Spoon, Me, and Matt tail-gating where we weren't suppose to :) We're bad - real bad :)
adopt your own virtual pet!This one is for you Andy - because my hearts with Pittsburgh!Andy Reid and I during a Kenny Chesney Concert.
Shoot in Texas 2006 - I think I was on this bike for about eight hours!Michele's going away party - for some reason Ms. Michele can never look at the camera :) The other beautiful (and curly haired) girl is my other Michelle - but if your interested in her - you must go through me first :)
Janine and I at a "Costume party" :)
Someday when I walk through the gates of heaven, I want to meet my Grandma Jane, my brother Gary, my step-sister Kristen, my God-daughter Angelina, and my pop-pop. As far as here - good people who haven't lost the ability to care about others before themselves. Oh yeah and Tom Brady - I know I know I am a Steelers fan to the bone - but gosh darn is he cute :)
myspace graphic
Country Music!!!! Is there any other kind????
The Notebook or any other sappy movie that makes me say "Matt, why can't you do that ;)"
Law and Order SVU, Wife Swap, ER, Dog the Bounty Hunter, wow I am such a nerd :) My new obsession - Desperate Housewives of Orange County....damn show has sucked me in!
I love to read - anything non-fiction - gotta have my smut books! *It has come to my attention that the word "smut" may refer to porn - well in my little world, smut means celebrity gossip, girly fiction, or anything else that is completely girl related :)* I also love to read about history - World War II and so on - God bless the soliders then and now!
First and foremost my grandma Jane - the most AMAZING woman in the world, who always had room at the table for one more. She taught me how to love, and made me realize it really is unconditional. My best friend Michele for giving up her life on American soil to fight for freedom. Her bravery and love for the Red, White, and Blue is unbreakable - Thank you and come home safe! Of course I have to give credit to all of my fire-fighters - these brave men and women work around the clock to help the helpless - and most don't even get PAID! You guys (and girls :) ) have my support and prayers - stay safe.
Matt and I on New Years - gosh I'm a lucky girl :)
Zoey in her Christmas outfit!
The pugs opening presents 2006