Songwriting, Independent artistry, Living out my purpose and encouraging others towards theirs! :-)
This video has sparked a lot of controversy but its necessary amidst all the "pointless" dance music....
I love to dance. I love southern rap. I love hip-hop. But, there needs to be alternatives. There needs to diversity in the genre as it pertains to content. What if I want to hear something mentally stimulating? The program directors on hip-hop stations should do a better job of pushing different types of hip-hop as well as business execs seeing the benefit of funding promotion of those artists...The video you just saw was not racist as some people have taken it to be. Its actually a real look at how we've allowed our culture (hip-hop), a culture black people created, to be taken down by a mentality we (black people) refuse to do anything about. We know we have issues. We know slavery has greatly affected us. Let's start tacklin' our problems and doing something about them...ACTION in '08!
While surfing the internet, I came upon this dance craze popular in the Detroit area. These catz are doing some cool stuff...Its been around for a while but Check it Out...Its called JITTING!
A lot of different types of people. New ideas, new thoughts...each experience will influence in some way.
Mainly, songwriters, producers, musicians, and other singers. But I would also love to meet those individuals that work behinds the scenes to make entertainment possible(i.e., stylists, photographers, promoters, managers, ent lawyers, and booking agents, etc.). I meet artists all the time that are super talented, but need to meet the RIGHT individual in all of these areas....Most of the time, personality conflicts and/or compatibility between business associates make or break the business...With that said, let's build RELATIONSHIPS shall we? :)
I listen to a lot, but mostly listen to independent artists, and I like a lot of diffent styles of music. From soul music to country, hip-hop to classic rock, I appreciate good music with good melodies. I really dont like most of the pop stuff--made popular only because of it's financial backing. But the good stuff, I like. :)
Come check me out at the following event(s):
Damien Horne live at the Liberated Lounge... Come check us out!!!
I really don't have time to go to the movies anymore. I am travelin the U.S. a lot. Can't wait to travel abroad...I'm more likely to curl up and watch a dvd every once in a while--though it may take me a few viewings to finish it.
I am a Law and Order fanatic who also enjoys any of the CSI shows, Cold Case files or StandUp/Sketch comedy shows. I love to laugh so comedy is always good...I'd be remiss if I didnt mention my love for animation--from classic looney tunes to new world anime:)
The Bible!...
My church has formed a movement--the Beyond Jena Movement--to be a more active presence in the schools here in Nashville, TN. Since the conception of the Beyond Jena movement, its become more apparent to me the real cause of problems in schools here in America...Lack of Positive Parenting or Parental Role Models! Proper parenting can curb any amount of racism or gang violence or media influence the world can muster. Try it America!!!
This revelation has really made me appreciate my parents EVEN MORE. I tell them how much I love them often, but my mother and father really mean a lot to me...
There were times they could have called it quits on their marriage. I KNOW they had problems...but they DIDN'T. There were times they could have disowned me for being rebellious or going my own way...But they DIDN'T. There were times they could have said "she's just different..." and let me get away with any and everything...BUT THEY DIDN'T!! They were parents to me and "...train[ed] me up in the way I should go". Yeah. I strayed. But I knew enough, because of what they taught me, to come back to that training.
Thank you mom and dad....I love you!
My heroes are:
The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit!...AND I PRAY MANY BLESSINGS FOR YOU AND YOURS!
Find a POSITIVE role matter what your age.