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About Me

My Name is Steve Jones and I am the CEO of The Oblique Direct Response Marketing Company.
I am a firm believer that everybody has the opportunity to improve their situation, but some People are so set in their ways they can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel which represents Financial Freedom, for them the light is just a Train heading towards them that will inevitably mow them down, this way of thinking is the demise for the majority of People on this Planet, the way you think will always have a knock on effect on what it is you are trying to do, so you need to change your mind set and totally forget everything you think you know about improving your lifestyle because the chances are you are wrong, for example maybe getting a regular Job brings in Money and Security, but it also brings in Stress, Anger, Frustration, Tiredness, and even Illness in some cases, this may not be the case for some People because they might enjoy their Job, but for the rest of us; including myself, a Job or Jobs we have had might have been more like a Nightmare or Slavery, so we are better finding a new way to live and work on this ever changing fragile Planet and that starts by thinking in a different way, you need a good idea to start with and you need to have faith and belief in that idea if it is going to become a reality, you need to change the way you think in order to turn that idea into a reality, the Key is quite simply by thinking POSITIVELY about what you are doing and forget about your old ways of doing things and everything will fall into place eventually.
You may be in a similar situation that I was in a few Years ago; broke and depressed and may have some great ideas but can’t find a way to get things started, just forget everything you think you know about improving your lifestyle and follow me on this journey, I will show you not only a new way of improving your lifestyle, but a new way of thinking.
A Bit Of Affirmation

You work hard for your Family, you want what's best for them, they want you to lead by example and put you on a pedestal, they look up to you...
But they don't have your ambition, so they put you down and blame you for the crick in their neck!
The morel of the story is... look after your family, but follow you ambitions because your Family won't see you as any different in their eyes; whether you succeed or fail, from their point of view nothing will change, but the entire world will change for you because you took action and followed your dreams and the irony of it is you probably done it for your Family in the first place.
You find a job and work your socks off, you think you are doing well and suddenly get fired; for reasons that are usually not your fault, maybe because you are the new boy or girl, who knows?
The point is, if you are your own boss you can't get fired!
So You Have A Great Idea And Want To Make Money,
But You Just Don’t Know HOW To Get Started?
I have been involved in selling Information based Products for the last two Years, It has been my dream to turn simple ideas into large amounts of Money for a long time, and within those two Years I believe I have finally cracked it and I can safely say I am earning thousands of Pounds by selling these simple ideas as Information based Products, but in the beginning; like a lot of People I was struggling and it took a long time to get things going.
I know suffering, I know disappointment, I know what it’s like to be Poor, but I also know that there are other People worse off than me and I hate to think how they cope in life, they obviously need help, and if in the beginning I had somebody to help me get things going I wouldn’t of had to go through the suffering and disappointment I had to endure and I could have been selling Information Products a lot sooner with less effort, it is a hard Business to get into at first because there is a lot of work to be done, and usually a lot of financial commitment, it doesn’t matter how many things you read that tell you how to do it, they all promise that it’s easy, but the reality is, it’s difficult to start with, it is NOT easy in the beginning which I realized first hand.
If only there was just one Person that could have shared my Burden, if only I had somebody else that would know how to get me started in the Information Selling Business, things would have been a lot easier!
Well I am here to help YOU, all you need to do is ASK and I will help you get started by pointing you in the right direction.
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My Current Projects:

Turning Simple Ideas Into Massive Profits - Part 1

Turning Simple Ideas Into Massive Profits - Part 2

Turning Simple Ideas Into Massive Profits - Part 3

Turning Simple Ideas Into Massive Profits - Part 4

Turning Simple Ideas Into Massive Profits - Part 5

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Revealed In Pumping Gold : Michael Cheyney Talks Traffic!

Revealed In Pumping Gold : $541,839 In 12 Months

An Active Mind leads to a Healthy Body!

.. I Workout Regular which helps keep my Mind Active and my Body Healthy,
it is NOT Strength that counts but Persistance!

My Blog

Turning Simple Ideas Into Massive Profits - Part 5

A Bit Of Affirmation You work hard for your Family, you want what's best for them, they want you to lead by example and put you on a pedestal, they look up to you... But they don't have your ambitio...
Posted by on Thu, 22 May 2008 08:43:00 GMT

Turning Simple Ideas Into Massive Profits - Part 4

Product Types There are lots of different Product Types you can find, but I will tell you about the 9 Main Types. Reports A Report is usually just 1 to 8 Pages (sometimes more) of specialised infor...
Posted by on Wed, 21 May 2008 07:47:00 GMT

Turning Simple Ideas Into Massive Profits - Part 3

Creating Product Packages Or Sets Informational Products have a virtual infinite Shelf Life, and they are not time sensitive, they will sell just as good today as they did 5 years ago or even 5 years...
Posted by on Tue, 20 May 2008 16:40:00 GMT

Turning Simple Ideas Into Massive Profits - Part 2

Researching Your Idea I am going to show you just how easily you can turn simple ideas into a large amount of Money, by using the Internet; all from the comfort of your own Home, if not straight from...
Posted by on Mon, 19 May 2008 15:33:00 GMT

Turning Simple Ideas Into Massive Profits - Part 1

The Situation I started out with nothing more than a couple of Pounds in my Pocket, I had no special background or Qualifications and just a standard Education, I was unemployed, I needed to find a w...
Posted by on Sun, 18 May 2008 14:44:00 GMT