous ogre of "Big Business", my Brothers And Sisters in Christ (BASIC) had engaged in missionary famine relief efforts, inner city evangelism, or individualized Christian service. I glanced at a jogger and the past year's endeavors flashed through my mind: running, swimming, nutritional analysis, martial arts, and weight lifting. How is it conceivable when comparing their pitifully frail bodies to mine that they would perceive themselves healthier than I; their frequent illnesses to my resilient immune system. What mode of logic could lead to these conclusions? I paused in the shadow of the ominous emblem set high and lifted up on its concrete pinnacle. ___I thought of the secular humanist movement of the preceding century, how it had gradually escalated from the ideological babblings of a few fringe kooks to the wide range acceptance of moral relativism and a kind of religion of man. But had even the small things been tainted by this societal infection? Had simple observational logic been inverted? My studies in biological sciences flashed across my mind. The idea of human evolution had been elevated to fact without one piece of fossil or physiological evidence. Whole skulls had been fabricated from minuscule bone fragments to mark "The Ascent of Man". As one link in the imaginary chain had been exposed as fraudulent, based on the tooth of an extinct pig or a bone fragment from the jaw bone of an ass, another was contrived to fill the gaps in this evolutionary marcher. Here in the hypothesis of human evolution was but one manifestation of this distorted mentality. I recalled the scriptural prophecy that in the end times good would be counted as evil and evil as good, as my mind further examined various illustrations. I pondered: -the heinous cheapening of human life, -the foolish concept of democratic socialism, -torrid paranoia about natural environmental cycles of regeneration, -odd, self defeating, taxing away incentive, political tendencies, -the acceptance and promotion of sexual perversion, -modern medical focus on allopathic and homeopathic (symptom treatment) as opposed to root cause intervention and prevention. These had all been derived out of wrong thinking concerning simple observational truth. ___Suddenly I was startled out of my deep contemplative state by the sound of screaming. I sprinted back towards the group where I found Heather convulsively vomiting. Greg, who had stumbled over his own feet, was sitting on the sidewalk a few yards away, mumbled "Oh wow man I broke my tooth; I think she's Odin (overdosing), its Ok Josh ran for help". I dashed to the nearest phone to call for help, darting past Josh who was gasping for breath as he shuffled along. Medical attention was reached and it seemed, barring the loss of numerous brain cells, that everything would be all right at least for the time being. ___I sat later that evening in my apartment. Is this the future of our world? I thought. Do these students exemplify the future {no inhaling} leaders? In despair and disgust I pounded my fist on the table in front of me with such force the room shook. Immediately a photo album fell down from an overhanging bookshelf. It lay opened before me. There was the smiling face of Sheila who had received her RN last semester and was off doing COMM (Christian Outreach Medical Missions) work in Africa. My eyes shifted to Ed standing tall in his Air Force uniform, head held high, ready to defend the human right to liberty and justice. Pete and Jenny, who would be working with inner city children next summer. Steve who had led a powerful protest action against a local abortion mill. Crosby and Nick who helped me roof an elderly woman's house last year. Then it was if I could see beyond them, surveying a vast multitude of Christians across the globe. Children of God, doing the right thing flying in the face of the evil trends and these demonic marionettes. The love of God radiating forth through them, their faith in Jesus Christ held high as a banner of righteousness and truth, setting straight even the small things. ---Christopher Dale Churchmspobj type=&

My Interests

Spirituality, Acting, Swimming, Voice, Righteous Governmental Politics, Martial Arts, Visual Arts(*)...

