Postcard From The Shit Storm profile picture

Postcard From The Shit Storm

salting the smoothie

About Me

SCULLY: It's the truth or a white whale. What difference does it make? I mean, both obsessions are impossible to capture, and trying to do so will only leave you dead along with everyone else you bring with you. You know Mulder, you are Ahab.

MULDER: You know, its interesting you should say that, because I've always wanted a peg leg. It's a boyhood thing I never grew out of. I'm not being flippant, I've given this a lot of thought. I mean. if you have a peg leg or hooks for hands then maybe its enough to simply keep on living. You know, braving facing life with your disability. But without these things you're actually meant to make something of your life, achieve something, earn a raise, wear a necktie. So if anything I'm actually the antithesis of Ahab, because if I did have a peg leg I'd quite possibly be more happy and more content not to be chasing after these creatures of the unknown.

my aol screen name is orez630... thats probably your best bet to find me.

i'm ghost like swayze"fuck you bitch, i got cheeseburgers"

My Interests

johnny thunders l.a.m.f. 70's punk/glam 80's post punk/hardcore the black dahlia thelma todd old crime stories coca-cola in a glass bottle music cardigans frances farmer barbara payton local shows social anxiety not living in indiana olive thomas film art canvas shoes my friends drawing vinyl records 1920's hollywood california olde english 800 sailor jerry rum star 80 tea social revolutions bernhard goetz kristen pfaff not capitalizing letters vigilantes DELUXE!

I'd like to meet:

elizabeth short. kristen pfaff.

johnny thunders.


3 inches of blood. 45 grave. 7seconds. 88 fingers louie. adam ant. afi. against all authority. articles of faith. at the drive in. bad religion. bauhaus. beastie boys. billy joel. black flag. black sabbath. blondie. brain dead. choking victim. circle jerks. common rider. danzig. darkbuster. david bowie. dead boys. dead kennedys. depeche mode. descendents. destrukters. devo. doube agent. duane peters. duran duran. faith no more. fiona apple. flogging molly. green day. green river. hole. horrorpops. iron maiden. izzy stradlin. johnny thunders. joy division. koffin kats. lars fredrickson. mad sin. mc5. minor threat. misfits. motley crue. mr. bungle. murder city devils. nekromantix. new york dolls. nikki sudden. operation ivy. PiL. pinhead gunpowder. plasmatics. ramones. rancid. richard hell. riverboat gamblers. samhain. second to last. sex pistols. siouxsie. sisters of mercy. slayer. social distortion. squared off. television. the adolescents. the aquabats. the beatles. the buzzcocks. the clash. the cramps. the cure. the damned. the distillers. the exploding hearts. the falcon. the germs. the gits. the hollies. the jam. the jerkoffs. the lawrence arms. the mars volta. the only ones. the queers. the slits. the smiths. the stitches. the stooges. the strokes. the vibrators. tiger army. time again. t. rex. t.s.o.l. toy dolls. turbonegro. velvet underground. X.


vincent price films. johnny depp films. tim burton films. old horror films. true horror/crime films. killer tomatos films. dead and buried. nightmare on elm st. rules of attraction. creepshow. dark crystal. fight club.


pete and pete. the munsters. x files. the addams family. dead like me. greg the bunny. the lone gunmen. 21 jumpstreet. wonderfalls.


please kill me. lobotomy. junky. in cold blood. hollywood babylon. severed. black dahlia files. choke. the black dahlia avenger. lost hollywood. in search of the green river killer. rules of attraction. american psycho.


Steve Cheak

"autopsy said he only had one beer. how many have you had?" "four" "you're dead man. you're so dead."

My Blog

drawings and doodles late 2004 to early 2006

i decided to take a few pictures of some of the work i had to do for drawing and design classes, or just stuff i drew out of boredom. not the best quality pictures though."here name is rio and she dan...
Posted by Postcard From The Shit Storm on Sun, 24 Dec 2006 08:49:00 PST

about me survey.... totally lame.

TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF - The SurveyName:scott.Birthday:1.16.84Birthplace:mishawaka.Curren t Location:eye of the shit stormEye Color:blueHair Color:blackHeight:6'Right Handed or Left Handed:rightYour He...
Posted by Postcard From The Shit Storm on Thu, 21 Sep 2006 10:58:00 PST

high fidelity, but better...

so the cd player in my car is broke and i am about to go crazy with the radio. the good news however, is that i have been listening to a lot more music at home. so here are 25 songs that have been hit...
Posted by Postcard From The Shit Storm on Fri, 07 Apr 2006 03:28:00 PST

I want to be EMO!

so that i can.... -date shallow girls. -be depressed. -look like an absolute idiot. -wear my sisters clothes and make-up. -learn to scream about how much my life sucks. -have no idea what talent is. -...
Posted by Postcard From The Shit Storm on Mon, 09 Jan 2006 09:07:00 PST

I Should Smack You...

i got bored so, here is a list of my current pet peeves: -people who bastardize spelling, example: with you/wit chu... they teach grammar and spelling in school for a reason -pEoPlE wHo TyPe LiKe ThI...
Posted by Postcard From The Shit Storm on Sun, 11 Dec 2005 09:39:00 PST

I'm not crazy!

Sometimes I try to do things and it just doesn't work out the way I want it to. I get real frustrated and like, I try hard to do it and I take my time and it doesn't work out the way I want it to. ...
Posted by Postcard From The Shit Storm on Thu, 08 Dec 2005 03:11:00 PST

Halloween 2K5

so i went down to indy for halloween yet didnt have a costume, so i used my slim figure and got creative... i transformed into a junkie...  and the close up of my arm.... good times, good times...
Posted by Postcard From The Shit Storm on Fri, 25 Nov 2005 09:02:00 PST

I have goals?!?! WTF, mate?

huzzah! so yeah i just had a revelation of sorts. i absolutely hate my job more than ever, and it used to be that i hated it, but my friends there made it seem not so bad.... well guess what, not any...
Posted by Postcard From The Shit Storm on Sun, 06 Nov 2005 11:09:00 PST

adventures in the bend

so you know, my saturday nights usually arent too eventful.  i ended up going to best buy looking for this documentary i once saw there. my search was unsuccessful, and when i walked out, some dr...
Posted by Postcard From The Shit Storm on Sun, 02 Oct 2005 11:21:00 PST

fuck hardcore...

ok... i normally don't rant... but here i go.  just a note, i dont have anything against anyone who is into 'hardcore' or straight edge. this just is annoying me right now because i see all these...
Posted by Postcard From The Shit Storm on Mon, 22 Aug 2005 12:23:00 PST