things that are not "sucky."
people who aren't assholes most of the time
bands that aren't "shitty."
those without pop stars turn actress, anything with that quaker oats guy, talking animals are pretty cool. I like when pretty girls show their boobs.
I used to watch more than 60 hours a week of t.v.---some may think that is sad. I do not.
I read more now than when I was a kid. It's like.....there's a little world within the words. So.......Harry Potter mostly.
The guy you see with the hunched back at the grocery store who opens the door for the fat lady in sweat pants with two kids who are screaming about why they don't want to get in the cart. That guy is cool 'cuz he still smiles as though he can't hear them. Maybe he can't. And that's beautiful.