Fine art, Irish Dance, Technical Theatre, Acting, Musical Theatre, Cats, Classic Movies...
We love backstage/technical theatre. As members of the Windsor High School Jaguar Troupe (2002-2005), our artists, Amber & Tara Rankin, worked many hours backstage on set construction and set painting and held jobs, such as Prop Mistress, Stage Manager, and Special Effects Lead, for WHS Jaguar Troupe productions of "Little Shop of Horrors," "Lost In Yonkers," "The Elephant Man," "Dracula," "Arsenic & Old Lace," "Sabrina Fair," "Sorry," and "Toy Camp."
Their two most notable achievements were the 800 sq. ft, two-story, "stone" castle, created for the set of "Dracula," and the "flagstone" garden wall, created for the set of "Sabrina Fair." Every stone was hand-drawn, painted and shaded and when completed each of these set pieces took up the entire length of the stage.
In 2005, their hard work and dedication to the theatre earned them not only the coveted "Jaguar Troupe Award," but a new award was created, named in their honor, "The Rankin Award For Outstanding Technical Theatre," which is now awarded yearly for excellence in technical theatre.
Preview of Coming Attractions: Director; Stage Manager; Costumes; Lights; Sound; Props; and Make-Up - Premiering Late Spring 2007
Examples of their work can be seen locally at Windsor High School where they collaborated in the design and painting of two murals and at the Windsor Middle School where they designed and painted the stained glass windows above the doors at the Windsor Middle School Gymnasium.
BLAGGARDS - "Stout Irish Rock" - Check them out!
Gone With The Wind, It's A Wonderful Life, Casablanca, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, The Philadelphia Story, The Mummy, Strictly Ballroom, Pride & Predjudice, Much Ado About Nothing, Monty Python & The Holy Grail, Bedazzled
Monty Python's Flying Circus; Fawlty Towers; Worst Jobs In History; Grey's Anatomy
In Particular: Pride & Predjudice; Persuasion; Sense & Sensibility; A Tale of Two Cities; Les Miserables; Roots; Anne of Green Gables; Sunne In Splendor; Here Be Dragons; Falls The Shadow; The Reckoning; Da Vinci Code; Angels & Demons; Digital Fortress; The Maltese Falcon; and the entire Continental OP series. Favorite Authors: Jane Austen; Charles Dickens; Sharon Kay Pennman; Dan Brown; Dashiell Hammett; Dick Francis
Scarlett O'Hara; The Empress Maude; Eleanor of Aquitaine; Walt Disney; Colin Dunne; Jean Butler;