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I am here for Networking

About Me

*This is the Following story of a 20 year Old current student.. Who previously branded as a *COMPLETE FAILURE* At Life is now a Leader-Empowering and Mentoring people to succeed *


Hi My Name Is John Lai, I am a Student and a Creator and an on going Author of MY LIFE

Thanks for taking your much valued time to visit my myspace page as i am happy and grateful that you are here. I'm sure it will be great value to you ..

The reason i am on myspace is to network with people and to share my knowledge , my experience , my strategies , my step-by-step system to people who want change and also to empower people. As the journey i took gathering what i have learned has been a tough one for myself, but know knowing what i have learned it's *FULLY* worth it.

So before i get into things, i will tell you a little bit about your's trully :)..

John Lai's Story!!.

I was born in Malaysia, Kuching to be exact. And migrated to New Zealand with my father as it was my mum's desire for me to get a better life . i consider myself as a type person who loves a challenge , i really love trying out new things, i am one of those so called *Sports Nut* . I love watching it and being a part of a team and feeling that Andredeline rush of sports. And also i was blessed with the opportunity to represent country and state in my selected sports. i'm inspired to be a musician, especially producing my own music beats. I'm a huge fan of renowned producers like Timbaland and Pharrell Williams, i Love their work .

Reflecting on my life so far here in New Zealand, time flies past pretty fast and I could remember like it was yesterday that I landed in New Zealand to Start a New journey and Chapter in my Life. It was tough settling into a new country , new culture and new school . I started to *DREAM* the possibilities of what i could achieve for myself here in a new country. Basically it was only my Dad that accompanied on this journey with me, my Mum had to stay in Malaysia as she still had to work at her Job to support us .

Along the Journey i made good and bad friends and also good and bad decision .I'm not ashamed to say it, because it just makes me more aware and learn from the situation. As i didnt have a father figure or mentor that i could look up for support, even though my father was with me, he was always busy with work and had no time for me, to the point where i started to ask the question of "Does he even care anymore" , because stress at work had gotten into him so much that the only person he could take upon is me. Our relationship with each other is a weird one . So basically i was thrown into the deep end on things and had to fight through obstacles and challenges myself. And my mum couldn't do much other then giving words of encouragement , as she was living on the other side of the world. So i had to deal with life's unfortunate up's and down, espcially in my case where i was still settling in a new country and culture.

Time for a Change.

Well it came to a point in my life, That i look back and told myself i Sooo need to do something about this , i needed to *TAKE ACTION*. i Had to stop blaming everyone else, saying " Its because of them i couldn't achieve the things i wanted" .

I made a promise to myself i would do anything in my power to get me out of the situation i was in. Usually someone my age would go spend their part-time work money on alcohol, comic book, picking up girls or gaming consoles, But instead i wanted the change in my Life soo much , i went on to spend my part-time work money on self development books and attending leader seminars. i know that with the efford i am putting in, in the Long run it will benefit me.

John Lai's Secret to Success!!.

Here is Something i want to Share and that's : *John Lai's Secret to Success*. And the Key to Attracting Prosperity And Abundance into your Life. And a whole lot more .

The Main Key to success is Y.O.U - Nobody else can determine your future but yourself. and by YOU i meant the Authentic You .

So when we talk about finding *The Authentic You* it's that simple and yet that complicated because most people aren't comfortable in their own skin. When I'm talking about the big fish out there, the big players what do these guys have? If you've ever wondered and listened to them and tried to figure out, try no more because the answer is simple they are comfortable in their own skin .

This is one of many personal Commitments to myself, and I'am accountable for my own Action and Being the Authentic *ME*, because at the end of the day that is what it really boils down to for me , Being *The Real Me* . These are my Words and I am honouring that commitment untill this very day. Because its very empowering .

Examples of not being *YOU*.

Let's take Network Marketing for example, you guys ( maybe not you ) but thousands of people are still running around out there trying to be there trying to be there up-line ( I use to experiment in *Old School* Network Marketing ) trying to be the guru using the up-lines lines word for word. An up-line once said to me John this is how me and you gonna build a massive business together, just ask everyone this question.. *Are you interested in this opportunity?* . I'm sure everyone can relate and even recite a number of one liners or scripts. But you never really want to be like them because in the end you look fake. It felt stupid at times, and ultimately people know it. Yet it's still being taught in this industry and people are still falling for it..

Being *YOU* can be a good thing. .

If you haven't figured it out yet *The Authentic You* live a life of abundance and the *Fakes* are waiting in the wings wondering why things havent worked out for them - in the meantime the people that are authentically being themselves they get further financially and also in their lives .

