Metal’s Alliance Management
About Me
METAL’S ALLIANCE MANAGEMENT é uma criação que surge para promover,divulgar,manejar as bandas de metal que desta fazem parte.Não somos uma empresa,mas sim pessoas sérias que têm em conta o futuro e os interesses das bandas para que estas ultrapassem as fronteiras e façam soar os seus nomes. O nosso management consiste em fomentar as bandas junto de editoras,rádios,webzines / revistas nacionais e internacionais ,obter oportunidades para as bandas tocarem ao vivo,tratamos tambem do merchandise de cada banda.
METAL’S ALLIANCE MANAGEMENT is a creation which arises to promote, divulge and manage the metal bands that are under our wings.We are not a company, instead we are trustworthy people who take their work very seriously, respecting the future and interests of the bands so they pass beyond frontiers and make their names sound. Our management consists on foment the bands near the national and international publishing houses, radios, webzines, achieve the opportunity to playing live and we also take care of each merchandise
News :
New Logo made by NO Design
LOSTLAND are recording the 1º Ep
Soon we will announce one more band that joint us
My Interests
Member Since: 9/4/2007
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None