alejandro reyes | profile picture

alejandro reyes |

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

My name is Alejandro Reyes and I live in Sacramento, CA.

Someone once told me, "Find out what you're passionate about and then go figure out a way to get paid to do it." That made sense to me so I decided to do it.

My Passion is people so I decided to help out as many people as I can and most of my dreams have come true, but there's still a lot more people out there that are not getting what they truly want out of life.

So many people settle for mediocrity. They settle for what life throws their way, rather than going out there and designing their life. It saddens me to see people never tap into the greatest gift in the world...their PASSION! I am on a personal mission to help as many people as I can get what they want out of life.

To learn more about me - please check my personal site here:


My Interests

follow successfool at

I'd like to meet:

People that have passion and purpose or those that want help find theirs. Looking to network with:
* bloggers
* webmasters (people that own and run websites)
* programmers
* innovators
* visionaries
* writers
* marketers
* producers
* musicians/bands
* sarcastic/witty people with far out stories and ideas that they want to share


Michael Jackson
John Mayer
One Republic
Earth, Wind, & Fire


'd like to think I'm a movie buff... Gladiator
Legends of the Fall
Most of Al Pacino's stuff
Godfather 1&2
Boiler Room
Jerry Maguire
The Goonies
Shrek 2
Pulp Fiction
Eternal Sunshine for The Spotless Mind
Office Space
The Boondock Saints
Vanilla Sky


Reality Shows
Fresh Prince reruns
Jamie Foxx Show reruns
Prison Break


The Bible
How to Win Friends and Influence People
Think and Grow Rich
The Little Red Book to Selling
The Tipping Point
Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion
Good To Great
Multiple Streams of Income
21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership
The Little Engine that Could (no seriously)


Jesus Christ
Mom and Dad
Sarah Nicole (my wife has inspired me so much)

My Blog

Famous Entrepreneurs - Why You Shoul Pay Attention

I did a video & wrote an article about "Famous Entrepreneurs" and what we can learn from the.  Here's a snippet & check out the blog!"In Phase Two of, I'll be profiling th...
Posted by alejandro reyes | on Fri, 02 May 2008 09:14:00 PST

Its Official - Im a New Daddy!

Hey what's up folks! Long time no chat. Been pretty busy with my new blog Successfool (dot) com and a few other things.I just wanted to stop in real quick and let you know that Sarah had our baby, S...
Posted by alejandro reyes | on Sat, 26 Apr 2008 09:43:00 PST

Successfool Dot Com Launches!!

Hey everyone - just thought I’d let my myspace family know that Successfool dotcom has officially launched!Successfool is about teaching people how to become successful in all the areas of their...
Posted by alejandro reyes | on Wed, 02 Apr 2008 08:37:00 PST