Born in Brooklyn, Michael Sean Brown (Doc Rizk), at a young age moved to Staten Island and spent the majority of his adolescent life there. After his family moved to the Pocono's, Doc decided to move back to Brooklyn and started his still uncompleted high school career. After realizing being with his siblings in PA would better suit him, he picked up and moved to the Onocop. There he met up with other member of his first HipHop group, Disciples of Logic (DOL), Mozez Flowz, Will da Beast, Complex, Ed the Abbot and Swayz. They would put together a couple albums and mixtapes while doing shows, battles and local parties. In the process they would lose member Swayz to inner conflict and gain some very unnecessary members, who I wont mention. (They sucked) Dealing with faulty management and decisions to persue higher education, DOL finally disbanded. Doc and Complex would move to Orlando and attend Full Sail for a year to aqcuire their Associates Degree in Recording Arts. Now fresh out of school with a new perspective on the game and more knowledge to take them to the point in which they've been trying to reach for so long, working with Mozez new band Halflip only seems right. Doc is currently working closely with Da Beast and they put together a small album called "The Doc & Beast Show", which they perform at shows along with old and new tracks with Halflip. Look out for new shows and a national tour coming up. The east coast cant hold us down for long so the west is gonna get a taste of traditional east coast underground.
Rigamortis Live
Sacrifice Outro
One For Sorrow
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