This section is for you. I dont talk about myself too much so im leaving this up to you. Add something to this list by sending me a message. you will get a link back. appreesh.
Metal Lisa says, "Eric is one of my best friends. I love him because he has a big heart, is always down for Miller Lite, gives awesome hugs, and likes chinese buffets just as much as i do."
Donnie says, "Big E will kick the living shit out of any stage monitor. ANY...stage monitor."
Jaci says, "I love Eric and we'd make cute babies but Chris might not like that. Oh, and he likes PBR and I don't, so he thinks I'm weird. He even bought me some for my birthday. He's a great friend, who else would drive all the way from mpls to moorhead for someone's boring birthday?"
Ty says, "Big E is a huge fan of Dick in a Box."
I have lived many places, but THIS is always home.