Music, the industry and all it's dark corners, writing music, damn good musicians, spinning records, vocals, shakin' it and groovin' it, and people who don't f$*k around or flake out! Traveling, too!
People who are REAL, and don't front like they know it all! People who are priceless are those who take on laughter and being a f-in' dork as a part time job and staying real and knowing what they want in life as the other part timer.And by the way: my top friends are in NO specific order, so quit yer bitchin'!
Give me pretty much anything 'cept top 40, but even that serves its purpose once in a while!
Yeah, so I hate picking these kind of things, but "The Godfather", "Office Space", "Trainspotting", "Requiem for a Dream". and others that i'll remember in a few........
I'm a total CSI addict. And Nip Tuck. And LOVE the L Word! Then there's Will and Grace, Emergency Vets and all of Animal Planet in general, The Family Guy, and don't forget the Simpsons. I'm also becoming a bit of a homebody so TLC is getting interesting..........
I must confess that I haven't read too much lately, but some of my all time favorites have been Farenheight 451, 1984, Operating Instructions, The Red Tent, Egaliah's Daughters,and yup - Harry Potter.
Definitely a lot of the women that have been in my life who have shown me strength, compassion, and loyalty since cool ladies are hard to come by. I will also not forget the men in my life who have shown me kindness, friendship, partnership, honesty, and what its like to be part of a family. And to add on, everyone who has shown me support through all of my querky ideas and creativity.