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About Me

Well, according to my ex people get "physically ill" when I enter a room. Halfwits call me "egotistical" as if it's a bad thing. I find it amusing how people claiming to reject Christian fundamentals can fault me for shedding the Christian yoke of dogmatic humility and embracing individual accountability. They confuse "ego" with "determination" and "objectivism." It turns out the world does revolve around me because the moment my heart ceases to beat reality ceases to exist. Have faith in a silly after-life all you want, I know my time is finite.
Wanna know more? Read my fucking blog. I'm a fiction writer. That's the only thing I post that matters on here. Otherwise I keep in touch with old friends.
I can eat more buffalo wings than anyone else, without getting even a drop of orange stuff on my face. Once ate 56 pieces of sushi at Ichiban and only stopped because I had plans to drink heavily in a few hours. One fine day I will break the 75 mark. I can punch stuff incredibly hard. I wrote the unproduced script for the third instillation of the critically acclaimed Bill & Ted series, "Bill & Ted's Triumphant Return," Spend way, way, way too much time watching, studying, and listening to radio shows about MMA. I probably spend more than 12 hours a week in the gym. I like me some jiu-jitsu and submission wrestling. I have never even considered downloading a ringtone, I don't think rap is music unless it is NWA, and please DO NOT message me with some trite bullshit about my tattoos. I don't care if you think they are hot, I don't care if you like them, in fact I would prefer that you didn't. I'd prefer that all your poser weekend warrior executive Harley riding johnny-come-lately got yours lasered off so people who wanted this stereotype can have it back. That you drug your children out of my way when I walked past and worried I might be on drugs or attempting to mug you, because we ain't the same just because you have some retarded coi fish or tribal scratch and don't forget it. In fact I might invest in a laser removal machine so that every hour of my life spent at work meant something near and dear to me: wringing the mainstream piss out of the underground. Oh, and I think puppies are the best.
Below is my silhouette between Mandy and Diana, we never even got a poster.
Stuff I like:
Twin Cities Skins & Punks
Action Squad: Urban Adventures
Lowriders by Summers (my old shop)
Premade Layouts

My Interests

Black market organ harvesting.

I'd like to meet:

A champion risen from the ashes of rock to destroy emo, wipe out the corporate music machine, and return punk to the kids.
People with underbites and other werewolf enthusiasts. Rich old mummies that need a fine young thang (me) to will their fortunes to. Someone who looks exactly like me so I can play "dress up." A reliable work-out partner.

Someone who can discuss the books and movies I find interesting until we're exhausted. Creative consultant for my writing. Free food.


If they didn't sell their soul to the Devil for it I ain't interested.


I illegally download everything because Hollywood keeps screwing me over. If a film deserves both my time and money I'll buy the DVD. Therefore it has EARNED my contribution rather than fooled me into shelling out with misleading advertisement, which is called FRAUD. I have zero faith in the industry controlled "reviews." Most of the crap they're releasing now deserves either my time or my money (if either! and I refuse to blindly hand over both. Need an example? People exhibit A: Lady In The Water. The way I see it Shamylan owes me, and everyone else, for my time on that one. So F the RIAA!!!


Television size is truly the measure of a man. Mine is 52", half the size of my bicep.


You ever heard of the Bible? Yeah? Well fuck you.Chuck Palahniuk convinced me that I should follow my dreams, Brett Easton Ellis blows my mind, J.D. Salinger showed me that I am neither unique nor alone because the problem is as much within as it is without, Camus made me realize that the battle between the individual and society is a complicated matter of fear and groupthink with an objective morality, Kerouac is the only person I've read that knows friendship IS regret for all the things we cannot live up to yet hold ourselves accountable for, O.J. Simpson proved that the truth doesn't matter as long as the words are entertaining, and a slew of others proved to me that if their half-baked philosophies and one dimensional characters can get published mine should buy me an in-ground pool and a Lamborghini to crash into it high on blow.


Eric Cartman, Indiana Jones, Sonny Barger, Evil Knivel, Tyler Durden, Wolverine, Phineas Gage,

My Blog

Some romanticism

Thou shall believe repetition equates virtue. That property is next to Godliness. That the pursuit of relative dominance will yield legitimate fulfillment. That there is no other option. Thou sha...
Posted by Daego on Tue, 04 Mar 2008 12:15:00 PST

American Fur Pie: Part 2

I'll admit up front that I was in a hurry to post this. I've been conceptualizing it since the last portion was unveiled. I really, really UNDERSATND story telling. I can reverse engineer National Boo...
Posted by Daego on Tue, 18 Dec 2007 01:22:00 PST

American Fur Pie: Part 1

PARENTAL ADVISORY. EXPLICIT CONTENT!!!! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.Ooooooh this is a good one. I'm particularly proud of this little fucker. This here is about 3,500 words so it will be posted in two parts,...
Posted by Daego on Tue, 04 Dec 2007 11:25:00 PST


There's a certain beauty to being someone no one REALLY likes all that much. And this beauty is I could give a fuck less if I offend people. Freedoms just another word... right? So here's a little som...
Posted by Daego on Wed, 31 Oct 2007 10:15:00 PST

Baby, Im back!

There are certainly different levels of depression, very alegorical to Dante's Inferno in that respect, and while few will argue that creativity flourishes as a virtue of torment I have found that eve...
Posted by Daego on Wed, 17 Oct 2007 09:47:00 PST


I wtote portions of this and a good friend who never ceases to amaze me with her literary skills wrote the better portion because she is better than me and I humbly admit it. I would give due credit b...
Posted by Daego on Wed, 10 Oct 2007 09:15:00 PST

I get by.

As a youth my first memories are of alienation and feelings of resentment as whatever the hazy connection that grouped other children together escaped me and resulted in friendlessness. On campus toda...
Posted by Daego on Mon, 24 Sep 2007 09:02:00 PST

Food For Thought

Someone said a lot of terrible tihngs about me recently. Deep, hurtful things that would have struck hard were there a grain of truth to them. I'm not sure what's worse, that this person believed thes...
Posted by Daego on Mon, 17 Sep 2007 10:46:00 PST


Heading toward the lights of downtown our car is corralled alongside everyone else, spilling into the mess where several major streets merge from Uptown into a single one-way mega-street that forces e...
Posted by Daego on Thu, 02 Aug 2007 02:03:00 PST


"... a jacuzzi, some midshelf vodka, a fairly amiable puppy, and whatever lies I need to include so that you two retarded bitches will follow us home where I plan to dope you both and play "operation"...
Posted by Daego on Fri, 29 Jun 2007 02:05:00 PST