Comics, Sci Fi, The Mighty Boosh, Family Guy, music, Martha Tilsden, Imogen Heap, Barenaked Ladies, Metallica, Five for Fighting, Rufus Wainwright, my friends, travelling, money (those two are related!), cats, learning french, good vocabulary, free parties, festivals, all day breakfasts, Comic Conventions.
I'd like to meet:
Lots and Lots of lovely people. People who love subtitled films on Sundays... Pub quizzes on Mondays... Lunch at the Red Wizard... fires at night... who get crazy with the full moon... who love comics... that love their families... who are loyal... who like poetry and mostly those who get my sense of humour.
I was told to put my check list for my perfect man back on here so here it goes! Taller than me with a nice smile, funny is very important, they have to have a passion in something/anything... something that makes their eyes light up when they talk about it. They must love family and the importance of friends. They must be able to put up with me rambling on about comics or the Doctor or how comic-based movies rape the soul of the story. They should enjoy fancy dress and be happy bimbling around Devon or wherever looking for the next beautiful view. They should enjoy finding shapes in clouds and watching CSI on reruns. They should be able to go for a picnic on a moments notice or be able to plan a trip that actually comes to fruit. They should know I'd be there for them whenever they need me even if its all the time but encourage me to be myself and to have my own life.Ha I also believe in faeries and spirits so that should explain it.
Kutt Loose, The Foos, Imogen Heap, Barenaked Ladies, Metallica, Five for Fighting, Rufus Wainwright, Martha Tilsdon, Bach, John Smith, Steel Pulse, The Levellers, Annie Di Franco, Seth Lakeman, Sister Nancy, Martha Wainwright, Hefner, Spunge, Take That (Shine), Mika, Beirut, Coldwar Kids, Magnetic Fields, The Clash, Dirty Reggae, Nena, Gogol Bordello, Prince, Nouvelle Vague, Saggy Bottom Boys, The Cure, Rude Tunes
Mallrats, Fantastic Four, It's a beautiful Life, Talk to her, Hulk, House of Flying Daggers, Family Guy the Movie, The Original Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Chasing Amy, Dogma, Jay and Slient Bob Strike Back, Electra, Whiskey Gallore, High Society, GiGi (NOT Gigli!), Practical Magic, Leon, Bloodsport, Hard Days Night, Clueless, Debbie Does Dowlais (sorry poor Welsh joke), I will add to this one continually!
Oh wow... Buffy, Angel, Charmed, CSI (all three), Dr Who, Big Bro USA, Summerland, the resort, The Might Boosh, The Smoking Room, Miss Marple, Murder She Wrote, Quincy, Diagnosis Murder, Monk, you are what you eat
James Patterson, James Patterson, James Patterson, The Da Vinci Code, Agatha Cristie, Still life of the Woodpecker, The venus of Delta, Malory Towers, BtVS, Angel, comics could you tell?
Jenny Sparks, Tommy Monaghan, Arthur, Montgomery, Alfred, Black Canary, Snow White, MJ, Logan, Kitty Pryde, Kyle Rayner. Can't cope with this there are too many to choose, don't make me choose Mummy....Boosh is my sex...