Black silky skins that fight With razorlike favors Claws of delight..................My angelic motherfucker with a golden cross So old and so pale Of white gold and black silver You're working on yourself Bawling your eyes dry til I dream of our encounters My love Lover Love of Women with beautiful feminine grace You work so dark My mysterious dream All you are have been But your salty kisses remain purely real As the invisible tears pour deep into your Cavernous mouth flowing with energy My vampire like killer Of hearts Heat your Antarctic with your Burning Fire set Flame grilled Lust Between your eyes and your Thighs Die with me Again as if we have died that night I burnt a red candle and envoked The spirit of Jim Morrison to Dance for me while I wept and while You slept Wish you had touched me Deep inside me Where my soul sleeps and where my Heart weeps This is all true The truth is so true I'm turning Blue with the cold of loneliness And burning truth A mysterious Killer Holding on because he wants this Pain to die And I will be a murderer and Rot my wormless self to death To suceed in the murder of Your demons In dreams I find my hands nailed to wood Crucified voodoo doll Zombie I am a ghost My see through hands cannot reach your Heart to hold, out of Reach and control You save me I save you right back with A real smile on my face for The first time as you hold back Your tears that pour back inside Your soul and coat it in seasalt How do I end this when all I want To do is speech Til my heart is beating without Blood and I have you lost from me But with me in me I am forever confused Forgive me.....................................................I wish I could hold it all in......but I can' just poured out.....just here.....just now.....onto you.....Angels from hell......... Devils for a day..... To say a prayer for the dying.. Never take them away........ ...............................
The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes 'Awww!'Did I ever tell you the story of my life when I was out of my head...?Come 'ere ......I love you ......Peace on earth.....Will you die for me? ...Eat me ...This way /The end ....I'll always be true Never go out, sneaking out on you, babe ....If you'll only show me Far Arden again. I'm surprised you could get it up ....He whips her lightly, sardonically, with belt ...Haven't I been through enough? she asks .....Now dressed and leaving .....The Spanish girl begins to bleed ...She says her period ....It's Catholic heaven ...I have an ancient Indian crucifix around my neck ......My chest is hard and brown ..Lying on stained, wretched sheets with a bleeding virgin ....We could plan a murder ..Or start a religion.
.........................Music is the savior of my soul............................I love my Blues my Rock n' Roll my screamin guitars & howlin' wolves.....I love dark, haunting music, I love beautiful lyrics, Disco pops, fabulous tunes, say.........eighties/70s......I love music with soul....Steven Tyler.... I love great from around the world that grabs a hold of my senses & electrocutes them to life...Native American........I Love music...........Let us endevour to live so that when we come to die, even the undertaker will be sorry....................................................... ...............Janis JOPLIN.....THE DOORS........The CULT......Stevie Nicks.......Lynyrd Skynyrd......Tom Waits.....Pink Floyd......Led Zeppelin.......Muddy WATERS......Rolling STones..........David Sylvian......Ludwig Van Beethoven......Johnny Winter.......David Bowie & ZIGGY STARDUST.........Dogs D'Amour.........Elvis Presley............Southern Death CULT....Electric Angels.....Dire Straits......MADonna..........HANOI ROCKS...........NICK CAVE & the bad seeds.......GUNS N' ROSES.............Patti Smith.......HOWLIN' wolf.........Black Sabbath.......MILLA Jovovich.....MOTLEY CRUE..........Thin Lizzy........Billy IDOL.......Ramones........Jimi Hendrix........B.B. King.......AEROSMITH....Humble Pie......Dead Boys.....LEONARD COHEN.......Japan.......Nazareth.....Chris Rea......Juliette & The Licks......Iggy Pop........Deep Purple......Blondie...Siouxsie & the Banshees.......Duff McKagan........Bebe Buell.......Prince....KINO.......Misfits...Scorpions....Okea n Elze.....The THROBS.....Fleetwood MAC.......Cyndi Lauper.....This Mortal Coil......Alice Cooper.....The Clash.....Lou Reed..Oingo Boingo......Michael Monroe...Sex Pistols......Courtney Love.....AC/DC.......Eno.....Skid Row with Sebastian Bach's voice.....& Mr Bach in all his name a fewJIM MORRISON: I just want to bite.....him in the neck with my teeth and grip on forever and dance in a mad whirlwind of dances....forever.....tasting the fruits and lights of other worlds and our own sweet bitter til we are combined in all eternal things and I see him and he sees me until we see the world he............makes my lips dance the heart.........pound......................................... ...........JANIS JOLPIN: Her performances..........this one here (Ball & Chain) ravaged my soul til tears poured from my eyes.......because as she sings...........with the feeling....of a blue lizard.....broken beautiful...........Woman.........she feels what is inside.........she sings lulabys to me....mournful mommy..............angel of watch to listen............she is so beautiful and tears at my heart.......I see her face the streets.......on a my mind...........on a girl..........somwhere safe.....I look for you..................She sings my soul can you not be touched by the raw pain....we....have all felt.........nor have we..we can understand...........just as a child be able to understand...............the blues...........pain............something so beautiful......she makes it so.........beautiful.........she makes it alright.......How real! How Raw I wanna move!!!!!! I wanna dance!!!!!!!!!!!! I wanna BREEEEEATHE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wanna scream!!! I wanna SinG! I wanna Cry!!!!!!!!! ooooooooooooooooooh I wanna Be I wanna Be I wanna I wanna I wanna I WANNA OOOOH OOOH OH!!!!....
FILM......MY LIFE....MY PASSION......THE SOUND OF MY SCREAM.......I LOVE YOU IN YOUR ABILITY TO DREAM, TO BE MAGIC, TO WAKE ME UP, TO TEAR ME DOWN, TO BUILD ME UP.....I LOVE YOU......Its what I was born to do, because it's all my soul asks of me...what can you do, right?....
The Beatniks.......The Obscure.....The bios....Bebe Buell's Rebel Heart....Oscar Wilde.......Edgar Allan Poe.............on & on & on.......On the Road.....Henry Moore...JD Salinger.....William Blake........No One Here Gets Out Alive (Jim Morrison Biography).............Scars of Sweet Paradise (Janis Joplin Biography).......Nietzsche...........Gabriel Garcia Marquez....... Tolstoy...............Kerouc............Pushkin..........Dis co Bloodbath by James St James............The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy by Tim Burton......Hunter S.Thompson...The Lords/The New Creatures & basically Jim Morrison's poetry.........Books/Words by Nick Cave........& more more more........................................................ ....
Jim Morrison.............Janis J.....Tom Keifer.........Jesus ChristThose that LOVE the whole damn fucked up human race..........those that know no Fear....selfless........ free......the mad ones...tortured souls........the lost poets..........the ones that believed & pushed the mystery of the earth......went outside their minds..........probe the bounds of reality.........those who stand by who & what they are....outcast...rebel angels....people who shock & surprise me...either with their kindness or their talent or their ability to stay true to who they are.........those that forgive.........those unlike anyone else, or that try not to be..........Where is the face of people who are so madly, truly, passionatley & fiercly true to WHO THEY ARE.....WHO ARE YOU? Stop trying to be anyone else......break the, breathe.........invent.....dig deep & stir out what is your true self, & be fearless about it, never succum under pressure, accept passion & pain & love both for creating you............the people that glow & burn from inside so that their soul screams out through their eyes & they can teach somethin new about life....can be limitless.......