BATTLE zine profile picture


Fire at will!!

About Me

>>> The man behind BATTLE zine!
Since the creation, back in late '98, Battle webzine have always been oriented to give total support to extreme music and warfare culture.
I started working with zines in 1989, doing 'PENTAGRAM ZINE', a paper zine, write in portuguese, into Black/Death/Doom Metal and occultism, where just one issue was released, because in 1992, I changed the zine name to 'STIGMATA DIABOLLIS'.
In 1994, I decided to work in a more elaborated zine, with new lay-out and writed in english, so the name was changed again, now to 'LORD GOAT'. 'LORD GOAT' #1 was dedicated to Elisabeth Bathory. Limited to 150 copies, included 40 pages and was very well received by brazilian metal scene. 'LORD GOAT' #2, was dedicated to Gilles de Reis and the 'Lords of War'.
In 14/12/1996, I organized a show, baptized "WAR EMSEMBLE", with Goatpenis, Murder Rape, By Disgrace of God and Lugubrious Aesthetics. More than 500 maniacs are present in that night.
Finally, in 1998, I started to work in BATTLE WEBZINE, an .. warfare music & culture magazine.
BATTLE webzine c/o Clay Schulze Clara Persuhn,290 Itoupava Seca Blumenau-SC 89030-140 Brazil
Battle webzine is dedicated to all forms of FINAL ATOMIC BATTLE MUSIC!!!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Bands, labels and beasts interested in extreme metal music!! If you have a band or label, send me your CD to review in BATTLE zine!! ..!


Metal and Classic Music!


Apocalypse Now Black Hawk Down Ran Godfather Conan, Braveheart, Starship Troopers, Patton, Robocop...


Nietzsche Sun Tzu Clausewitz


"The earth", he said "has a skin, and this skin has diseases. One of these diseases, for example, is called 'man'"..

My Blog

BATTLE zine printed version

Despite some problems with time/money, I..m working in the first BATTLE zine printed number. Expect the apocalyptic message as I always stand for. Bands, labels, distros and mass extermination congreg...
Posted by BATTLE zine on Sun, 25 May 2008 09:06:00 PST

BATTLE update 11/2007

BATTLE update 11/2007 - 'Last Noise After Extinction'.   Clay Schulze here, from BATTLE webzine -warfare music and culture. Here's the last up-date...   New interviews: ...
Posted by BATTLE zine on Mon, 05 Nov 2007 02:38:00 PST

BATTLE update

BATTLE update 08/2007 - 'spitting hate bullets'. New interviews: Stargazer, Impurity, Blood Storm, Tyrant´s Blood and Enslaved. ...
Posted by BATTLE zine on Tue, 18 Sep 2007 05:36:00 PST