JIM SWEET ART profile picture



About Me

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I will add to my pages from time to time. Look for bulletins if you're interested in my latest page installments

All my art stuff is to the right and below in different categories. The categories are listed on seperate pages and they are My Drawings, My Sculptures, My Animations, My Paintings, My Computer Enhanced Images, My Other Stuff, My Reproductions, and My For Sale page. So just keep scrolling down and you'll see the big retangle moving images representing each page. Click on them to see my work in more detail or you can go to my pics on this page and see everything there in a not so detailed view.
On this page the "About Me" section is more about the stuff I've made and the "Interest" section is more about me as a person who creates things, even though all my stuff is about me no matter what. Every page is all about me, but more about the art I've created then the human that has created it. I only call it "art" because that's what people understand. To me it's just things I've made. Have a good time.


CLICK here to go to see my DRAWINGS
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section for mainly the drawing with the title.


CLICK here to go to see my SCULPTTURES
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section for mainly the scupture with the title.


CLICK here to go to see my ANIMATIONS
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section for mainly the title and a link directly to the animation.

My Interests

Drawing, Sculpting, Animation, Painting, and anything else I can create.

This is my page that shows what I've been doing pretty much my whole life as far as my artwork goes. I think I'll probably be showing pretty much all of it. It will take a while, but I'll put it all up. My page will probably be just as disorganized as I am. I'm getting more organized now though, with all my lists and tape recordings.Enough about me, lets talk about Jim Sweet. Here are some pictures of my past shows and things.
My first show at the Bijou Cinema in Worcester Massachusetts. The name of the show was called "Where Is My Mind?" named after the end song from the movie Fight Club. The song is from the Pixies with the same title. That's also the name I gave to the picture I'm standing next too.
I'll add some pictures later.
Another show of mine was called...... "I DON'T MAKE SENSE.....AND I DON'T WANT TO." Here's my artist statment nonsense that art shows seem to want. There's a lot of things art shows do that become the way to do things. I don't know if I like that. I don't think I do. I think you should do things different as much as you can, especially for or in an art show. I don't even like writing the so called "right way". Eye think ewe should bee able to right you're own wiegh, just like you make art your own way. Writing's art too I thought. The statement below is kind of a longer version of what I said above. I just think I say it better in this one maybe.

