Liberal/Progressive Talk Radio (Nova M, Air America, Head-On, Jones Radio, Alternative, Mother Jones),,,,, Reading, Government/Politics, Animals, Music, Concerts, Movies, Computers/Internet, eBay, Sleeping, Hanging out with Friends and Family, Walking, Bowling, Fishing, Riding in Boats, Bar-B-Qs, The Onion, Pinball, Drawing, Art, Going To Bars and Restaurants, MN Vikings, MN Wild, Colorado Avalanche and Shopping! I LoVe Having Cool Ones With Friends. All This Sounds Like I'm Pretty Busy...But Really I'm Not.
Mike Malloy, Thom Hartmann, Dennis Kucinich, Bill Maher, Paul Hackett, Paul Rieckhoff, Jack Cafferty, Lou Dobbs and Robert Zimmerman (Dem. Strategist), Bill Moyers, Wesley Clark, Ralph Nader, Ed Schultz, Sam Seder, Janeane Garofalo, Randi Rhodes, Rachel Maddow, Democracy Now saints, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Mike Papantonio and others.
A lot of Classic Rock...AC/DC, Led Zepplin, The Who, Elvis, Foreigner, Jimi Hendrix, The Rolling Stones, Nazareth, Pink Floyd, The Beatles, The Bee Gees, Jamiroquai, The Beastie Boys, The Original INXS, Adam Ant, Duran Duran, Billy Squier, CCR, Nirvana, Rage Against The Machine, Marilyn Manson, Deep Purple, Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest etc. I also like The Mars Volta, System of a Down, The White Stripes, Clutch, Lard, Mule, Wolfmother, Tenacious D...In general, Classic Rock and some Metal. I also like Firehose, ThUnDeRoUs Classical, Blues, Old Country and Bluegrass Music. There's more but I've got to go to work right now...Byyyyyyyeeeeee!
Movies with Sean Penn, Jon Heder, the Sheen family members, Jack Nicholson, Anthony Hopkins, Frances McDormand, Bill Murray, Leonardo DiCaprio, Uma Thurman, Jude Law, John Turturo, Tom Hanks, Christopher Walken, John Travolta, Matt Damon, and Ben Affleck. Grrrt...there's so many others I'm missing.
More good movies...Pan's Labyrinth, Kill Bill(s), V for Vendetta, The Corporation, Enron: Smartest Guys in the Room, Why We Fight, Network, All The King's Men. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Oh Brother, Where Art Thou, Flash Gordon, Fargo and all other Coen Brother Films. The Godfather, Clash of the Titans, Sin City, Kung Fu Hustle, Saving Private Ryan, Forrest Gump, Breakfast Club, Revenge of the Nerds, The Evil Dead Series, Gone With The Wind, Flash Gordon, Halloween Series...oh there's tons more....It's A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World, The Usual Suspects, Reservoir Dogs, The Life Aquatic, Rushmore, Napolean Dynamite, Animal House, Saturday Night Fever, Dr. Strangelove, Stripes, Caddyshack, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Jaws, Nightmare on Elm Street movies, and Hitchcock classics. I Can't Think Of Any More Right Now...
The Family Guy, Curb Your Enthusiasm, My Name is Earl, Seinfeld, Malcom in the Middle, Mad TV, SNL, The Dog Whisperer, Animal Planet!, Countdown with Keith Olberman, C-Spans, Lou Dobbs Tonight, Jack Cafferty, PBS: News Hour with Jim Lehrer, The McLaughlin Group, NOW...everything on PBS! I also like Eyes of Nye, The Discovery Channel, History Channel. Some HBO shows and tons of Comedy Central Shows like...The Jon Stewart Show, The Colbert Report, Crank Yankers, Insomniac with Dave Attell, Dave Chappelle's Show and Cartoons!!!
Animal Farm, 1984, Lord of the Flies, A Confederacy of Dunces, To Kill A Mockingbird, Slaughterhouse-5, Ficciones, The Elephant Man, The Great Gatsby, Brave New World, One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, Armed Madhouse (paperback/most recent edition), Watership Down, Fahrenheit 451, Diary of a Madman, Prelude to Greatness, Lincoln: His Speeches and Writings, Blood on the Moon, Common Sense, Rights of Man, Reveille For Radicals, What Would Jefferson Do, Of Mice and Men, Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight, Unequal Protection, Candide, Deliverance, Rabbit Run, Catch-22, The Consolations of Philosophy, Freethinkers, The Exception to the Rulers, Haymarket, War is a Racket, Politics the Paul Wellstone Way, Up Front, Where the Red Fern Grows, Best of Robert G. Ingersoll, Another Bullshirt Night in Suck City, Blankets, Barefoot Gen Series, Chris Ware's Acme Novelty Library, Me Write Book: It Bigfoot Memoir, In Me Own Words: The Autobiography of Bigfoot, A Really Super Book About Squirrels, Jimmy Corrigan/Smartest Kid on Earth, Charlotte's Web, Frog and Toad Books, All Richard Scarry Books!, Green Eggs and Ham, Peter and the Wolf, The Little Red Hen, Henny Penny, The Gingerbread Man, The Three Billy Goats Gruff, The Troll With No Heart, Norwegian Folktales, Peanuts Books...etc.
Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Paine, FDR, Mike Malloy, Thom Hartmann, Paul Rieckhoff, Benjamin Franklin, Jimmy Carter, George Washington, JFK, Dwight D. Eisenhower, The Late MN-DFL Senator, Paul Wellstone, Robert McNamara, Bernie Sanders, Byron Dorgan, John Conyers, Dennis Kucinich, Russ Feingold, Paul Hackett, Sensible US Soldiers & Vets, All The Servicemen and Women Currently Serving In This Unjust Occupation!!!, Union Members, Stephen Colbert, Jon Stewart, Ed Schultz, Janeane Garafalo, Sam Sedar...Oh, all the Air America Radio & Progressive hosts!!! Lou Dobbs, Graham Roumieu, Charlie Brown, Snoopy and Chris Ware. My Dad, Gordon (the Squirrel Whisperer) and my Brother Dennis.