Yeah that's what they call me when I'm not in deep shit [because of my big mouth]. C'mon let's be honest, I contribute to modern culture like a flesh eating disease contributes to faith in modern medicine.
When you're brimming with humility like I am, you're not afraid to adopt a pretentious nickname like mine.
Over time I've been farsighted (sleazy) enough to work with some truely legendary Artists.
(whilst remaining jail and methadone free)
Producing, engineering and playing; a virtual banquet of mixed meats and a shitload of Vegetarian crap on projects spanning 'almost' every genre imaginable ( and some it's best you don't ).
And yet always the Bridesmaid ...
It was high time I got off my arse and delivered my own pathetic outpouring of angst.
Then "what the fuck" I thought!
but then; I think that a lot .....
Together with my alter ego
We crawl the gutters of musical perversity and depravity; occasionally lifting our heads to fire heartless broadsides at whoever's unlucky enough to be in our sights.
Quantum Mechanic - Anarcho Syndicalist - Electronic Eavesdropper - Hard Rock Propagandist - Country Ghost Cowboy - Irresponsible Cyber Scientist - Opinionated Art Thief - Foul Mouthed Asshole -
all this and even less ...
Fuckem if they can't take a joke !
That's pRyCeLeSs