my life up until probably the third grade. I think communication had something to do with the bad times. The age from zero to seven was the best time of my life though. I draw or create what I find interesting and inspires me. Sometime it's just a meaningless random thought or idea that pops in my head. Now a days I try not to censor myself. I want to put whatever is in my empty head on paper no matter how rude someone thinks it might be or offensive. I'm not doing it to please others. I'm doing it because I'm alive and I can and it gives me pleasure. My art is a symbol of my individuality and my belief in personal freedom, to steal a line from Wild at Heart. Movies are a big inspiration in my life and my art. I really like movies. I'd say love movies, but I think love is an illusion like God and The Devil. I believe our normal way of life is an illusion. Life doesn't have to be the way others have created it, but we are born into an established way of living without any say and we are almost born with no right to disagree. The fact that you are born is the understanding you agree with the rules of that land and if you don't, there is something wrong with you. It's the land of the free if you follow all of our rules and live a lifestyle that is so called normal. If not, you can and will die. Mostly by the hands of other people.
I was born on a planet we call Earth that's all I care about as far as that goes and I'm more of a pink color. People make up colors and can't use them right either. The best thing about being you, you can choose what to be called. I'm not white, I'm pink. I'm not an Atheist, I'm Jim Sweet. I don't think anyone is more important or better than anyone else or anything else. I hate that people break people down into race, religion, colors, ethnicity, classes, ages, sexes. Art is almost everything and is in your face every second. There's no good or bad art, there's just art few people can do and art some people can do and art most people can do and art all people can do. I really don't know anything if I really think about it. I just believe I figured things out for me. I know I'm here and then I go, that's all I see that’s all I know. I know other people think like me because I see myself in many different movies. I am Nobody. I believe everything has an equal and opposite and nothing would exist if there wasn't. nothing = something, nobody = somebody, if everyone is special that makes us all the same so no one is special. I believe population is the biggest problem of the world. Like the Matrix says, "we spread like a virus" and like Fight Club "we are consumers."wanting to be happy or in love. Now I just think happy is only one emotion. I should be happy that I can feel sad and angry too. We are human and we express emotions. We should be able to at least act human and express them all. People called it human behavior. It's perfectly normal and we are all perfect. We are humans and individuals. You're a perfect you and I'm a perfect me. Nobody's perfect=everybody’s perfect. Like a perfect rock or a perfect stick. We are the way we are, how can there be an imperfection. You can't improve or turn into someone else. You will always be you learning, growing, living=dying, feeling. Someone can not be normal, but that's a good thing. People are selfish. We all do what we want to do. You are the most important person to you. People get mad at you because you are not doing what they want to see in their lives. So this causes anger, fear and control. When ever you do something you want to do, you're being selfish. Like taking a walk, eating or having a person. People are selfish even when they are trying to help. People get mad when you don't want to help them save the whales. What if I was saving the Gorillas and somebody was saving the eagles and we all give five dollars to each others causes. We would have just made no money. Help your ownrings, heavy metal music, sex changes, gay people, name calling. I believe art doesn't have to be a certain way and life doesn't have to be a certain way. Do what you want and express yourself anyway. Sometimes people think art is outrageous or offensive and say, "That is taking it too far." I don't think you can go "too far" in art or life unless you are physically hurting other people by it. "That's all I've got to say about that." Forrest Gump. Well this is some of the stuff that goes through my head most of the time. Maybe these are the thoughts of a fool, but that's just someone's opinion. I am a fool if I want to be. Take it slow and easy.Jimmi Joe Sweet
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I'd like to meet:


CLICK here to go to see my PAINTINGS
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section for mainly the painting with the title.


CLICK here to go to see my COMPUTER ENHANCED ART
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section for mainly the picture with the title.


CLICK here to go to see my OTHER STUFF
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section for mainly the picture, the title and/or links.


CLICK here to go to see my REPRODUCTIONS
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section for mainly the picture, the title and/or links.


CLICK here to go to see my STUFF FOR SALE
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section for mainly the picture, the title and/or links.


The Knife Blondie - Living in the Real World

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In 75 years you'll be fucking dead and I'll be up there with Picasso and Vincent so get the fuck out of here!
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Different ways other poeple think like me and I like them. ..


don't know yet


No HERO's, what's a hero? These are people and characters I like. Hulk, Tyler Durden, Charles Bukowski The Genuis of the Crowd by Charles Bukowskithere is enough treachery, hatred violence absurdity in the average human being to supply any given army on any given dayand the best at murder are those who preach against it and the best at hate are those who preach love and the best at war finally are those who preach peacethose who preach god, need god those who preach peace do not have peace those who preach peace do not have lovebeware the preachers beware the knowers beware those who are always reading books beware those who either detest poverty or are proud of it beware those quick to praise for they need praise in return beware those who are quick to censor they are afraid of what they do not know beware those who seek constant crowds for they are nothing alone beware the average man the average woman beware their love, their love is average seeks averagebut there is genius in their hatred there is enough genius in their hatred to kill you to kill anybody not wanting solitude not understanding solitude they will attempt to destroy anything that differs from their own not being able to create art they will not understand art they will consider their failure as creators only as a failure of the world not being able to love fully they will believe your love incomplete and then they will hate you and their hatred will be perfectlike a shining diamond like a knife like a mountain like a tiger like hemlocktheir finest art, Jim Sweet, Andy Kaufman, Howard Stern. All those Fire Fighters, right. Yeah. I know I'm here and then I go, that's all I see, that's all I know. Tee Collins the animator