I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4
TalentBuyer.com is a NEW online database made up of up to date Celebrity & Venue contact information. Include you and/or your representative’s such as your Talent Agent, Manager, Publicist, Attorney, etc… Do not have one? It does not matter, we will list YOU anyway!Our subscribers are made up of individuals just like you! Professional event planners, "mom and pop" type talent buyers, radio stations, and other organizations in the entertainment industry that are looking to book or simply contact you. All detailed content of TalentBuyer.com is sold on a monthly or yearly subscription basis. Our staff of investigators is dedicated to researching, verifying, and up-dating your most current contact information to ensure that you can be contacted when an opportunity is available.Talent Buyer Magazine is the first of it’s kind. Finally, a publication designed to meet the needs of the industry professional. We are NOT a talent agency. TBMI does NOT represent any venue or individual. Talent Buyer Magazine is "The information you want – when you need it the most".For all request, e-mail us to [email protected] or call our Message Center 702.851.1328 M-F 9-5 PST USA (Map as of Jan 1, 2008)
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