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I'd like to meet:

All Good people, for friendship,Performing Arts, networking, political action, fellowship;

13 Bloodlines of the Illuminati 2 Hours 23 min
200 miles per Gallon Supercarburator 47 Minutes
911 Inside the WTC (Made for TV) 2 Hours
911 = Demolition Experts are Speaking Up Against the Coverup 1 Hour 50 Minutes
911 A Closer Look 25 Minutes
911 and the American Empire - How should religious people respond? 1 Hour 25 Minutes
911 Attack or godsend? 25 Minutes 2005
911 Eyewitness 1 Hour 50 Minutes
911 In Plane Site 55 Minutes
911 Perspectives 2 Hours
911 Revisited
911 Road To Tyrrany 2 Hours 22 Minutes
911 The Great Illusion - End Game Of The Illuminati Part I 58 min
911 The Great Illusion - End Game Of The Illuminati Part II 55 min
911 The Greatest Lie Ever Sold 2 Hours 5 Minutes
911 Timeline - Paul Thompson (Pakistan Involvement) 1 Hour
911 Truth & Politics 1 Hour
A Taxation Is Not Necessary 43 Minutes
A World Without Cancer - The Story Of Vitamin B17 57 Minutes
Aerosol Crimes (CHEMTRAILS) 1 Hour 45 Minutes
Afghan Massacre - The Convoy of Death 50 Minutes
African Coup 30 Minutes
Aftermath: Unanswered Questions from 9/11
Aftershock Iraq
AIDS & Ebola Were Manufactured Dr LG Horowitz
AIDS - Fact Or Fraud? (1996) 2 Hours
AIDS Hoax-Ten reasons HIV is not the cause of AIDS 2 Hours
Air Force One Tagged by Mark Ecko
America Destroyed By Design
America in Peril (UN / New World Order) 2 Hours
America's Economic Decline
America's Secret Destiny 2 Hours
American Dictators: Documenting the Staged Election of 2004 (2004)
American Drug Lords CIA / MOB Drug Running
Ancient Pompeii was a mediaeval Christian town ruled by Illuminati?
Angels and Demons Revealed 1 Hour
Angels Dont Play This HAARP
Anthrax Attacks 45 Minutes
Anthrax Investigation
Antichrist and a Cup of Tea 1 Hour 5 Minutes
Are Americans So Angry? 50 Minutes
Are You A Manchurian Candidate 27 Minutes
Art, Truth and Politics - Harold Pinter
Assassination of Russia
Astronauts Gone Wild
Avian Influenza: Preparing for the Pandemic 1 Hour 20 Minutes
Banking & The Federal Reserve
Banking with Hitler 45 Minutes
Bay of Pigs: Declassified
BBC Conspiracies - New world Order
Behind The Green Curtain 40 Minutes
Behold a Pale Horse 4 Hours 39 Minutes
Beneath Iraq and a Hard Place - Rory Bremner 50 Minutes 2006
Best Enemies Money Can Buy 55 Minutes
Between Iraq and a Hard Place
BEYOND Iraq and a Hard Place
Beyond Treason
Bilderberg: Masters of the Universe
Biological Testing In US Cities
BioTerror (biological weapons and germ warfare) 45 Minutes
Blackout in East Timor
Brainwashing: 101 46 Minutes
Breaking the Bank
Breaking The Invisible Shackles Of The IRS 1 Hour 41 Minutes
Breaking The Silence - John Pilger
Britain's Heroin Fix
Bursting Bubbles of Government Deception 1 Hour 25 Minutes
Bush and Bin Ladens
Bush Dynasty
Bush Family Crimes
Bush Family Fortunes
Bush giving the middle Finger
Bush Link to Kennedy Assassination
Bush Nazi Family History
Bush Scandals - Kevin Phillips
Bush Stole the Election - Banned BBC Documentary
Capitalism & Other Kids' Stuff 50 Minutes
Cathy O'Brien and Mark Phillips on MK Ultra Mind Control
Cell Phones - What They Didn't Tell You 30 Minutes
Chem Trails : What is wrong with our skies?
CIA & Satanism
CIA & Lockerbie
CIA Analyst - Pelletiere
CIA and the Nazis
CIA drug trafficking - CONTRA COCAINE 10 Minutes 1997
CIA Remote Viewing 50 Minutes
CIA Spy Secrets: playing dirty
Civilian Disarmament - Prelude for Tyranny
Closer: The Fall of Baghdad
Code Name Artichoke
Cointel Pro - War on Black America 50 Minutes
Cold War, Dirty Science
part I
part II
part III
part IV
part V
part VI
part VII
Compilation exposing 9/11 Truth 1 Hour
Confronting the Evidence A Call To Reopen the 9-11 Investiagtion
Conspiracies on Trial
Conspiracy Confessions
Conspiracy of silence
Conspiracy Theories
Conspiracy Theories (Tex Mars & Alex Jones) 55 Minutes
Conspiracy Theory Rock Clip - censored by NBC only aired once
