advanced sewing, aggression, alt models, antiques, armor, art, black, cemeteries, cestus, cloves, coffee, corsetry, corsets, crafting, creativity, dark make-up, death rock, deathrock, decor, diy, eyeliner, fabric, fairness, fashion design, fasting, female warriors, flea markets, freaks, gardening, gay rights, goth, goth music, gothic, grave-shift, groupies, hardware stores, haute couture, honesty, imagination, india, individuality, interior design, junking, justice, kindness, love, metal findings, mohawks, nag champa, narcisstic personality disorder, npd, old books, old school goth, old school industrial music, personality, personality disorders, pine, post punk, reading, real people, respect, romance, sandlewood, sarees, self discovery, self sufficiency, sewing, shoegazer, silver, south street philadelphia, textiles, trash to treasure, unconditional love, vanilla, vintage corsets, women, zippers, unusual people, Cities and people that are up/open all night. **************Oh, and I've adopted Chris...I own have joint custody of him on Mysapce. file&friendID=2566040&Mytoken=ADF7C1FB-20A7-4F74-9E1 2D55CA4750A4B6324828
Sometimes I will use the blog here as a showcase for the work I do and for personal projects. Most of my internet time is spent on Live Journal. If you're looking for friendship, you won't find out who I am and what I am all about- here. There is more to me than a profile and picture. I understand that "interest" starts with what we see, and with things in common. Many people would like to think that their favorite book, favorite color, and what they do in their free time defines who they are. They do -only in the shallow sense. As profound as being a mother of 3 children is, it does not define me. For if my children were to be taken from me, I still exist. The trauma of being without them will change many things, HOWEVER, the true me-in the deepest sense is not altered in any way. True personality is fluid and loose. It is an intangible thing, hard to define. It is the way in which we react to situations in life.
Mostly Post Punk, Goth, Death Rock. No Hip-hop! No Country!
Predator, The Hunger, The Dark Crystal, Labrynth, Men in Black, Legend, Girl Interrupted, Tomb Raider....are a few.
No favorits, but an avid reader. Always buying/reading somekind of DIY book.
Please join this new corset community on Livejournal!I have no idea on how to change the heading. Anyway, here are a couple of my corsets for sale;