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Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting
You know what I would like to meet anybody who loves music as much as me. Texas Music! And anybody who likes to make their own instruments as well. And any ladies out there who don't mind being dragged around to music festivals all summer and sleeping in the bright red Frankencamper.Somebody who likes long walks by the beach, watching the sunset and then staying up all night by the campfire playing the banjo, Hootin and Hollerin, Maybe a little Lowebro playin and chase it down with a 1.75 of Jim Beam to boot just to take the edge off. In other words a NUT. Like me. Sometimes I cant beleive I'm single.Heres a picture of the FrankenCamper before and after and also a bonus picture of me takin a leak behing the FrankenCamper. I wasnt really peeing but nobody beleives me. If you see the FrankenCamper somewhere someday be afraid be very afraid because where the FrankenCamper goes Old Lowe goes. And whiskey is soon to follow.
MUSIC of course I like music. I listen to mostly Texas music but if it's good and from another country besides Texas I'll listen to it too. I will list a few bands here that I like. SPEEDTRUCKER, Split Lip Rayfield, Guy Clark, Billy Joe Shaver, Fred Eaglesmith {from a different country than Texas}, Asylum Street Spankers and Aww crap this is gonna take forever screw it. I'll tell ya who I don't like NASVILLE!! artists or people who sound like they are from nashville. I know I know this is gonna piss off the soccer moms who visit my site on a regular basis but they will get over it. They can listen to those leather pants wearing black spray painted straw hatted dingleberries on their own time this is my profile.If you want to hear some good music go to and find the streaming link this is what most of us listen to around here.The top 40 stations make me want to gouge out my eardrums with my keys.
Bubba movie ever. Watching this movie is a prerequisite to purchase of a Lowebro.
Television sucks. They need an Old Lowe channel. All old Lowe all the time.
Things that PISS ME OFF !!! mark ll
Well Well Well let me see. Once again I am going to tell you people what pisses me off. NUMBER ONE!...having millionaire tastes and hundredaire funds. TICKS. ANTS.BUMS.BIG MEAN DOGS.little mean dogs.COPS.CIGGARETTES.THE CAPS LOCK BUTTON!... Ok now one thing really pisses me off CATS and their owners wtf are you people thinking the only thing worse than a cat is a freaking monkey with a spastic colen. The thing about a cat is he craps behind the T.V. no matter how many times you kick him over the couch a dog will learn to go outside. The good thing about cats is they take a kick in the gut real good.I think it's cause they have a flexible spine so they can lick their but all day.
I wish I had a flexible spine but I don't and it PISSES ME OFF. That reminds me my dog and everydog I ever owned waits untill I have company over to go scooting by on his but so pissed off when this happens. My truck leaks oil keeps me in a constant state of pissed. This damn heat pisses me off. CHIGGERS. Screech owls scaring the crap out me when I pee in my yard late at night.Yellow Jackets I will kill you all some day you sting me for no reason bastards.Red wasps even worse the bastard retarded cousin of the Yellow Jacket I HATE YOU !! Bumble Bees don't bother me at all. Honey bees on the other hand I have waged war with you many times YOU PISS ME OFF !! This one time I had bees in the wall of my old house so I tried poison I tried pluggin up the hole I tried spitting chewing tobbacco and cussing and yelling and stomping my feet nothing worked. So I ran a water hose into the exhaust of my truck and fired it up and ran it up into the wall and put them all to sleep. This pissed me off to have to do all this work. But unpissed me off to KILL SOME BEES !! DVD player piss me off why do they cost 20 bucks now and last 2 weeks. Maybe we should run a water hose all the way over to CHINA and crank my truck up till they learn to make a DVD player that last 3 weeks at least.CHINA PISSES ME OFF I think. let me see how much water hose I have first. While we are at it we could add a splitter and send half of that hose over to where all them crazy people live in that big ass desert over ther you know the place. The place where the men wear panties on their heads and the woman dress up like batman in a moo moo.If you would like to chip in on the gas send me a message and we are also gonna need a crapload of water hose. BUMS PISS ME OFF. Heres a trick when a bum comes up to you and hes gonna ask you for a dollar ask him if he has change for a hundred. Be ready to kick him in the belly they hate that.Have you really read all the way down to here? You know there's porn on the internet what are doin here? Any way THEINTERNETPISSESMEOFF! And all these dirty girls that want me to add them to my friends list so I cant watch them do dirty stuff on their webcam? I wish they would just come on over to the Ol' Lowestead and forego all this internet fibble fabble.Definition of FIBBLE FABBLE is- stuff that PISSES ME OFF !! And to all the ladies who deny Old Lowes affections you can kiss my ass YOU PISS ME OFF!!! BLAHHHHHH!!!! And