Member Since: 3/13/2006
Band Members: Track 1:
Dave Gwyther - vocals, guitar; Stuart Wills - Keyboard, vocals
Track 2:
Dave Gwyther - vocals, guitar; Rupert Bath - guitar, bass, keyboard
Tracks 3 and 4
Dave Gwyther - vocals, guitar, harmonica (track 3).
Tracks 3 and 4 recorded at Barn Door Records studio, Combe St Nicholas, Somerset, UK, 05/05/07.
New Demo CD 'Not Our Children, Not Their Children' available FREE now. Please email [email protected] for your free copy.
Possibility of an album coming out shortly, watch this space for details.
A bit about Dave...
I was born in Bristol and at the age of 7 I moved to Exmouth in Devon where I spent the rest of my youth. At 18 I went to Swaziland in Africa to teach at a Primary School. After teaching I travelled overland across Africa upto Egypt in the north. When I returned to England I went to The University of Northampton to study Third World Development with Philosophy. During my uni years I travlled to South East Asia and also to India where I taught in a High School. I now live in Seoul, South Korea, where I teach Elementary school English for the Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education.
I started playing guitar at the age of 22 as I couldn't find a band to play with and really wanted to be a musician. I got so frustrated with what is going on in the world and my inability to do anything about it so I started writing songs. It helps me to vent some of my frustration and hopefully along the way might bring to peoples attention that the world isn't this tiny little existence we create in our comfortable societies but a harsh, cruel, power driven reality.
I hope to one day work for The United Nations so that I can try and make a real difference in the world rather than just singing about it.
I am inspired by the world around me, that which I have seen, that which I have left to see and the fact that this world needs changing. Musically I enjoy Donovan, Bob Dylan, Johnny Cash, the top 4 of my myspace friends, indie/rock music and the folk scene of Devon. I also played in the duo 'The Daves!' with my good friend Dave Harley, check it out:
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