Jolly profile picture


Have nothing; want nothing!

About Me

--Jolly by name, jolly by nature; that's what people say - I am usually smiling! I was brought up in Cheshire but now live near Glasgow where, I was actually born & stayed for a few days before going to England. So I am actually Scottish..even though I do not have a very Scottish's not a very "anything"'s a bit weird! Tam & Winston from Still Game confirmed that with me one Monday afternoon as I served them in work!I follow a spiritual path & work very closely with an amazing teacher called Shantidharma Ma. However, in August of this year I am going to a teaching from Padma Maitreya in my teacher may change over the next few months! Shantidharma Ma is by far the most inspirational person I have ever had the privilege to not just meet, but to spend time with & work with! Life could be upside down & she could guide me to make sense of it! I am blessed to have her in my life. I do meditation for body, mind & spirit. I do Yoga for body, breath, and mind & to enhance my spiritual practice. Controlling & contorting the body greatly fascinates me – a fascination which began when I was a little girl doing gymnastics. I am a definite moon child. Born under a new moon & it is also my ruling planet. I closely follow the lunar cycle; plays a big part in my life & an important part of my spiritual practice.I have a very tall & fantastic son called Luke - he really is one amazing human being; I am truly blessed to have him in my life; a true gift from God!I adore snakes – I keep a Royal Python called Byron. Although I have a deep connection with & a strong fascination for snakes & have kept them for most of my life, Byron will be the last one I keep – snakes belong in their own natural environment.I like cows’ knees - if I owned a pub, I would call it "The Cow's Knee's" ..the Bees Knees are cool, but nothing matches The Cow's Knees! Wicked! To be honest I am rather fond of cows in general...maybe that's why I was never too keen on eating them!!! Sheep & pigs are rather nice also! I don't eat them either!Although I should avoid attachment, I am rather attached to a small black & white panda called... Panny! He is rather battered & has no eyes left, but I sooo love him!I am aware of global warming & try to be as environmentally friendly as possibleI was vegan, then vegetarian, but now I sometimes eat fish (oily ones, others are rank) I also own some leather boots! I am big on comedy – Eddie Izzard does it for me, and not just by making me laugh! ;-) George Formby made me smile at a sad time back in Cheshire when I was just 19. He will always have a place on my IPod, in my DVD collection & in my heart! Auntie Maggies's Remedy is both my ringtone & alarm signal! :-) I was very inspired by The Smiths from about the age of 13 - definitely why I became so involved in music.Music has been both my work & my hobby for as long as I can remember. Covered retail (Virgin, Tower, HMV), band management (Trent), Tour Management (GEMS), live promotions (Cheshire Cat), A&R (Gut Records), DJ (Cathouse), record label (Judas Salvatore) etc. etc. I’ve touched on pretty much every area. Took a break from music – I worked with an airline as cabin crew – very different from music – not really me!! Went back to music - went to University & in 2007 I graduated with a BA in Commercial Music. I am still totally passionate about music & am still involved in various music projects. However, sometimes it seems that me being female, "complicates matters"!! I do find it a bit tedious, and I don't really want to deal with this any longer! So, I decided to take yet another direction in my life! I recently finsihed a course at college in Holistic Therapies; this will also assist me to continue down my own path. Pefect Livelihood is an important part of the Noble Eightfold Path, so this is very important to me. I feel blessed to be able to move in the direction I choose to.I have been in love, it was amazing; it also hurt! I’d do it again though, but only if I find the person I truly connect with! I am not interested in anything less than that! I only see that as a positive energy within me. I am good being single; so don’t read I’m single and pity me & please don’t ask me out! I am only here on MySpace for the MUSIC, my friends & to network! I am single, that’s the way I want it until I make that connection which I will do in the REAL world not cyber world! I'll know when the time comes! Call me old fashioned if you like...I don’t give.......Some accents make me smile & some make me go weak at the knees. Smile: Geordie, Brummie, Manc, Scouse, Yorkshire, Northern Irish, Glaswegian, George Formby! Weak: (male) Welsh, Southern Irish, Morrissey, Alex Turner & Jon McClureI pick up on all accents, which is another reason why mine is so bizarre!The pro photos came about with Alan Cox Photography through managing the band, long story so don’t ask! If you don’t like them, it's easy; don’t look!Please do not just randomly friend request me - at least message me first & say hi.

