I'm absolutely no good at writing promotional bios. I recently played at my buddy Evan Alexander's birthday bash and he took it upon himself to write a bio for me! I've decided to runwith it. I think it's a little cocky, but most people that know me think it's hilarious.
So... without further ado:
Tim Blade is the up and coming star that you always wish you had. Tim Blade is one of Portland's brightest producers, alwayspacking a crate of his own tunes that pack the dance floors. Tim Blade's music has been known to polish the roughest stones.Tim Blade's music has been rumored to put some shake into the flattest of asses. Tim Blade's music has been reported to causeclothes to spontaneously disapper. Tim Blade's music is better than yours.
Watch out.
And now, for your viewing pleasure (make sure to stop the track playing on my player):
Come Home (Thirteen Puzzle Pieces REMIX)
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