Constitution Class taught by Michael Badnarik (2003) Around 7 Hours
Contaminated: The New Science of Food
Corporate Logos
Countdown to killing
Crack the CIA
Da Vinci Code Decoded 1 Hour 35 Minutes
Dark Secrets: Inside Bohemian Grove (2000)
Dark Side of the Moon 52 Minutes
Dead in the Water - The BBC investigates the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty during the 1967 war
Declassified: Ayatollah Khomeini 45 Minutes
Depleted Uranium Hazard Awareness Video that is NOT shown to Troops 45 Minutes
Despotism and Democracy (1945)
Diana: The Night She Died (UK Channel 5)
Dick Cheny - The Unauthorized Biography 40 Minutes 2004
Did we really land Men on the Moon? 55 Minutes
Divided America
DNC2000 protest footage
Dr. Michael Parenti: "Terrorism, Globalism and Conspiracy" 1 Hour
East Timor 10 Minutes
Echelon The Most Secret Spy System
Economic vs. Human Rights
Eisenhower Farewell Address
Election 2004: Republican Terror Manipulations, How They Work and Why 30 Minutes
Elite Population Control 1 Hour 22 Minutes
Enron - The Smartest Guys In The Room
Equinox - It Runs on Water (Free Energy - 1995) 1 Hour
Evolving Lies
Executive Power and the War on Terror 1 Hour
Exploring Life Extension 1 Hour 45 Minutes
Fahrenheit 911
Faith in Exile: The Lesson of Tibet
Fallujah - The Hidden Massacre
Final Warning - A History of the New World Order 2 Hours 42 Minutes
Fluoride Deception
Free Energy: The Race to Zero Point 2 Hours
Freemasonary, Illuminati, Secret Societies, Michael Tsarion, Hesham Tillawi 55 Minutes
From Prison to Paradise 6 Hours 17 Minutes
Gary Webb - In his own words
George Hunt:UN UNCED Earth Summit 1992 (Population reduction, Bank Scams etc..) 36 Minutes
Global Governance - The Quiet War Against American Independence 1 Hour
Globalism the Program - General Ben Partin 2 Hours 25 Minutes
Government : Stealing Your Freedom 48 Minutes
Gulag USA - Texe Marrs
HAARP (BBLC 2005) 51 Minutes
Has someone been sitting on the FBI?
Hijacking Catastrophe 2004
History of Freemasonry 53 Minutes
History of The E.V. Gray Motor (Free Energy - KeelyNet Conference) 2 Hours
Holes In Heaven? HAARP
Hollywood and the Pentagon
Hot Spots: Iran
How the Twin Towers Collapsed 45 Minutes
Hoxsey - How Healing Becomes A Crime. alt. cancer cure 1 Hour 23 Minutes
IBM and the Holocaust
Illuminati - NWO - Greedy Elite - David Icke - 1 Hour
Illuminati Mystery Babylon 2 Hours
Illuminazi 9/11 1 Hour 25 Minutes
Imperial Hubris: Why the West is Losing the War on Terror 1 Hour 5 Minutes
Inflation 30 Minutes
Inner World of the Occult 3 Hours
Interview With John Perkins - Confessions Of An Economic Hitman
Invisibly Visible 30 Minutes
Iraq, Tony & the truth
Iraq - The Death Squads (documentary)
Iraq: The Reckoning - Dispatches
Isreali Terrorism
JFK : The Bush Connection
Kay Griggs Talks: Desperate Wives (Blackmail In US Government 7 Hours 20 Minutes
Kidnap and Torture American Style - Dispatches
Loose Change Second Edition
Lost Civilizations - Byzantium 1 Hour 44 Minutes
Mad As Hell 1 Hour 30 Minutes
Mahatma Gandhi : Film : MAHATMA - Life of Gandhi, 1869-1948 2 Hourss 15 Minutes
Majestic 12 documentary by William Cooper aka MJ-12 The Secret Govenment
Making of a Dictator
Martial Law 9/11: Rise Of The Police State (2005)
Masonry - Behind Closed Doors 2 Hours 10 Minutes
Masonry: Beyond the Light 2 Hours 25 Minutes
Masters of Terror (2003)
Masters of the Universe
Mayan Calendar goes North 01
Mayan Calendar goes North 02
Megiddo I: The March to Armageddon 2 Hours 15 Minutes
Michael Tsarion Videos
Michel Chossudovsky - Disarming War Agenda (Carlyle Group)
Military Video 25 Minutes
Milton Friedman on Limited Government 28 Minutes
Mission Accomplished
Mission Mind Control - 1979 ABC News
Money Banking and The Federal Reserve 42 Minutes
Monopoly Men
Mormons and the illuminati 41 Minutes
Munich: Mossad's Revenge
N. Wootan - History of The E.V. Gray Motor (Free Energy - KeelyNet Conference) 2 Hours
