My name is Gucci and I'm a stupid cat that lives in Northeast Minneapolis. I live in an apartment with Leah and Jim, and I wake them up by meowing very stupidly at 5 am.
Then I try to nurse from their noses.
You see, I just like to nurse. I will nurse on anything that looks remotely like a nipple. Like paper and blankets!
I can never decide if I want to go in or out of the house because I'm stupid. I'm also dumb too. So don't leave a drink by the computer.... or a table... or your hand.... because I hate it when liquid is inside of a cup. OOOOOOOOOh it ticks me off, so I just knock it over like its no big deal.
I like food. AND I'M DUMB!!! So don't open or make any food or I will come get up in your face. Especially if a can of tuna is opened. I hope you like fur in your sandwich
I also like to eat important documents like paychecks, homework, and portfolios. The more important the paper is, the more I like to chew on it.
Oh, and did I mention that I'm a 500 Dollar Cat!?!?!
Maybe you guys can adopt one of my brothers or sisters or some shit
god I'm dumb.