Our CD is for sell !!
Yes its here at long last. The debut album by the Glitzy BagHags!!! Think of the finest westcountry cheese being grated on a 24 carrott gold cheese grater. Think technicoloured polka dots, physcedelic luminesant amplitudes of frequencies and this is what we've got for you.
13 tracks of sheer ejaculaic joy. With tracks including our homage to the legend that is David Hasselhoff, Ebay and that rave classic Super Sharp Shooter. Its got it all and more! This is available to you our lovely people for the sum of £10.
This is three years in the making, after playing in muddy fields/tents, back of a ford escort (it's true - see shambala tv diary 2005), hippy comunes and stately homes!?! We have refined and condensed our turbo-skiffle-gypsy-punk-pop-jazz sound into this cd for your tender ears. (GBH to the ears!!)
and here
please join our mailing list at www.glitzybaghags.co.uk !!