Why Determination and Persistence will always pay off !!

As i look back now, with what i have gone through and the *MASSIVE ACTION* i took to write a better chapter in my life. With all the books on self-development and the seminars that i had attended, i learnt two of the most important things that i was lacking and that was Determination and Persistence , I'm also proud to say my Life now has taken a *MASSIVE* 360 turn . Not only do i apply these principles but also others i have mentioned. Not onlyin my Life but also in my businesses. I am part of several Successful internet businesses that I'm running with at the moment. As with these businesses i am beginning to see all the dreams, all my goals coming true.

what i want to encourage you with is that you have to remember that skills are easily learned and all you have to do is to learn and apply these new skills to be successful in all areas of your life.

Freedom begins right here...

So i Hope My story has given you Value and also an idea of who I am and what i have achieved and also i hope it has stirred some emotions in you enough to take *MASSIVE ACTION* in your life also. I feel blessed also because being at the ripe age of 20, I'm gaining all this knowledge, and being able to share this knowledge with people. So that's why i have created this Myspace Page.

If you are like me and you always had that passion within to succeed but did not have a Mentor or Leader to guide you? you already have good standings with me.

So i encourage you to either leave me a message or here are my other options to get in contact with me, Because i would love to hear your story :)

SKYPE: The.First.Asian.Gamer

Email: [email protected]

New Zealand: 0064-9-8281829

Usa: 206-984-4706

* I encourage you please be patience, As i have to go through quite alot of messages to get to your's, so i appreciate that you bear with me and i will reply back as soon as possible *

I'm avalible to those who display

A Go-Getter attitude A leader Passionate Love Helping People Ambitious Quality A quality of not letting anything in front of them to stop them from their *DREAMS* Authenticity

People i don't want to meet :
    If you don't have the desire to succeed If you don't see Leadership Quality in yourself If you don't thrive to change your life, for the better If you don't have a good attitude

Professional MySpace Layouts by Iron Spider

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I am known in the internet marketing and direct response marketing industry. I coach, train, and market tools to people in the MLM (Network Marketing), Affiliate Marketing, and Direct Sales Industry. I teach people in those industries how to brand themselves as well as build huge lists (downlines) of return buyers.Welcome From Robin Marroquin Marketing, Network Marketing, Business Consulting, Prosperity Consciousness, Law of Attraction, Investing,add more key words hereLeads, Lead Program, Residual Income, Entrepreneur, Sales, Sales Training, Home Based Business, Mentor, Affiliate Marketing, Blogging, Online Marketing, Personal DevelopmentThe First Part of the Online Success Formula is the Secret Law of Attraction....this is ... all » key for success as you will attract what you to attract the right type of person... you need to become that person..... because like attracts to be successful....Think like a succesful successful people and assume more responsibility to help others become 10% more than everybody else and people will perseve you to be a leader... they will look to you for leadership...and as soon as you are a leader in the eyes of another person,mlm arbonne mlm bds 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I am known in the internet marketing and direct..

My Blog

My Update !!! Wednesday 25th june 2008

Hey Everyone   This is John Lai here :) Just writting this blog accompanied with a video :) the video below just give you a brief explanation on how i did in top affiliate challenge, and my futur...
Posted by on Tue, 24 Jun 2008 16:43:00 GMT

In need of votes to keep my dream alive please :)

Hi There Everyone As you may already know that i'm auditioning for the Top Affialiate Challenge, if you didnt know then yes i am one of many people that is auditioning for the show and yeste...
Posted by on Mon, 09 Jun 2008 02:34:00 GMT

Finally the Website is here :)

Hey there everyone.. This is John Lai here with another blog and a video to accompany with it... and to keep this blog short, yes my officially website is up and running, its still not running at its ...
Posted by on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 23:28:00 GMT

Sneak peek to my own official website :)

Hey Hey Everyone :) John Lai here, with another special anouncement for everyone. lately i have been in the "lab" pouring my heart and soul designing and making my official website.. yes i will be hav...
Posted by on Wed, 21 May 2008 01:02:00 GMT

Top Affiliate Challenge: Vote John Lai

Hey Hey Everybodyits great to be back in the mix again  :)been soooooo busy with assignments and that for university, but now I'am on my two week break, so its time to relax a little bit.anyways ...
Posted by on Wed, 30 Apr 2008 02:10:00 GMT

Video Testimony !!!

Hey Hey Guys and Gals.. John Lai here.... I would like to say being able to empower and impact someone is a beautiful thing :) those who is reading my post for the first time, i will tell you a lil ab...
Posted by on Mon, 07 Apr 2008 21:10:00 GMT