Music, Film, guitars, design, psychology, business, travel. Tips of icebergs.
Those who like to strive for the extraordinary in their lives. Who reach beyond merely existing and actively pursue their dreams. Who strive to make a positive difference on the planet with enlightened and humanistic intent. Those who continue to enrich their minds and spirits and learn and grow into their true potentials.Steven Spielberg, Paul McCartney, Willie Nelson, Al Gore, Jon Lansbury, Steve Jobs
My bands: Two of 'em. Red White & Blooz, Blues, Rockabilly, Southern Rock. Hammond Organ.
Bleu Lane. Hard Southern Blues Rock. Watch for us soon with shows coming up at Momo's & Threadgills in June. Eight Piece high energy band with Bill "Bleu" Lane on Lead Guitar in rehearsals & prep for rerecording his latest album with the new members before touring. The "Bleu Lane" album originally recorded & engineered by Bill in Nashville was never widely released due to a cancelled tour with Lynard Skynard due to a medical emergency. Now a new Austin contingent of top notch players have joined three of the original members to go back into the studio and kick off a new tour starting in Austin. Watch for notices of concerts soon to be announced with a likely kickoff show at Antone's in June.
Influences: The Band, The Beatles, BB, Allman Bros., Skynard, the Dead, Stones, Dylan, John Sebastian, Willie, Doobies, Asleep at the Wheel, The Texas Playboys, Bach, Beethoven, Ravel, Yo Yo Ma, Stevie Ray, Jimi, Brubeck, Jimmy Smith, Rascals, Billie Holiday, Janis, Yes, Libby Kirkpatrick, Larry McMurtry, Will Taylor & Strings Attached, Eliza Gilkyson, ZZ Top, Double Trouble, Mussagorsky, Thelonius, Ray Charles, the Sensational Royal Lights Gospel Singers, Del Castillo, Michael Shay, Grieg, Fleetwood Mac, Django Rinehardt, Hot Tuna, Nat King Cole, Dubussy, Bernstein, Clapton, Joni, Gregg Miner, John Doan, Harold Gutherie, Yes, Queen, Steve Bruden, Robert Johnson, Albert King, Paul Simon, Coldplay, Bernstein, Michael J. Lewis, Todd Rundgren, Joss Stone, the Byrds, CS&N, Booker T & the MGs (with Duck Dunn & Steve Cropper), Slam Stewart (miss you sir, and thank you for the great start & inspiration), Double Trouble, Archangels, Mozart, Stravinski, Debussy, McCartney, Tom Waites, Gershwin, Carolyn Wonderland, Iko-Iko, David Grissman, Tom Petty, Gatemouth Brown, Les Paul, Fleetwood Mac, John Pointer, Andrew Heller, Eric Paul (producer), Karma Tsutra (David Brewer & Brittney Buckley)...
Almost all of them from the sublime to the wretched. They all hold interest and lessons. Baby Doll, the Usual Suspects, Shawn of the Dead, the Producers, Star Wars (original), Citizen Kane, everything by Kirasawa, Psycho, Napoleon Dynamite, Edward Scissorhands, Harold & Maude, Monty Python's the Holy Grail, Beetlegeuse, Vertigo, Pirates of the Caribbean, the Maltese Falcon, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, Star Wars (1), Fantasia, Chinatown, the Harry Potter series, Jumping Off Bridges, God Thinks You're a Loser (post production), Bunny & Clydo, Rocky Horror Picture Show, American Graffiti, the Wizard of Oz, Idiocracy, Office Space, Apollo 13, Love After Life (in preproduction), Sweet Sister (in preproduction), Resurrection, the Shining, Anything or Nothing, Annie Hall, American Beauty, Jurassic Park, The Time Machine (first version), An Inconvenient Truth, Boys Don't Cry, The General's Daughter, 2001, Good Morning America, ET, Indiana Jones, Hang 'em High, Chinatown, Star Wars, In Search of a Midnight Kiss, coming out soon: Shroud, and Desdemona: A Love which I play respectively a blind man who sees all, and a murdering Union boss. Fun.
Sorry to say it's becoming an overused, underutilized communication trash heap. Almost nothing is compelling enough there to bother punching the on button more than once or twice a month. I will or have turned on Friday Night Lights (Randi & Chris, with whom I worked in the past on film projects, both appear on it) and America's Most Wanted (I appeared on it). Maybe I've become too critical.
Island (Huxley), 1984 (Orwell), Huck Finn & Connecticut Yankee (Twain), Michener, Blink, Acoustical Foundations of Music, Hero of a Thousand Faces (Campbell), Touched with Fire: Manic Depressive Illness and the Artistic Temperament (Kay Jamison).
Twain, Jefferson, Franklin, DaVinci, Lennon & McCartney, Speilberg, Ron Howard, Eric Clapton