Platinum Star Entertainment Productions profile picture

Platinum Star Entertainment Productions

I am here for Networking

About Me

We all like to be entertained and the ladies of Platinum Star Entertainment Productions have it down to an art. They have decided it’s time to put the life back into your night of entertainment. We will be featuring live entertainment around T.O. giving local Canadian talent an opportunity to show the rest of Canada what they have to offer.Platinum Star Entertainment Productions will feature a unique mixture of live musical performance with a mixture of dance, fashion, comedy, poetry and live theatre.Our first successful event was held Saturday March 4th, 2006. This event not only launched our company but showcased some of the brightest talents Toronto has to offer.Platinum Star Entertainment Productions has been presented with an opportunity to create a real niche in the business, bringing back the production of live performances to an evening out. Giving those who seek more than just drinking and dancing, a full night of entertainment.Watch out for the new logo and launch of our new website www.platinumstarentertainment.comIf you've got talent....let us know. If you are interested in showcasing some of the talent we have on our site. Send us a comment or e-mail [email protected]

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

We'd like to meet some of the strongest women in the business today... these Ladies have it going on.... They inspire us to do what we're doing ...Tina Turner, Oprah, Halle Berry, Terry McMillan, Maya Angelou, and Ilyana Vanzant. They inspire us to be passionate about what we do, to aim high and encourage others to reach their goals.... never say never.....


R&B, Soul, Jazz, Salsa, of the that makes you tap your feet.....


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My Blog

Carol's Weekly Commentary - March 22nd 2007

Last week I mentioned that I was soaking up the heat in Barbados the previous week at the Turtle Beach Resort on the South Coast as one of the winners of CHUM FM's Annual Breakfast in Barbados contest...
Posted by Platinum Star Entertainment Productions on Sun, 25 Mar 2007 07:36:00 PST

Carol's Weekly Comentary - March 14th 2007

  Wow, it's hard to believe how time flies. Just a week ago I was at Brown's Beach beach in beautiful Barbados with the sunshine pelting down on me, thinking, wouldn't it be nice j...
Posted by Platinum Star Entertainment Productions on Mon, 19 Mar 2007 11:52:00 PST

This Day is Special

Hi All I've been reading a great book for the past 10 days or so called "The Greatness Guide" It's by Robin Sharma. I highly recommend it. It has helped me to remain focused on my ultimate goal and ig...
Posted by Platinum Star Entertainment Productions on Sat, 13 May 2006 12:42:00 PST

For the love of great Music....Is it Live or Memorex

Music comes alive in many ways.... Music that makes you laugh, cry, dance or get down and dirty Share your musical style with us......   ...
Posted by Platinum Star Entertainment Productions on Fri, 24 Mar 2006 07:27:00 PST