Nazi UFOs - How They Fly - The German Tesla Anti-Gravity And Free Energy Program 1 Hour 30 Minutes
Nikola Tesla - The Genius Who Lit the World 45 Minutes
Nikola Tesla - The Genius Who Lit the World 42 Minutes
Operation Gladio Parts I II & III
Oil as a Weapon
Operation Hollywood
Order Of Death
Order of the Knights of Malta 53 Minutes
Orwell Rolls In His Grave 1 Hour 40 Minutes
Other side of AIDS
Our Friend Saddam 40 Minutes
Owning the Peacock
Owning the Weather
P. Lindemann - The Free Energy Secrets of Cold Electricity (KeelyNet Conference) 3 Hours
Painful Deceptions
Palestine Is Still The Issue
Pallywood "According to Palestinian Sources..."
Peak Oil - Dr Colin Campbell
Peak Oil - Mike Ruppert 1 Hour
Pearl Harbor
Pedophile Politicians 1 Hour
People and the Land
Perspective on 9-11
Peter Lindemann - The World of Free Energy (KeelyNet Conference) 2 Hours
Pharmakeia: George W. Bush, The Apocalypse and the War on Weed 40 Minutes
Phil Schneider - August 1995 Lecture 2 Hours
Phil Schneider - May 1995 Lecture 1 Hour 44 Minutes
Phil Schneider - November 1995 Lecture
Plan Colombia - Cashing In on the Drug War Failure 53 Minutes
Platonism and Alchemy
Police State 2000
Police State II: The Takeover (2000)
Police State III: Total Enslavement
Population Control - None Dare Call it Genocide by Dr Stanley Monteith
Preparing for the Inevitable: Bioterrorism and Emerging Infectious Diseases 3 Hours 40 Minutes
President George W. Bush: Wiretap Eavesdropping Full Speech 43 Minutes
Preventive Warriors 1 Hour
Private Toll Roads Are Bad -Alex Jones- 1 Hour
Problem, Reaction, Solution
Promises and Betrayals
Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.
Psychological Operations 30 Minutes
Purpose Of The Drug War
Reality Check - Alan Watt 1 Hour 40 Minutes
Religions based on Astrology? 53 Minutes
Republican Paul Findley Dares to Speak Out -- Again ! 1 Hour 9 Minutes
Resisting Government Secrecy in a Time of Terrorism with Seymour Hersh 55 Minutes
Revelations of a Mother Goddess - David Icke 3 Hours
RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) and Surveillance 1 Hour 34 Minutes
Sacrifice at Pearl Harbor
Satans Kingdom
Say No to War in Iraq - Mr. Galloway
Scholar Peter Dale Scott on JFK and 9/11
Scholar Peter Dale Scott on JFK and 9/11 Q&A
Secret History of the Credit Card 55 Minutes
Secret Rulers of the World 50 Minutes
Secret US plans for Iraq's oil
Secret Wars of the CIA
Secrets of the 3rd reich 57 Minutes
Secrets of the 3rd reich 57 Minutes
Secrets of the CIA 45 Minutes
Secrets of the CIA 1 Hour 30 Minutes 2005
Secrets Of The Illuminati Revealed 2 Hours 33 Minutes
Seduction of a Generation (Sensitivity Training, Brainwashing) 30 Minutes
September 11th: Evidence to the Contrary REDUX 2006 1 Hour 26 Minutes
Shadow Government Bush Administration Complicit in 9/11 attacks 31 Minutes
Shell in Nigeria
Silvio Berlusconi: The Italian Tycoon
Skull & Bones - Dutch TV
Something about Katrina 1 Hour 30 Minutes
Spin 60 Minutes 1995
Spinning Terror 50 Minutes
Spoils of War
Stan Meyers shows his invention, Hydrogen power
Stealing A Nation
Stealing Your Freedom - Dispatches
Technology and The Mark of the Beast 2 Hours 20 Minutes
Technology and the Mark of the Beast 2 Hours 21 Minutes
Telling Lies in Bosnia
Terror Storm
The Age of Terror: In the Name of the State
The American prison system
The Assassination of John F. Kennedy
The Blind & The Dead (tex marrs & alex jones) 1 Hour
The Capitalist Conspiracy 47 Minutes
The Capstone That Killed JFK and The Speech That Sealed His Fate - Alan Watt 30 Minutes
The Final Solution to Adolph Hitler
The Citizens Guide To Surviving Police Encounters
The Corporate Globe
The Curse of Oil
The Destruction Of Atlantis [Michael Tsarion] 2 Hours
The Diamond Life
The Dollar a Day Dress
The Doomsday Code
The Eagle Has Landed! Magic, Alchemy, and The Illuminati Conquest of Outer Space Texe Marrs 2 Hours
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Advanced Global Personality Test Results

