Me, I aint got none |
Me I aint got none. Me I aint got none.Love, I got all the love in the world for you and then some more love like some big huge deep red, crimson, purple so purple in fact it’s almost black, pin... Posted by RATSACK aka Rat to the Siz Ak on Mon, 31 Mar 2008 08:42:00 PST |
Things to think about TOYS. |
Things to think about TOYS.1. Toys might be contributing towards creating and feeding desires that uphold the materialistic self destructive elements of mankind. Toys may be creating appetites that ar... Posted by RATSACK aka Rat to the Siz Ak on Sun, 30 Mar 2008 02:27:00 PST |
shop around |
And so,& now 40yrs later, here I am and no I’m not married yet, unfortunately, which kinda sux. How you gonna be 40 years old and not married yet? What? What the fuck is up with that shit? What ... Posted by RATSACK aka Rat to the Siz Ak on Sun, 30 Mar 2008 02:21:00 PST |
slangsters |
I go by the name of Rat to the Siz-Ak. Previously I’ve been known as Ratsack. My real name on my liscence is David Mitsakso it went from Mitsak to Ratsack to Rat-to-the-siz-ak, some kids at a su... Posted by RATSACK aka Rat to the Siz Ak on Sun, 30 Mar 2008 02:19:00 PST |
Community Organizing: Defintion, Purpose and Values and Strategies for Success. |
Community Organizing: Defintion, Purpose and Values and Strategies for Success. Community Organizing Definition My definition of community organizing is to bring together people from a... Posted by RATSACK aka Rat to the Siz Ak on Sat, 23 Feb 2008 02:53:00 PST |
Love Lies, Mendacity and Inveracity equally to truth. |
The following showgram does contain lies that are false and misleading statements intended to deceive for the purpose of entertainment. All characters represented herein are fictitious and any likenes... Posted by RATSACK aka Rat to the Siz Ak on Wed, 06 Feb 2008 04:41:00 PST |
Cleopatra Jones |
And one of the most mysterious question why's about our lies is why do we love to create them then turn around and hate them, Create, then hate, create then hate. It's like hating lies is like hating ... Posted by RATSACK aka Rat to the Siz Ak on Tue, 05 Feb 2008 05:24:00 PST |
Another REAL first Juneteenth is coming!!!! AGAIN! But this time it's different. Watch OUT!!! |
Hello, this news is a little late coming, but I am here to represent official sources to inform you that as of two years ago, you are all free. free? what do you mean?By free, I mean that there's no s... Posted by RATSACK aka Rat to the Siz Ak on Thu, 01 Mar 2007 04:35:00 PST |
Slavery |
YEAH and the decendants of the slaves, like allot of people, need to take freedom on up to the next level. The decendants of the slaves have come a long way, probably taken more freedom steps than any... Posted by RATSACK aka Rat to the Siz Ak on Thu, 22 Feb 2007 03:33:00 PST |
our dream (to own a home) becomes a nightmare |
Our Dream Becomes a Nightmare.I felt the same way 20years ago at age 19. I left Stanwell Park and went to the Solomon Islands and stayed with some people in a very remote village. I noticed that build... Posted by RATSACK aka Rat to the Siz Ak on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 02:22:00 PST |