RATSACK aka Rat to the Siz Ak profile picture

RATSACK aka Rat to the Siz Ak

Ratsack (A.K.A) David Mitsak - Atlanta GA USA

About Me

Hello, and welcome to my page. I have been living and vibing mostly in Atlanta since about 2000. Gave up the international corporate office stuff about that time to get more into the vibe. I had fun playing the corporate game for 10 years in Sydney Australia, San Francisco and just a year in Atlanta. Before all that I got to do a bit of adventure travelling. Hitch hiked around Australia for a year after high school. That really opened me up to all the kindness out there, and the respect for being adventurous. People really respected me for being adventurous and treated me so well. At age 19, I lived in the Solomon Islands in a remote jungle island village with tribal indigenous family and community for 3 months. Here I was showered with the most amazing sense of generosity that one can imagine. I can still feel the power of those people, the deepest, blackest darkest nights and twinkling stars shining down and reflecting in the water, literally twinkling to the rhythm of the jungle insect nightlife. I was awestruck by the home made homes and houses weaved together out of jungle materials as a community project work of art. At age 21 I got to go to Thailand and study Tai Chi and Chi Kung for three months. Got to see India, also Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, China for short stays. After the travelling I started working and saved up a deposit to buy a little apartment in Bondi Beach and renovated it to my liking, tore up the carpet and sanded the wooden floors and coated with natural non toxic oils - the kind they use in Europe and Asia to preserve wood into antiquity. mmmm it smelled and felt so good and looked nice too. Built a little loft bed, new kitchen and got to enjoy it for about a year. While in Atlanta, through Alternate Roots.org, I recently got to spend 3 months in Mexico part of which was with indigenous people in Chiapas in the south. They were so kind and cool. They are so open to sharing their land, which is full of pastures, jungles and fresh water jungle river. We have so much to learn from the indigenous people. I want to spend more time in these kinds of environments and be able to invite others to share in the experience. I'm learning about the ancient village design principles which is simply clustering people together in high density so that surrounding/adjoining land can be preserved for food production, wildlife and common open areas to socialize. Then within this larger village concept/reality, people are organized again into smaller neighborhood units that share a shared commonhouse structure for gatherings. A neighborhood is a smaller unit that enables everyone to know each other and be able to function as a close-knit unit. Several or more neighborhoods make up a community. Many communities can still make up a village, that is surrounded by plenty of food production in direct proximity. I want to start creating such places starting with one, starting with artists who can pave the way for others to see the light.Over the last 8 years I have created material that I have put together into a performance show of silly theatrical spoken word with music. This has been fun and this journey has allowed me access to all kinds of places filled with creativity and good vibes. This journey has included being featured on national American TV-HBO’s Def Poetry Jam (and the DVD’s of this show that are sold in stores), local Atlanta TV, various nightclubs, colleges, universities, high schools, elementary schools,fairs, fund raisers, festivals and festivities such as Martin Luther King Day celebrations, and other public and private events. I have been able to share the stage with countless underground spoken word artists such as Tony Award Winner Tamika Georgia Me, and several respected celebrities of other genres including Academy Award winner Jamie Fox,Grammy Award nominee India Arie, Tony Award winning actor Phylicia Rashad legendary soul artist and 7 times Grammy Award winner Gladys Knight, Emmy Award nominee comedian Dave Chappell and Hip Hop artists such as Grammy Award winner Kanye West, Mos Def, Common and Talib Kweli. During this time, I have been part of this community of artists in Atlanta who seem to have a shared commitment to the struggle of making positive changes to their communities, which has been a great inspiration and fertile learning ground.Since being in Atlanta I have been developing my festive earthen building events manual, a teambuilding program that is designed to strengthen community and revive festive earthen building methods such as cob, adobe, rammed earth. www.yeamerica.org/febe I've done events with communities in Atlanta, Mexico and my home town Stanwell Park in Australia.for the last 20 years I have been studying, practicing and teaching the meditation and exercise system of Master Mantak Chia www.universaltao.com This includes the darkroom enlightenment technology - to open up dormant parts of the brain as part of the journey to prepare for death and return to our source.I have a daughter who lives with her mother and two brothers and grandma in East Orange New Jersey. I enjoy visiting when I make the time.