Extraversion |||||||||||||||||||| 83%
Stability |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Orderliness |||||||||||| 50%
Accommodation |||||||||||||| 56%
Interdependence |||||||||||||||| 63%
Intellectual |||||||||||||||| 70%
Mystical |||||||||||||||||||| 83%
Artistic |||||||||||||||||||| 83%
Religious |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Hedonism |||||||||||||||| 63%
Materialism |||||||||||||| 56%
Narcissism |||||||||||||||||||| 83%
Adventurousness |||||||||||| 50%
Work ethic |||||||||||| 50%
Self absorbed |||||||||||| 50%
Conflict seeking |||||||||||||||| 70%
Need to dominate |||||||||||||| 56%
Romantic |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Avoidant || 10%
Anti-authority |||||||||||| 43%
Wealth |||||| 30%
Dependency |||||||||||| 50%
Change averse |||||||||||| 43%
Cautiousness |||||||||||| 50%
Individuality |||||||||||||||| 63%
Sexuality |||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Peter pan complex |||||||||| 36%
Physical security |||||||||| 36%
Physical Fitness |||||||||||||||||||| 84%
Histrionic |||||||||||| 43%
Paranoia |||||||||||| 50%
Vanity |||||||||||||||||||| 83%
Hypersensitivity |||||||||||||||| 70%
Female cliche |||||||||||||||||| 76% Take Free Advanced Global Personality Test
personality tests by trait snapshot: social, outgoing, worry free, optimistic, upbeat, tough, likes large parties, makes friends easily, rarely irritated, open, enjoys leadership, trusting, dominant, thrill seeker, strong, does not like to be alone, assertive, mind over heart, confident, controlling, feels desirable, likes the spotlight, loves food, social chameleon, hard working, concerned about others
You scored as The world of a romantic, You live for a world of romance. Someone who would just love to hold your hand and sit by a roaring fire and talk about dreams with would make you very happy. With you romance is not a dead thing, but a must. Don't give up. click/

