.. my wife Kama / people / music / getting into the hills on my bike / camping & making fire in the north of Scotland / shooting pool with my mates / movies / travelling (esp. Thailand..) / djing on wednesdays / good food & cooking / my houseplants / looking thru 2nd-hand records / festivals / BBQ's in my back garden / finding things / taking photos / the sunshine /
***********COMING SOON*****************************
**** WA..E T-SHIRTS NOW AVAILABLE AT THE CLUB ONLY**** WA..E t-shirts, price an Ayrton Senna (umm, £10), are on sale. Look out for a merchandise area in the backroom. ask gary, flix, kamila or gamma for details if you need help..*****************STOP PRESS - coming soon********************************************************
5th dec ~gary mac & Xenia (1hr)
~ tall paul
12th dec ~ gary mac & Pyz (1hr)
~ Olivia
19th dec ~ gary mac & Jacek (back-to-back)
~ Dava Le Funk
26th dec ~ gary mac & Argy & Kev Wright (Boxing Day bash)
~ Tall Paul & Oliviacheck flyers & websites for prices on guest nights. resident night doror tax is £1 b4 midnight/£2 after (members free on resident nights).
that's all folks - c u down the club - GBasti @ WA..E
PUNKFUNKELECTROHOUSE - music from Germany, Belgium & France, and a sprinkling from London. On a more personal note, but still stuff I try to slip into the mix...Bowie, Grace Jones, Roxy Music, Madonna, James Broon, Tina & Ike, Clash, The Who, Public Enemy, The Specials,Led Zep, LCD SS, happy mondays, beach boys, rolling stones, orange juice, de la soul, 80's synth pop, kruder & dorfmeister, beastie boys, daft punk, leftfield, adam & the antz, queen, the Jam, The Kinks, Undertones, Bob Marley & lotsa other stuff.
too many to mention but here goes.. OK - Quadrophenia, Escape from NY, Metropolis, The Thing, Alien, The Wicker Man, One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest, Trainspotting, Goodfellas, Scarface, 2001:a space oddysey, The Castle, Apocalypse Now.....that kinda stuff & that's just the big ones I guess...? romance & cigarettes...loved that. Sin City was pretty cool, Spirited Away is ace, Dracula (gotta love Gary Oldman), True Romance....a total belter. From last years EIFF - Hotel haribati, Sheitan, Palimpsest, Across 110th street. More recently..Miami Vice - pleasantly surprised! A Scanner Darkly - really good. Clerks 11 wiz rubbish though..not diggin that humour at all...
no thanks...we say no. discovery & animal planet sometimes.
good books I have read...on the road, the great gatsby, last night a DJ saved my life, bruce lee's biography-Fighting Spirit, shogun, trainspotting, one flew over the cuckoos nest, dracula, the chronicles of narnia (quite a session!), touching the void, Life of Pi, runaway ralph/the mouse & the motorcycle (check 'em out!), good novels really, some biog's (most recently Oliver Reed's).. on the motorcycle diaries at the mo'.... & also re-reading The Informers (quite harsh..).
...just for one day.