My Interests

meditation, natural building, performing, audiences, the ocean, nature, fresh food cooking, eating, community organizing, village design principles, building and developing sustainable villages for future generations, dark room enlightenment technology, the science of festivals

I'd like to meet:

people who are into learning about/making positive changes to community, creativity, meditation, preparing for death, creating sustainable villages, and everyone else too.


music is good. I would like to have drummers and music makers create rhythmn to work to when doing community adobe construction I also want to work with musicians to bring to life my performance pieces. This has been done before and I always want to do it more.


I would like to make a movie about Darkroom Enlightenment Technology - the benefits of spending extended periods of time in total darkness. Last year I spent 9 days and this year I want to do 14 days. This is the perfect chamber for opening dormant parts of the brain.I would also like to make a movie about building with unfired, sun-dried clay mixtures.


In my 40yrs of life on planet earth I have only lived with one for days that collectively add up to less than a year. I've watched some shows I have enjoyed.


all of Mantak Chia's books, My Way of the White Clouds (discourses of Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh a.k.a. Osho Daniel Quinn, Beyond Civilization


Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh a.k.a. Osho, Master Mantak Chia, Will Smith.

My Blog

Me, I aint got none

Me I aint got none. Me I aint got none.Love, I got all the love in the world for you and then some more love like some big huge deep red, crimson, purple so purple in fact it’s almost black, pin...
Posted by RATSACK aka Rat to the Siz Ak on Mon, 31 Mar 2008 08:42:00 PST

Things to think about TOYS.

Things to think about TOYS.1. Toys might be contributing towards creating and feeding desires that uphold the materialistic self destructive elements of mankind. Toys may be creating appetites that ar...
Posted by RATSACK aka Rat to the Siz Ak on Sun, 30 Mar 2008 02:27:00 PST

shop around

And so,& now 40yrs later, here I am and no I’m not married yet, unfortunately, which kinda sux. How you gonna be 40 years old and not married yet? What? What the fuck is up with that shit? What ...
Posted by RATSACK aka Rat to the Siz Ak on Sun, 30 Mar 2008 02:21:00 PST


I go by the name of Rat to the Siz-Ak. Previously I’ve been known as Ratsack. My real name on my liscence is David Mitsakso it went from Mitsak to Ratsack to Rat-to-the-siz-ak, some kids at a su...
Posted by RATSACK aka Rat to the Siz Ak on Sun, 30 Mar 2008 02:19:00 PST

Community Organizing: Defintion, Purpose and Values and Strategies for Success.

Community Organizing: Defintion, Purpose and Values and Strategies for Success.  Community Organizing Definition  My definition of community organizing is to bring together people from a...
Posted by RATSACK aka Rat to the Siz Ak on Sat, 23 Feb 2008 02:53:00 PST

Love Lies, Mendacity and Inveracity equally to truth.

The following showgram does contain lies that are false and misleading statements intended to deceive for the purpose of entertainment. All characters represented herein are fictitious and any likenes...
Posted by RATSACK aka Rat to the Siz Ak on Wed, 06 Feb 2008 04:41:00 PST

Cleopatra Jones

And one of the most mysterious question why's about our lies is why do we love to create them then turn around and hate them, Create, then hate, create then hate. It's like hating lies is like hating ...
Posted by RATSACK aka Rat to the Siz Ak on Tue, 05 Feb 2008 05:24:00 PST

Another REAL first Juneteenth is coming!!!! AGAIN! But this time it's different. Watch OUT!!!

Hello, this news is a little late coming, but I am here to represent official sources to inform you that as of two years ago, you are all free. free? what do you mean?By free, I mean that there's no s...
Posted by RATSACK aka Rat to the Siz Ak on Thu, 01 Mar 2007 04:35:00 PST


YEAH and the decendants of the slaves, like allot of people, need to take freedom on up to the next level. The decendants of the slaves have come a long way, probably taken more freedom steps than any...
Posted by RATSACK aka Rat to the Siz Ak on Thu, 22 Feb 2007 03:33:00 PST

our dream (to own a home) becomes a nightmare

Our Dream Becomes a Nightmare.I felt the same way 20years ago at age 19. I left Stanwell Park and went to the Solomon Islands and stayed with some people in a very remote village. I noticed that build...
Posted by RATSACK aka Rat to the Siz Ak on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 02:22:00 PST