Member Since: 12/3/2004
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Band Members: NONE
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Influences:Bands that tickle our taints:
PysOpus, Sigur Ros, As the Sun Sets, Daughters, Explosions in the Sky, The Dillinger Escape Plan, A Perfect Kiss, Behold...The Arctopus, The Great Redneck Hope, Coldplay, Mono, Discordance Axis, The Sawtooth Grin, Saxon Shore, Further Seems Forever, Textbook Traitors....SOO many more.
Sounds Like:
I am pretty sure you already have a good idea being that one of our songs is probably playing as you read this but if you need to know in words then here you go. this is how some one once described us... "a raging, quixotic river notably recognized for its rhythmic yet erratic change of course, rushing over colorful coiled tentacles, harshly serrated rocks falling from the sky and landing in the freezing water...stabbing, jutting, pleasing with such a 'hurts so good" beautiful sensation marked by the most distinguishable satisfaction. imagine a collection of small cubes--filled with both night and day--with only so much passion to make the moon and the sun eat each other's light." Does that give you a pretty good picture?
If you would like to book Lilu Dallas, shoot an email to:
::[email protected]::
Record Label: Five Point Records
Type of Label: Indie