Playing the drums, rocking out with my band, seeing bands play live I love all sorts of rock music and I see artistic merit in nearly all music and creative projects, HUGE fan of films especially extreme asian cinema, american indie and all good films that actually make you think, aswell as thrillers, 70's/80's horror films ESP. ZOMBIE FLICKS!
and comedy. Since childhood I have been fascinated by Science and the natural world. I am a Research Student in London and if this is not rock and roll enough for you then you can fuck off. I also like going out and getting smashed with people with similar interests ESP GLAM PUNK/SLEAZE ROCK. I also partake in many sports some of which involve running, punching and generally getting knackered it keeps me sane!!!!
You scored as Poison. Your death will be by poison, probably because you are a glutton and are around so many people that it would be easy to get away with it. Several important people in history share your fate.
Cut Throat
Natural Causes
dETHkLOK AND Snakes and Barrels Where to fucking start first sleaze, all forms of metal, stoner, post-rock, lots of punk!! grunge, glam. Fuck man its hard Some bands that I am listening to at the moment are Backyard Babies,Hanoi Rocks, The Beautiful Creatures, BuckCherry, Hardcore Superstar, Crystal Pistol, Tubrbonegro,The Misfits, Poison Idea, The Dead Kennedys, Black Flag, I also have a penchant for a bit of reggae! But really my extensive CD collection is mainly the A-Z of rock music of the past 40 or so years! I am one of the only people on the planet who has utterly resisted the MP3 Revolution!
I've seen a fuck of a lot of films. I'm pretty bored with insipid Hollywood rubbish and have turned to the East for something with more subtle perceptions and profound thought. Akira Kurowsawa is my fave director his films are captivating and beautiful and his cinematography intelligent, 7 samurai, Yojimbo, Red Beard, Rashomon, The Hidden Fortress, The Throne of Blood, Sanjuro, Kagemusha. Ichi the Killer is the most fucking amazing extreme asian film I have seen and I have seen alot, Cowboy Bebop is my new fave anime series, its fucking ace! The Big Lebowski and alot of the Coen Brothers films, The filth and the fury is a really great film.
Which Mighty Boosh Character Are You?
You are Vince Noir!Rock and Roll Star! So good-looking that monkeys want your face, and so cool that everyone wants to be you. Admirer of Colobos the Crab and connoisseur of the bizarre pleasures in life. Rock on!
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Popular Science, Detective/mystery esp Sherlock Holmes, Rock Biographies, Non-fiction, Sports books and training manuals. Fave book of all time is probably Shogun by James Clavell, Dune by Frank Herbert, Its not about the bike by Lance Armstrong, The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins AND Trilobite by Richard Fortey. At the moment I'm reading the Rumpole books by John Mortimer they are very funny!
I would never like to meet my heroes just in case I was disappointed. But I have alot of respect for..... Lance Armstrong the most inspiring althlete in the world! who gets me on my bike again and again Richard Dawkins. A man who questions the world in which he lives and seeks truth and understanding! Drummers can sing, write and produce their own songs guys so there! He also beats the crap out of his tubs just like I do! Tommy Lee! Need I say more!