to the all ladies who didnt deny Old Lowes affections.... I apologize. Whenever I meet somebody who doesnt know what Slam Bang Theater is I get pissed off. The Three Stooges not being allowed to make fart noises in their shows pisses me off.Tell me that would not be funny to see Moe kick Curly in the belly and Curly let a big one rip. And what the hell happened to saturday morning cartoons? These Japanese cartoons are retarded no wonder so many of our young ones are freaking growing up to be slapballz nuts these days. RETARDED JAPANESE CARTOONS PISS ME OFF !! A HO ROT !! THERE TERRIBER !! RE DICKEROUS !! Liberals piss me off no need to explain if you read down this far by now you cant be a tree hugger liberal pinko bunny kisser I'm pretty sure the cat kicking rant would have run you off. My friend Dub is a Liberal he cant wait to vote for Hillary Clinton and he checks books out all the time at that big assed double wide that Bill Clinton calls a Library. Dont Fuck With George! THEIVES PISS ME OFF this message goes out to the one who stole my peaches off my peach tree. If I ever find out who you are I'm gonna kick my boot so far up your butt it's gonna knock your teeth out.I hope those peaches gave you pinworms. I'm not as pissed off as I used to be now that I am working at home. But it doesnt take much. The dog across the street pisses me off. Roscoe and I have waged war with him many times. I chase him around with a shovel and Roscoe barks and bites him on the butt. He's lucky I like my across the street neighbors or I would have done him in a long time ago. Completely worthless scumbag dog. Nobody likes him. he's like that kid in school who carries around every one of his books from class to class and smells funny. Except hes a dog. We got to chase a cat the other day that was really fun! For Roscoe and me! I needed the exercise and so did the lazy cat. He ran up a tree and we had a little rest and after that I squirted him with the water hose and we chased him some more. That was a big day! We slept well that night. Then the next day there was a raccoon in my garden! He had rabies or something so I didnt sick Roscoe on him I ran him up a tree and shot him. I hope the big stupid dog across the street ate him HA HA! At least that was my plan anyway. Have you ever ran a rabid raccoon up a tree and shot him? I know I have. This one time a great big raccoon came inside my old house late at night and caused all kinds of ruckuss. My old dog Fatthead was alive then and she saved me from asurely nasty raccoon bite. Then I shot 25 rounds out of my ruger 10 22 into various articles of clothing, furniture , my bed and finnally the raccoon. I'm a pretty good shot outside under normal conditions but apparently indoor close range combat isnt my bag. So if your keeping score it's Old Lowe 2.........Raccoons 0. I like raccons dont get me wrong. I like all the little creatures of the forest. Especially chicken fried. Just kidding I have adopted more animals than I can count. People that know me know I am the guy who always comes to that party and catches some kind of critter with my bare hands and scares all the girls and most of the guys. I don't like it when people kill snakes! It pisses me off. Except for the poiseness ones they are fare game. I hate these bastard who keep tresspassing across my land to go fishing in the stock pond. they cut the fence all five wires so they dont have to strain ther lardy asses and all my cows get out. I caught some over there the other day they were highschool kids so jumped on them really good. they were just putting their lures on when I drove up. I got out of my truck and said "Are you the Mother F@^$*#&( that keep cutting this fence. they said NOOOoooo." I said well if I catch yer ass in there and the fence is cut I'm gonna kick your ass. They pretended like they were just leaving but they were really just getting there. So I guess they went and cut somebody elses damn fence. I'm such a bully. The bastard who comes by my house ever night with that loud ass boombox in his truck pisses me off. I am glad that in 4 or 5 years he wont be able to hear anything other than riiiiiinnnnnnnnnngggggggggg...... So I guess it's ok I wont shoot at him like I want to. But if I find out where he lives my pocket knife has a date with his woofers. And my full bladder has a date with his truck seats. I have done it before and I will do it again. Getting even is the most incredible rush I have ever known. I know it's bad but damn it feels great to be sneaky and set things right even if the SOB never knows why it happened. Try it youll like it! The worst ever thing to do to somebody is to put grated parmesian cheese in their defroster vents. This sounds lame but in a few days the worst smell you can imagine will permanantly exhaust from those vents. I know because a friend of mine did it to me. I filled his new boots with ciggarette butts so he put cheese in my vents. Lucky for me it was a work truck.
HA HA books yeah right. I only resort to books in extreme circumstances. Like.....never. I now use a book to prop up my DVD collection and keeping them from falling off my custom built entertainment center. This is not an extreme circumstance so I thought I would mention it.
ME !! /a