Over the years, we have been immitated in one form or another, from The Simpsons, or blurbs on MTV, to movies like Red and Porky's ("Is Mike Hunt there?"), to mentions and samplings on numerous rock and heavy metal albums. Our calls have even been featured on "The Howard Stern show" and "The Opie & Anthony show" on a regular basis.
Now, you can finally purchase all the Bum Bar Bastards calls directly from iTunes. Please visit our iTunes Page for details.
We have released a ton of previously unreleased Red calls. That's right, NEW Red calls which are found on the Tavern Tour tape and has recently been digitally remastered on the DVD/CD set (out of print) but is available in audio format from our iTunes Page. It also features, in addition to Red, calls to other area bars with patrons just as pissed off and ready to murder us as Red was! Plus a ton of pictures of John Elmo and Jim Davidson - the way they looked when the calls were made. In fact we went out so far, the cover of the DVD/CD is the actual house all the calls were made from!
Bum Bar Bastards:
Online Store