The world of a romantic


The world of child


The World of Mystery


The high rollers world


The fantasy world

What world do you live in? (PICTURES)
created with ?? Which Season Are You ??
You're Most Like The Season ... NO wait! Hold it! You're not like a season at all! You're a psycho... You need a new season created just for you.You either answered wildly to be different, or you truly are a 'special case'. Independant - maybe, Intelligent - somewhat. Weird and wacky - most certainly.A nut case, a fruit cake, the joker, the insane lunatic :) However be careful or you may get locked up.Well Done... You're not at home in any of the seasons, you creat your own.
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You scored as Wisdom. Your Wisdom!!!! You know what your doing and your wisdom will come in handy in the furture. Your knowledge is very important to you. Thanks for taking my quiz. Please rate. :)
















What feeling are you?? (cool pics)
created with


Jesus of Nazareth, The Patriot, Dr. Strangelove, STRYPER- Live in Japan, Shame, The Passion of The Christ... Which ArchAngel are you most like?
Lucifer. The most misunderstood of all the ArchAngels, you're most like the ArchAngel of Light. You've seen the darkside and have opted for something better. You need better press, though chances are no one will really understand your motives.
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Television can be a Mind Control Device, Still:Good Eats with Alton Brown,Star Trek(the real generation), the Outer Limits...
You scored as Projectile launcher. Your Gun is any style Projectile Launcher; "You Like Big bangs, and hate leaving behind evidence"

Projectile launcher


Walther Guns


9MM Uzi


9MM Pistol









What Gun Is Your Style?
created with


The Holy Scriptures, Trance-Formation of America, Spiritual Enlightenment...
You scored as Hopeless Romantic. You are a hopeless romantic. What's the point is kidding if you don't love the other person. You always wanna be caught in the moment and close to that other person. :P

Hopeless Romantic




Downright Dirty





Whats your kissing style?
created with
If Christopher were a drink they would be:

1 parts dangerous 4 parts affectionate 1 parts charming
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Your EQ is 153
50 or less: Thanks for answering honestly. Now get yourself a shrink, quick!
51-70: When it comes to understanding human emotions, you'd have better luck understanding Chinese.
71-90: You've got more emotional intelligence than the average frat boy. Barely.
91-110: You're average. It's easy to predict how you'll react to things. But anyone could have guessed that.
111-130: You usually have it going on emotionally, but roadblocks tend to land you on your butt.
131-150: You are remarkable when it comes to relating with others. Only the biggest losers get under your skin.
150+: Two possibilities - you've either out "Dr. Phil-ed" Dr. Phil... or you're a dirty liar. What's Your EQ (Emotional Intelligence Quotient)?
You scored as Theater, You should be a Theater major! Like a bohemian actress, you are seasoned and confident and not afraid to express yourself!



























What is your Perfect Major? (PLEASE RATE ME!!
created with


Jesus Christ, George Washington, Cathy O'Brien, Mark Phillips, Abraham Lincoln, Dale M. Church, M.William Cooper...ME
You scored as James Bond, Agent 007. James Bond is MI6's best agent, a suave, sophisticated super spy with charm, cunning, and a license's to kill. He doesn't care about rules or regulations and somewhat amoral. He does care about saving humanity though, as well as the beautiful women who fill his world. Bond has expensive tastes, a wide knowledge of many subjects, and his usually armed with a clever gadget and an appropriate one-liner.

