Peter pan,staying fresh ta def,dip-set all day everyday demclick, howwie,spicy chicken from wendys,J-T,the beatles,andy c,friction & I also love that one krazy little monster -jared.air max lights and air max 1's or 90's, black jeans cuz blue jeans are horrible (with the exception of dark blue denim), work when I don't hate everybody!sports, sports are fun.strippers,pornstars,dubplates,hot wings with a cold "G", yardhouse happy hour,red bull, iced white mocha 3 pumps
Looking for a rich lady who can support me! I'm tired of working so this is to all you fine looking ladys with a bunch of doe-whats really good? Or if not ill take a fucked up chick like britney spears, cuz she is crazy and I bet when she is in love with a dude she buys him a bunch of cool shit. Like toys and video games and dvd's and shoes and clothes britney this is my cry out to you. I need you (well let's be honest I just need your money) brit where are you????? Why haven't you contacted me I miss you baby....
EVERY SINGLE DJ/PRODUCER/MC on my friend list! I love drum n bass. This month is a toss up between A-C mix in NY or Logistics DOA mix and I can't rule out original sin's pyro mix two hours almost of jump up business to shake your booty to....
anna nicole exposed-best comedy ever
drawned 2gether,reno,scrubsarrested,the soup,best week ever and saved by the bell,dexter-its my new favorite show and the best show on tv!bad girls club my new favorite show, sportscenter,around the horn (love woddy),pti
micheal j fox best actor ever I wish he could still act because he made the best movies ever!