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So I went to the gun show and I got THESE! Cry mutherfucker!

About Me

All about moi? Hmmmm...I am all about dancing at industrial/goth clubs, music that thumps, random road trips, singing in the shower, general sillyness, wild boy energy, drinking coffee with peeps and reading National Geographic cover to cover! I so kick ass at trivia & am a fathomless font of useless knowledge. I'm currently in the process of going back to school and getting my Masters degree in education with a focus on art therapy. Yay school! I love working out & lifting the weights so I can show off the massive guns! Hee hee! I've lost 60 pounds in the last three years & went down one size in shoes! Weird eh? I eat kind of South Beachy & run with my dog as well! Also, sometimes I don't know what to do with my hands. I love my family! My friends are varied and from all walks of life. Most of them are here on Myspace & I do appreciate them all... you know who you are! I like to paint, draw & do ceremics when I have time which is really never actually. I also have been working on my house that I purchased a few years back! Lot of time & $$ but I love what has been accomplished! I currently have a roommate who is sort of a beatnik coffee fiend, a needy, big dog & a smushy faced cat! I have been involved in different projects whether it's performing with Draconian Productions, the InZer0 Sci-fi series here in Detroit. I have been doing some modeling for some time... everything from fetish to more conventional. If you are a photographer or just plain curious, here is the link to my Model Mayhem site. Cheers my beauties and now onward & upward to the many great adventures in life!
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My Interests

..I love music (My IPOD is my life.)I think my life as a movie as such & every movie needs a kickass soundtrack! I enjoy dancing (s'pecially at goth & industrial clubs.) I dote on amusment parks & rollerblading! I read crazy amounts (both fiction & non-ficton) I was in ceramics & painting in college (trying to get my ass in gear with that.) I can cook like a fiend & love to bake... mom brought us up old school! Working out is lovely (lifting weights is th' bomb), traveling all over (lived both in Ireland & the Fiji Islands), hanging with friends with a cool drink! Anyone who can me me laugh, not take themselves seriously but have a core of self without arrogance. This means YOU!
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I'd like to meet:

Those people who stand out and aren't afraid to be themselves but still leave big, fat egos at de' door! My kind of folks! The people who drink at lil' independent coffee shops and eschew the Starbucks mentality! I totally dig GROWNUPS since I hate drama... nuff said. Creative folks are a plus and those who can keep me facinated are great as well! Absolutely no "chick collectors" though. I've been told that being in my skivvies on Myspace (from clubbing and modeling shoots mind you) would attact this icky element but really... I am SO not up to being on the T & A stable of top page hoes that you wanna jack off to! Call me crazy! I will just laugh at your feeble attempt to friend me, forward your pathetic page to some of my friends so they can laugh too and then I will delete you! Hooray!


EBM, techno, industrial & synth pop with some retro for flavor- examples..VNV Nation, Covenant, Assemblage 23, Sisters of Mercy, The Cruxshadows, Colony 5, De/Vision, The Killers, The Psychedelic Furs, Korn, Paul Oakenfold, O.M.D., VAST, Pixies, Funker Vogt, Shiny Toy Guns, My Life With the Thrill Kill Kult, The Smiths, Apoptygma Berzerk, Ladytron, Goldfrapp, And One, The Stone Roses, Cesium 137, Combichrist, Icon of Coil, Tom Waits, David Bowie, Tori Amos, Skinny Puppy, Echo Image, Massive Attack, Depeche Mode, the Cure, Rasputina, Project Pitchfork, Morcheeba, She Wants Revenge, Portishead, The White Stripes, Mindless Self Indulgence, Peter Murphy, Neuroticfish, NIN, New Order, Seabound, Marilyn Manson, Wolfsheim, just off the top of me head! - Strict Machine

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Well.... Hummm. Like just about everthing. Artsy fartsy, kung fu movies to stupid humor. Old favs & newer.... the Princess Bride, The Godfathers, The Boondock Saints, Interview with a Vampire, Fight Club, The Lost Boys, The Crow, Nightmare before Christmas, Zoolander, Team America, Napolean Dynamite, Transformers, The Lion, The Witch, And the Wardrobe, Elizabeth, Anchorman, The (original)Star Wars pics, Legend of Drunken Master, Ghostrider, Pan's Labyrinth, Sin City & the Kill Bills. Just depends on the mood I guess. Last movie in the theater was "Transformers" & the last DVD I saw was "The Chronicles of Narnia" so I guess it's been a mixed bag lately. Always like an cool fantasy like the Lord of the Rings saga or Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon!