James Bond, Agent 007


William Wallace


Lara Croft


Batman, the Dark Knight




El Zorro


The Terminator


Neo, the "One"


Captain Jack Sparrow


The Amazing Spider-Man


Indiana Jones

Which Action Hero Would You Be? v. 2.0
created with
If Christopher Dale were a drink they would be:

3 parts ambitious 2 parts cocky 3 parts popular
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You scored as Ankh. The Ankh is a representation of life. You are inspired by life, and all its splendor, and you feel you are empowered by your symbol.









What's your symbol?
created with ?? Which Angel Or Demon Are You ??
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You Are Jean Grey
Although your fate is often unknown, you always seem to survive (even after death).
Your mind is your greatest weapon, literally!
Powers: telepathy and telekinesis, the ability to project thoughts into the mind of others, communication with animals Which of the X-Men Are You? ?? Which Of The Greek Gods Are You ??
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Quizilla | Join| Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code ?? Which Precious Gem Are You ??
! You are most like A Pearl !Independant, indifferent - and powerful. You tend to be alone a lotbut you like that. You are rare, and amazingly strong. A good headon your shoulders and very practical minded. You're like a pearlbecause you're smooth, cool and have that hard exterior. People long to have your confidence, and you're the one people follow and admire.Congratulations ... you're the confident cool gem that people most want to be like.
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Your Theme Song is Beautiful Day by U2
"Sky falls, you feel like
It's a beautiful day
Don't let it get away"
You see the beauty in life, especially in ordinary everyday moments.
And if you're feeling down, even that seems a little beautiful too. What's Your Theme Song?
.. You scored as Cultural Creative. Cultural Creatives are probably the newest group to enter this realm. You are a modern thinker who tends to shy away from organized religion but still feels as if there is something greater than ourselves. You are very spiritual, even if you are not religious. Life has a meaning outside of the rational.

Cultural Creative











If Christopher Dale Church were a drink they would be:
3 parts bitch 2 parts evil 3 parts alluring
Get Your RECIPE Here! You have a sexual IQ of 156
When it comes to sex, you are a super genius. You have had a lot of experience, and sex interests you so you know a lot about it. You pride yourself on being a source of information and guidance to all of your friends.
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My Blog

Spiritual Enlightenment

Spiritual Enlightenment Why I became and remain a Christian by Christopher Dale Church      As a young man, ten years of age, I first heard and understood the Gospel. The Holy Spi...
Posted by Christopher on Tue, 27 Mar 2007 07:35:00 PST

Does God make mistakes, YES!

"And do we believe that God makes mistakes?"Yes! Yes we do>>>He tells us so. He is perfect and Holy, don't get me wrong. Still as soon as He created anything with a will of its' own, there is potentia...
Posted by Christopher on Wed, 01 Aug 2007 04:16:00 PST

How dare you be a Virgin...

..> Sunday, July 29, 2007 ..>   How dare you be a virgin Category: News and Politics How dare you be a virgin By Stewart Cowan With the global elite filling the minds of young and old wi...
Posted by Christopher on Mon, 30 Jul 2007 12:58:00 PST

What to do about the New World

What to do about the New World Order,Police State, take over: Educate: Continue to convince others using- > The Internet, Short Wave Radio, Books, Video/Audio Tapes, DVD/CDs, Lectures, Rallies, Docume...
Posted by Christopher on Fri, 25 Aug 2006 07:48:00 PST

Stem Cells

As you probably know, the concept is to take cells that have yet to be differentiated and use them to regenerate tissue, let's say, a kidney. What you probably didn't know is that the whole media thin...
Posted by Christopher on Sun, 22 Jul 2007 08:04:00 PST


Hello,      My name is Christopher Church, I'm Dyslexic.  I have gained some enlightenment concerning my learning disability.  My intentions here are to utilize the resul...
Posted by Christopher on Sat, 17 Mar 2007 06:23:00 PST

Fake Terror

  Fake Terror - The Road to Dictatorship                            &nb...
Posted by Christopher on Fri, 07 Jul 2006 01:12:00 PST