Layout by CoolChaser

My Interests

Yoga, meditation, working with my spiritual teacher, reflecting,the lunar cycle, reading, music, going to gigs, snakes (especially my own cutie python - Byron), hill walking, comedy, flying (lessons),chillin',the ability to trust my sixth sense, sport (football & motor racing). Learning (i'm a little sponge, constantly soaking up knowledge & experience from all situations) Sounds - like wood pigeons in the early morning, the laugh of a baby,dolphins (which can clearly be heard in Scotland), thunder storms, my son saying "orange" or "heron", accents & languages. Smells; freshly cut grass (although I suffer from hay fever):-)the earth after a rain storm, incense,coconut, vanilla. Visuals; moon, stars, sunsets, lochs, mountains, wildlife & the natural world in general. Cat & dogs (although I don't have any just now) Anything that gets my adrenalin pumping! Best of all...observing my son grow & become one of the most caring, thoughtful, considerate & intelligent human beings I know.

I'd like to meet:

Jesus, Siddhartha Gautama, Nelson Mandela, Gandhi, William Wallace, Dalai Lama, Bob Geldof, George Formby & Mozz (even although most of them have actually croaked it)!!


Create Your Own!


Feed, The Hitcher, Gotti, Silence of The Lambs, The Omen, Taxi Driver,Rocky,(all 5) Rambo, (all of) Over The Top, Forrest Gump, Passion of The Christ, Walk The Line, Cape Fear, Raging Bull,Borat, Waynes World, Godfather, Braveheart, Rob Roy, Gandhi, Highlander, The Kid (& other Chaplin) all George Formby movies Goodfellas, Heat, Casino, Last Temptation of Christ, Austin Powers, Chronicles of Narnia, Harry Potter, Wizard of Oz, Sleepers, Changeling, Svengali, Spinal Tap,Small Faces, Reservoir Dogs, Laurence of Arabia, My Favourite Year, Lost Boys, XXX, (any Vin Diesel movies), Malcolm X, Over The Top, Lord of The Rings, Tideland, oh I could go on for ever & a day....


Green Wing, Little Britain, Peep Show, Friday Night Project, 8 out of 10 Cats, Extra's, The Office, Ali G, My Name Is Earl, Desperate Housewives,


The Bible, Vision & Transformation, Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, Good Heart,..


Shantidharma Ma, Gandhi, Dalai Lama, Jesus, William Wallace, Bob Geldof

My Blog


RespectWhen I learn to respect myself, other people will respect me. How can I develop respect for myself? By keeping my mind positive and encouraging myself to grow and change for the better. Demandi...
Posted by Jolly on Mon, 14 Jul 2008 02:49:00 PST

Clean & Tiday

Clean and TidyThe most important places to keep clean and tidy are my mind and heart. If I allow thoughts to flourish that I wouldn't want to see the light of day, I can never have any real self-respe...
Posted by Jolly on Sat, 12 Jul 2008 12:46:00 PST

Peaceful Soul

Peaceful SoulAlways maintain the awareness- I am a peaceful soul, and allow peace to influence your thinking and judgement.
Posted by Jolly on Wed, 09 Jul 2008 12:20:00 PST

Rest Comes With Waking

I love this one, really makes me think! If only more people could become free of the illusion! Rest Comes With WakingRest does not come with sleeping, it comes with waking. When we are enlighte...
Posted by Jolly on Mon, 07 Jul 2008 02:29:00 PST

True Self

Journey into the stillness of your inner being. Here, in the shade of your true self you will find true comfort and true support.
Posted by Jolly on Tue, 01 Jul 2008 11:46:00 PST

Believe Nothing

Believe NothingIt is much easier to believe that it's snowing, than to experience the snow. If you just believe, you can stay inside, stay warm and avoid the cold. That's why people are led up the gar...
Posted by Jolly on Tue, 01 Jul 2008 11:39:00 PST

Pass On

Pass OnEverything that comes to us, comes to pass or, more accurately, for us to pass on. Not just the money in our pocket, but wisdom, objects, ideas, even opportunities, all come to us, so that, at ...
Posted by Jolly on Sun, 29 Jun 2008 10:57:00 PST


IntroversionThe ability to enjoy one's own company is one of the greatest gifts life has to offer. Learning to turn my thoughts away from all my responsibilities at the day's end and take my mind into...
Posted by Jolly on Sat, 28 Jun 2008 12:39:00 PST

Resent Not (Yoda talk)

Wise words peeps...hard for us to ingest properly though I believe! Go forth, be strong....may the force be with you! Peace J :-)   Resent NotThere are no justified resentments. To resent someo...
Posted by Jolly on Wed, 25 Jun 2008 12:55:00 PST

Treasure Every Moment

Treasure every moment that you have. And treasure it more because you shared it with someone special, special enough to spend your time. Remember that time waits for no one. Yesterday is history. Tomo...
Posted by Jolly on Mon, 23 Jun 2008 02:30:00 PST