Music, Books, Art, Fashion, Hockey, and My friends
jim morrison! People with substance, passion for life and educated opinions. Anyone who stirs intellect! I wanna meet people who make me laugh, a man who loves to kiss, people who know music can heal the soul and almost always mend a broken heart..... I wanna meet a man strong enough to hold on to me.
HIM!!! Jeff Buckley, Sharks, Cinderella, Damian Rice, u2,sass jordan, bruce springsteen, dishwalla, lauren christy,keith urban, richard ashcroft, john eddie, pete yorn, ben harper, the verve, stones, the sweet, the alarm, aimee mann, dan reed network, dierks, eric church, ray davies, the kinks, roxy music, cheap trick, 70s pop rock rules!! andy kim anyone????!!!
Spinal Tap, the secret, Shallow Grave, Life as a House, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, The Secret, Swimming with Sharks, Hotel Rawanda, Welcome to the Dollhouse, CRASH and yes I am that one person who has never seen Titanic
unfortunately im a couch potato at times....LOST!! best damn show on tv....and god bless jon stewart currently obsessed with project runway
Four a voracious reader..the first book that really moved me years ago was THE STAND by Stephen King, recently, the alchemist and Jim Morrison: Life, Death, Legend, the Historian and i ALSO love Dream Brother, and the Jeff Buckley photo book...everytime i look at it i am saddened yet awed!
MY very brave friend who has decided to live life the way he wants rather than the way society dictates....hats off to you...i am both proud and envious!! jeff buckley! sass jordan, TK, Mario Lemieux, mike rittberg, NYC firemen and all those fighting a war that makes NO SENSE!!!My truest heros are my mother,father, brother and his family. Uncle bob......your goodness awes me...stay strong!