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I don't have cable tv. It was either high speed internet or cable t.v. (had to choose one or the other for my small budget.) Don't watch a whole lot... when I do it its- Arrested Development (damn the bastards who took it away,) South Park, House, Family Guy, Invader Zim, The Venture Brothers, Sponge Bob (thanks Rob), King of the Hill, anything on the history channel, comedy central, animal planet, A&E. I watch more tv at the gym then really anywhere. It is amazing what you can get done when your not in front of the boob tube.... say instead of the computer... heh heh!


Read lots..... no faves really! I read my 1st adult novel in 2nd grade and haven't stopped since. Non-ficton, historial, fiction... all is wonderful. Really like anything by Laurell K. Hamilton, The Chronicles of Narnia, the Outlander series by Diana Galbadon, Bernard Cornwell, Neil Jordon, Piers Anthony, Amy Tan, Andrea Norton (back in the day), Neil Gaiman (My tarot cards were designed by him) anything by Mercedes Lacky... I have recently started to re-read my Merry Gentry series by Laurell K. Hamilton and a textbook on Psychology. I love to read about history, archeology, mythology & books on other cultures- past & present! I read brushing my teeth, doing makeup, in the bathtub in smelly goodness and on the loo in not so smelly goodness, heehhh ..... yes I am odd about it.


My parents, Ginger Hadd, Camille Paglia, all the wonderful folks who I'm thrilled to call my friends..Those who help me think outside the "box" More to follow..... help me out!

My Blog

More Navel Gazing!

   Well.... life continues it's onward march... sometimes it feels like Paschel in D Minor or now and then, the Imperial March from Star Wars. Yup.. we all have the good days and bad days. &...
Posted by Amykins on Wed, 18 Jun 2008 11:29:00 PST

School and all that shite!

     So I am now treading the hallowed halls of academia, learning the inner workings of the mind. Or if you prefer, just taking a couple classes at Oakland Community College. I ne...
Posted by Amykins on Sat, 19 Jan 2008 05:59:00 PST

My continuing adventures in life!

    So Life continues it's relentless march of fuck you but it's ok. I think what doesn't kill you will make you stronger and surprisingly it has been the mighty kick in the butt I need...
Posted by Amykins on Thu, 08 Nov 2007 01:41:00 PST

There must be life?

         So... do you ever feel like in certain times of your life, the road is forking and you need to take one path or another? Bingo! Thus this is how t...
Posted by Amykins on Tue, 28 Aug 2007 09:33:00 PST

What makes an Amykins (personality quiz)

..> Advanced Global Personality Test Results ..> ..> Extraversion |||||||||||||||||||| 86% Stability |||||||||||||| 56% Orderliness |||||||||||||||||| 76% Accommodation |||||||||||||||| 63...
Posted by Amykins on Tue, 22 May 2007 10:45:00 PST

The Man and why amykins is bitter about neo-poverty!

   I hate being poor.    Now don't get me wrong. If you compare my life to say... a bricklayer in India or a Vietnamese prostitute, I have it pretty sweet. I have food, shelter, a ...
Posted by Amykins on Wed, 28 Mar 2007 07:28:00 PST

Warm winds blowing down! Hala-loo-yah!

   So I was driving around the other night with my cutie friend Ryan out on an all important quest of getting some munchies and movies. The windows in the car were d...
Posted by Amykins on Wed, 14 Mar 2007 10:50:00 PST

My Ass & How I Made My Peace With It!

   I have struggled with a certain issue for many years. No...not a eating disorder, compulsive shopping (I wish!) or cutting (eekkk!) or any such thing. NO! Something more difficult to...
Posted by Amykins on Sat, 17 Feb 2007 08:29:00 PST

It's been awhile...

    Wow... been awhile since I posted an ultra special Amykins blog. I admit I have been a bit down and the creative juices have slowed in the icy yuckyness of a Michigan winter. Partly...
Posted by Amykins on Thu, 25 Jan 2007 07:43:00 PST

The Combichrist show & if you didn't go! SORRY!

   SO on Friday the sixth my partner n' crime Allison & I headed towards Harpos with the sounds of "everybody hates you" thumping in my wee car! A song not to be played when you are ...
Posted by Amykins on Wed, 18 Oct 2006 05:23:00 PST