LI Karaoke Greg profile picture

LI Karaoke Greg

I am not a smart man......but I know what Love is !!

About Me

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I just looked at my driver's license and realized that I'm pushing 40 !! Can it get any worse ? I have no kids ( That I know of :D )and I have never been married. I know that there is someone out there for me. I just haven't met her already. Or have I ??!! During the day I appraise houses. I've been with the same company for about 7 years now. Definitely has it's moments. At night I am a Karaoke Host/DJ. Now that is what I really enjoy. On a good night, it is a really fun job. Who wouldn't want to get paid for doing something you like to do ? Among my other hobbies are movies and music. Movies. Yes. I am an idiot savant when it comes to movie trivia. I've probably seen more films than anyone. I'm the guy everyone calls when they get stumped on an actor's name or the title to a film,etc. My favorite type of films are Monster movies and Horror. Weird huh ? But I am a HUGE Godzilla fan and my DVD collection is at about 400 plus films. That includes such classics as The Godfather, Godzilla vs. Megalon and The Big Lebowski !! Sports ? Yes. I'm a bigtime fan of the NY Yankees. Baseball was never my favorite sport until about 7 years ago. Now I really get into the game and watch ESPN and listen to sports talk all day. Music is a big part of my life. I love Rock and Roll. Modern Rock/Alternative Rock. The 90's was my era for favorite groups. Alice in Chains and Stone Temple Pilots are who I consider my all time faves. However..I'm very versatile. Elvis Aaron Presley is my favorite performer of ALL time. During Karaoke, I'll sing anything and everything from Nirvana to Tony Orlando. Anyway, I'm pretty open minded. I hope to meet and keep in touch with many of you.

My Interests

Karaoke. Movies. Music. Godzilla. NY Yankees.Marvel Comics. Chicago Bears. ..

I'd like to meet:

Clint Eastwood, probably my favorite actor. George Romero, one of my favorite directors. And Nikita Denise, for obvious reasons...


Alice in Chains. Stone Temple Pilots. Elvis Presley. Nirvana. Akira Ifukube. Oleander. Disturbed. Tool. Smashing Pumpkins. Perfect Circle. Nickelback. Jerry Cantrell. Green Day. Weezer. Shinedown.


Godfather 1 and 2. Goodfellas. Braveheart. Fast Times at Ridgemont High. Forest Gump. Blazing Saddles. The Princess Bride. The Wolfman. Batman. King Kong vs. Godzilla. Night of The Living Dead. Dawn of The Dead. Pulp Fiction. The Lord Of the Rings Trilogy. The Star Wars Trilogy. Dog Soldiers. Shaun of the Dead. Dodgeball. Ghidora the 3 Headed Monster. Young Frankenstein. Dario Argento movies. The 13th Warrior. The Outlaw Josey Wales. Unforgiven. High Plains Drifter. Pale Rider. Abbott And Costello Meet Frankenstein. The Wizard Of Oz. The March Of The Wooden Soldiers. The Kevin Smith Films. O Brother Where Art Thou. The Big Lebowski. Raising Arizona. The Warriors.


Heroes. Bones. The Sopranos. Entourage. Boy meets Grill. Robot Chicken. Giada.


I read a lot of books on the paranormal and cryptozoology. Other than that, I'm constantly reading magazines like Rue Morgue and Fangoria.


Walter Payton. My favorite athelete. A great man, great athelete and a great human being. May he rest in peace. Charles Barkley. Sir Charles. The Round Mound of Rebound. The most exciting player I have ever seen. On and off the court. When he speaks, listen.

My Blog

Just a Sunday Blog

Happy Father's Day. It's very sunny outside and very humid. Should be interesting later on when I go jogging. Rough when it's difficult breathing while exercising. But I need it. Drank maybe 14 beers ...
Posted by LI Karaoke Greg on Sun, 17 Jun 2007 11:34:00 PST

Country Music and Onions

Last night I walked into Pistachios around 10:30. The jukebox was crankin' out some country music, song after song. The place smelled like onions. I mean really strong. Someone obviously was ordering ...
Posted by LI Karaoke Greg on Sat, 16 Jun 2007 11:17:00 PST

Thursday Night OT-AGAIN !!!

 Ok, I'm gonna pull a Maritsa here and pat myself on the back !! I kicked some serious ASE here tonight. I suffered thru an out of control kids party. I packed up as quickly as possible and got m...
Posted by LI Karaoke Greg on Fri, 15 Jun 2007 01:37:00 PST

Thursday will be a busy day for me

I know that I sound like a broken record, but just bear with me Thursday night. I will hopefully start at around 11:15 Now tonight ? I went OT over at The Dirty Martini. Great night. Man was that fun....
Posted by LI Karaoke Greg on Thu, 14 Jun 2007 11:38:00 PST

Starting out on a Wednesday

Tomorrow I am starting at Marino's a little late. Just letting all you guys know in advance. I hope to start at around 11:15. Obviously, tonite I am over at Dirty Martini for a 9 PM start. I'm hoping ...
Posted by LI Karaoke Greg on Thu, 14 Jun 2007 04:31:00 PST

What to do on Tuesday

Yes, it is Tuesday. Not much going one. Hoping to end up watching some DVDs over Heather's tonite. But she has not called yet, so that plan is still up in the air. If not, I may end up at the Bulldog...
Posted by LI Karaoke Greg on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 02:52:00 PST

Monday Monday

Another weekend gone spent in Lindenhurst. I work here, hang out here, have friends here and my girlfriend also lives here. The two of us talk about getting an apartment. Where ? Lindenhurst. Go figur...
Posted by LI Karaoke Greg on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 05:16:00 PST

Bouncing around on Friday

Ok, started out at Oasis. Good crowd . Old friends. Tito was in charge of the Karaoke and the people were having a good time. Gary did a great job showing all his appreciation to his customers. Lotta ...
Posted by LI Karaoke Greg on Sat, 09 Jun 2007 12:59:00 PST

Starting off on the right foot Friday

About to set out for tonight. I have to work at PIEstachios with an 11 O'clock start. That gives me time to hang out for a little bit. Tonite, I am starting out over at Oasis. Gary just sold the place...
Posted by LI Karaoke Greg on Fri, 08 Jun 2007 03:54:00 PST


If there was a Karaoke Heaven, every bar would be Marino's Remedies !! Another great night. More OT. Tons of great singers. Tons of great friends. I am a lucky Man to have this many people that I can ...
Posted by LI Karaoke Greg on Fri, 08 Jun 2007 01:50:00 PST